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26 bytes adicionados ,  20h31min de 14 de setembro de 2012
Quando o clima piora, Verão encontra uma caverna onde eles encontram um homem da montanha (Bran acha que ele é um [[Casa Liddle|Liddle]]), que divide sua comida com eles. Quando eles perguntam se deveriam pegar a [[Estrada do Rei]], o homem da montanha diz a eles que esse caminho é muito perigoso para viajantes. Agora lá há [[Casa Bolton|homens esfolados]] e homens mortos. Ele conta a eles que [[Jeor Mormont|o Urso]] disappeared north of the [[Muralha]] with most of his men and that his [[Patrulha da Noite]] had returned with no messages. He says things were different when there was a Stark in Winterfell. Jojen tells him that the wolves will return. In the morning the man is gone, but he left some food for them. {{Ref|aSoS|24}}
When Quando Jojen tells diz a Bran that que Hodor likes it when somebody says his namegosta quando falam o nome dele, Bran tells them that that his real name is Walder and he is conta a eles que o nome verdadeiro de Hodor e ele é uma progenia distante da [[Velha Ama]] distant progeny. He asks if they think the Ele pergunta se eles acham que os [[homens de ferro]] killed elaa mataram. Meera states that it was not afirma que não foi Theon Greyjoy who did the killing because too many of the dead were quem causou a matança, pois muitos dos mortos eram nascidos do ferro. Meera tells him to remember diz a ele para sempre lembrar das histórias da Velha Ama’s stories so part Ama, para que uma parte dela would be alive in himficasse viva nele.
As they move on, Bran tells the Reeds that both he and Hodor like stories about knights. Meera then proceeds to tell a story about the [[Cavaleiro da Árvore que Ri]] no Ano da Falsa Primavera. It starts out when a young cranogmano who knew many magics of his people (likely [[Howland Reed]], Meera's father) traveled to visit the [[Ilha das Caras]] and stayed there for a winter. In the year of the false spring, he leaves and comes upon [[Harrenhal|um grande castelo]] where [[Torneio de Harrenhal|um grande torneio]] is taking place. He runs into three squires who start a fight with him. A two-legged [[Lyanna Stark|loba]] rescued the cranogmano, attacking the squires and running them off with a tourney sword. She then takes him back to her lair. She insists the lad attend the tourney feast as he has a rightful place at the table. At the feast, he sees the squires with their knights. He is offered the chance to take the squires on in the joust, but the little cranogmano declines, since eles are not trained for jousting and he would most likely lose. Late on the second day, however, a short mystery knight in ill-fitting armor appears and defeats the squires served - [[Casa Haigh|o cavaleiro forquilha]], [[Casa Blount|o cavaleiro porco-espinho]], e [[Casa Frey|o cavaleiro das duas torres]]. To ransom their horses and armor, the mystery knight, in a booming voice, only requires the knights to teach their squires honor. The knight then disappeared from the lists, leading the king to send his own son, [[Rhaegar Targaryen|príncipe-dragão]], to search for the Cavaleiro da Árvore que Ri. The next day, all that was found of the mystery knight was the knight's shield painted with a heart tree with a laughing red face. Meera concludes the story by saying o príncipe-dragão went on to win the tourney. {{Ref|aSoS|24}}


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