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===''O Festim dos Corvos''===
===''O Festim dos Corvos''===
After Lysa's death Sansa becomes the de facto mistress of the Eyrie, comforting her sickly young cousin Lord [[Robert Arryn|Robert]] while being tutored by Lord Baelish in some of the finer points of courtly intrigue. When [[Lyn Corbray]] draws his sword during a parlay between Petyr and the [[Lordes Declarantes]], and Baelish leverages the breach of etiquette to demand a trial period of regency over the little Lord Robert, Sansa correctly surmises that Corbray is under Baelish's employ, which Baelish confirms. Petyr reveals his plans to Sansa for eventual marriage to the Arryn heir after Robert, [[Harrold Hardyng]], and an eventual plan to reveal her true identity and to reclaim Winterfell in her name.
Após a morte de Lysa, Sansa torna-se senhora do Vale, confortando seu primo jovem e doente doente, Lorde [[Robert Arryn|Robert]] enquanto é ensinada por Lorde Baelish em alguns dos pontos mais delicados da intriga da corte. Quando [[Lyn Corbray]] desembainha sua espada durante um parlamento entre Petyr e os [[Lordes Declarantes]], e Baelish aproveita a quebra de etiqueta para exigir um período de experiência de regência sobre o pequeno Lorde Robert, Sansa corretamente suspeita de que Corbray foi empregado por Baelish, o que Petyr confirma. Petyr revela seus planos de casar Sansa com o herdeiro do Vale depois de Robert, [[Harold Hardyng]], e um eventual plano de revelar sua identidade verdadeira e reclamar Winterfell em seu nome.

Edição das 20h24min de 15 de setembro de 2012

Sansa Stark
Artwork por Anja Dalisa ©
Pseudônimo(s) Pequeno Passarinho
Alayne Stone
Senhora Lannister
Título(s) Princesa de Winterfell
Lealdade Casa Stark
Casa Baelish de Harrenhal (como Alayne)
Cultura Nortenha
Nascimento Predefinição:Date, em Winterfell
Esposa(o) Tyrion Lannister
Livro(s) A Guerra dos Tronos (PDV)
A Fúria dos Reis (PDV)
A Tormenta de Espadas (PDV)
O Festim dos Corvos (PDV)
A Dança dos Dragões (Mencionado)

GoT Logo.jpg
Intérprete Sophie Turner
Aparições Primeira Temporada | Segunda Temporada | Terceira Temporada
Sansa na Série da HBO, interpretada por Sophie Turner .
Sansa e seu príncipe charmoso, Joffrey.
Sansa implorando pela vida de seu pai, ganhando "misericórdia.

Sansa Stark é a filha mais velha de Catelyn e Eddard Stark. Ela tem três irmãos (Robb, Bran e Rickon, e uma irmã mais nova, Arya. Sansa Stark é uma das personagens PDV principais dos livros. Na Série de TV, ela é interpretada pela Sophie Turner.

Aparência e Personalidade

Sansa é tradicionalmente bonita, puxando a família de sua mãe (os Tullys com suas grandes maçãs do rosto, olhos azuis vívidos e cabelos ruivos espessos. Ele tem onze anos no começo dos livros. Já crescida, ela é descrita como alta, elegante e feminina.[1]

Sansa foi criada para ser uma dama, e possuis as tradicionais graças femininas de seu meio, com um interesse especial em música, poesia, cantoria, dança, bordado, e outras atividades tradicionais femininas. Como várias garotas de sua idade, Sansa é encantada por cantos e histórias de romance e aventura, principalmente aquelas como princesas belas, cavaleiros honráveis, cavalheirismo, e amor.[1] Inicialmente, essas canções e histórias eram a visão de Sansa sobre o mundo além de Winterfell, um mundo que ela deseja desesperadamente conhecer, mas depois ela foi desiludida de suas noções românticas inocentes.

A relação de Sansa com sua irmão Arya é geralmente tensa, e as duas são opostas na maioria dos aspectos. Ela foi brevemente acompanhada por uma filhote de lobo gigante chamada de Lady. Ela gosta de tortas de limão.


Sansa é a filha mais velha e a segunda criança da Senhora Catelyn e do Lorde Eddard Stark, chefe da Casa Stark e Guardião do Norte. Ele nasceu e foi criada em Winterfell. Aos onze anos, ela aprende seus deveres como uma filha nobre e é ensinada pela septã Mordane nas artes tradicionais femininas. Sansa tem uma irmão mais nova, chamada Arya. Ela tem um irmão mais novo, Robb, e dois irmãos mais novos, Bran e Rickon. Ela tem um meio-irmão bastardo, Jon Snow.

Eventos Recentes

A Guerra dos Tronos

Com o apontamento de seu pai como Mão do Rei, Sansa fica maravilha com expectativa de vida na corte em Porto Real e está feliz pelo seu noivado com o lindo PríncipeJoffrey. Em sua viagem até a capital, corteja Sansa pela insistência de sua mãe. Os dois estão andando juntos quando eles encontram sua irmã Arya brincando de espadas com um garoto chamado Mycah. Joffrey desembainha sua espada e ameaça Mycah, mas Arya luta com ele; sua loba giganteNymeria desarma-o e o machuca superficialmente.[2] Mais tarde contando o fato parao Rei Robert, Arya conta a verdade enquanto Joffrey mente, dizendo que Mycha, Arya, e Nymeria o atacaram ele, sem nenhuma provocação. Sansa, desejando não trair seu futuro marido, mente, e se recusa a confirmar nenhuma das histórias, afirmando que não se relembra. Cersei Lannister usa a oportunidade para insisistir que o lobo gigante que atacou seu filho precisa ser morto. Arya, tendo antecipado isso, fez com que Nymeria fugisse; e como resultado, para amenizar a rainha, a loba gigante de Sansa, Lady, é morta.[3]

Em Porto Real, briga com sua irmão, colocando a maior culpa em Arya pela morte de sua loba gigante. Ela continua apaixonada por Joffrey, em grande parte com vista para seus balanços de modo violento, e desenvolve uma relação próxima com a Rainha Cersei também. Indo ao Torneio de celebração do apontamento de seu pai como Mão, ela tem muitas de suas noções de cavalheirismo e o valor dos cavaleiros reforça, vendo os eventos como digno de uma de suas histórias favoritas. Ela desenvolve uma paixão por Loras Tyrell, o Cavaleiro das Flores; quando ele lhe dá uma bela rosa vermelha, ela está certa de que vive em uma canção romântica[4].

Após o pai descobrir a verdade sobre os pais de Joffrey e dizer as suas filhas que ele está retornando elas até Winterfell, Sansa, de forma desafiadora, corre para a Rainha e diz para ela os planos de seu pai, alegando que ela talvez pudesse ser permitida ficar e se casar com Joffrey. Ao fazer isso involuntariamente, ajuda Cersei no plano contra seu pai.[5][6] Após a prisão de Lorde Eddard, Sansa é forçada a chamar seu pai de traidor. Ela implora na frente do rei e dos seus guardas por misericórdia. Joffrey, agora rei após a morte de Robert, promete ser misericordioso, mas nas escadas do Septo de Baelor ele ordena a execução de Eddard enquanto Sansa observava sem fazer nada.

Mesmo apés Ned ser decaptado, Cersei declara que Joffrey deveria ainda ser casado com Sansa após sua floração. Sansa, agora horrorizada com a perspectiva e só querer voltar para casa, no entanto, não tem escolha a não ser permanecer em Porto Real durante a deterioração da situação, como refém, e denunciar o pai e o irmão como traidores

A Fúria dos Reis

Now effectively a hostage in the Red Keep, Sansa armors herself in her lady's courtesies as she dutifully goes through the motions of denouncing her family as traitors and pleading to them for peace. Joffrey frequently orders her to be beaten by his Kingsguard as punishment for actions taken by her brother Robb in his rebellion. On one occasion he orders her to be stripped naked at court, and on another he shows her her father's head, which has been placed on a spike on the Fortaleza Vermelha. This prompts her to consider an attempt to kill him, but the action is prevented by Sandor Clegane, who sees her intention and subtly stops her.

At a tourney celebrating Joffrey's name day, at which there is only a small crowd and few competitors, she realises she has lost her romantic notions about knightly and courtly love. At the tourney, a knight by the name of Ser Dontos Hollard disgraces himself by showing up too drunk to compete. Joffrey decides that he should be killed, causing a horrified Sansa to thoughtlessly speak out. Before Joffrey can lash out at her for contradicting him, Sansa makes up a convincing lie which Sandor Clegane backs up; Sansa also pleads successfully with the king to spare Dontos. A placated Joffrey instead merely strips him of his knighthood and makes him a court fool, as Sansa suggested.[7]

Tyrion Lannister treats her with surprising kindness, and his arrival in the city and assumption of the position of acting Hand of the King sees an end to the more overt abuses directed at Sansa. Sansa also develops a unique relationship with Sandor, who despite his brusque words and hideous demeanor treats her gently and refuses to beat her at Joffrey's command. He privately mocks her for her naive nature but also displays sympathy for her predicament. Sandor saves her life during the Tumulto de Porto Real. Tyrion panics when he thinks she has been lost during the rioting, when her sworn shield abandons her to save himself.

One night Sansa finds a note in her room, directing her to come to the godswood if she wants to go home. It is from Dontos, who promises that a plan is in place to free her from the Lannisters and bring her to Winterfell. Wary of a trap, she nevertheless agrees to Dontos's promise, who in turn counsels patience and perseverance.[8] Feigning a newfound piety to the Old Gods, Sansa makes frequent trips to the Godswood to meet with Dontos, at first seeing him as a gallant rescuer who seeks redemption for the shame he brought upon himself, though she eventually comes to doubt his competence.

As Stannis Baratheon's army approached the city, Sansa experienced her first flowering, making her officially a woman.[9] During the Battle of the Blackwater Sansa takes refuge with many of the other ladies of the court in the Grande Septo de Baelor, where she remains strong and attempts to calm many of the other frightened women, despite the bitter and cynical words of a drunk Cersei, who spends her time there by snipping at Sansa and the other attendant ladies before storming out. After the battle, Sandor Clegane, who had been broken during the fighting, drunkenly offers to take Sansa with him as he flees the city. She refuses, and he makes her sing for him at knifepoint. [10] Later on, Sansa remembers something else happening.

After the Lannister victory, it is announced that Sansa's betrothal to Joffrey is at an end, for the Crown's alliance with Casa Tyrell includes a marriage pact between Joffrey and Margaery Tyrell. Joffrey assures her that he will still get to have her sexually, stating as a king can take whomever he wants to bed. Sansa remains in King's Landing, still a hostage to the Lannisters; Dontos assures her that the plan to get her home is still in place after the wedding, giving her a hairnet adorned with purple amethysts.[11]

A Tormenta de Espadas

O casamento de Sansa com o Duende.
Sansa como Alayne Stone nos jardins do Vale. Arte por Akizhao.

Sansa is asked to sup with Margaery Tyrell and her grandmother Olenna Redwyne. She is escorted to dinner by Loras who takes her breath away with his beauty and compliments. She refers back to the rose he gave her at the tourney in honour of her father, but he appears to have forgotten her and the rose. She tries to draw out further small talk, inadvertently offending Loras by saying it must be hard for his sister that Renly died, not realising that they were lovers. Loras leaves her at the dinner, where she is warmly welcomed by the Tyrell women. Over dinner, Olenna tries to find out more about Joffery; with some coaxing and the arrangement of a distraction to prevent any spies from overhearing, Sansa confesses to them that Joffrey is a monster and begs Margaery not to marry him. Margaery insists that she will be safe with her brother Loras's addition to the Kingsguard, and brushes off the concerns. The Tyrell women raise the possibility of Sansa being freed from King's Landing and taken to Highgarden to be married to the Tyrell heir Willas. Willis is crippled, but kind, intelligent, and capable. Sansa readily agrees, anxious to be free of the Lannisters, and becomes friends with Margaery for a time.[12]

She shares with Dontos the Tyrell plot, and Dontos advises her against it, fearfully noting that the Tyrells are not as gentle as they seem. Sansa, frustrated with the apparent lack of progress in Dontos's own supposed plans, disregards his warnings. However, he tells his employer Petyr Baelish of the plot, who in turn informs the Lannisters. Not wishing to lose their hostage, Tywin Lannister acts quickly to marry Sansa to Tyrion Lannister against the wishes of both parties. Sansa, now thirteen, does her best to hide her feelings toward her disfigured dwarf husband, remaining courteous to him despite her disgust with his physical appearance. Tyrion does not require that she consummate the marriage, for which Sansa is grateful, particularly after learning of her brother and mother's death at the Red Wedding.

Dontos insists that Sansa wear the hairnet he gave to her earlier to the wedding between Joffrey and Margaery, which she does. When Joffrey chokes and dies at the wedding feast, Sansa flees and meets with Dontos. He escorts her to a boat that takes her to a ship, where Petyr Baelish greets her. Baelish explains to Sansa that Joffrey's death was due to a poison that had been smuggled into the feast ,disguised as of one of the amethysts on her hairnet, and shares with Sansa some of the details of the plot between himself and Oleanna Redwyne to kill Joffrey. Littlefinger also has Dontos killed and dumped overboard, explaining that while he had played his part well, a drunk such as Dontos could never be entrusted to keep such sensitive information secret for long.

Taking Sansa with him to his meager personal holdings, the original 'little finger' of land in the Vale, Baelish dyes Sansa's hair black and coaches her on a story to pass her off as his bastard daughter Alayne Stone, so as to avoid detection. Sansa was wanted as Tyrion's accomplice in connection with Joffrey's death. On the Fingers, Sansa's aunt Lysa Arryn meets with them and weds Petyr. After the wedding, the three travel to her seat at the Eyrie. There Sansa is revealed to Lysa as her niece and Lysa agrees to assist in the coverup providing her with hair dye to colour her most obvious Tully feature, her auburn hair. Lysa also proposes to wed Sansa to her sickly son Robert. Sansa is appalled by this, but keeps her true feelings to herself. She finds herself having to comfort young Robert, who is no longer able to share his mother's bed, since Petyr is in it. Robert frequently crawls into her bed and she is disgusted by his shaking sickness, which often leads him to wet her bed. Increasingly resembling a grown woman, she finds herself prey to the sexual advances of Lysa's bard Marillion, whom she denies.

Sansa is homesick in the Eyrie. When snow falls in the courtyard where the godswood wouldn't grow, she makes an elaborate snow fort, which eventually takes the shape of Winterfell. She is surprised when Lord Baelish helps her and kisses her. Before she has time to digest what just happened, Robert comes out and destroys the castle which upsets her even more. She rips his doll and he goes into a shaking spell. It turns out that Lysa witnessed the kiss and in a fit of jealous rage attempts to kill Sansa by shoving her out of the Moon Door. Littlefinger arrives in time to intervene, and shoves Lysa out of the Moon Door to her death, framing Marillion for the murder and involving Sansa in the cover-up.

O Festim dos Corvos

Após a morte de Lysa, Sansa torna-se senhora do Vale, confortando seu primo jovem e doente doente, Lorde Robert enquanto é ensinada por Lorde Baelish em alguns dos pontos mais delicados da intriga da corte. Quando Lyn Corbray desembainha sua espada durante um parlamento entre Petyr e os Lordes Declarantes, e Baelish aproveita a quebra de etiqueta para exigir um período de experiência de regência sobre o pequeno Lorde Robert, Sansa corretamente suspeita de que Corbray foi empregado por Baelish, o que Petyr confirma. Petyr revela seus planos de casar Sansa com o herdeiro do Vale depois de Robert, Harold Hardyng, e um eventual plano de revelar sua identidade verdadeira e reclamar Winterfell em seu nome.


Torrhen Stark
Brandon Snow
Ronnel Arryn
Casa Arryn
Senhora Stark
Ellard Stark
Lysa Locke
Gilliane Glover
Margaret Karstark
Arra Norrey
Alysanne Blackwood
Lynara Stark
Jeyne Manderly
Robyn Ryswell
Edric Stark
Alys Karstark
Wylla Fenn
Jon Umber
Osric Umber
Robard Cerwyn
Myriame Manderly
Lorra Royce
Lonnel Snow
Lyanne Glover
Melantha Blackwood
Lysara Karstark
Arya Flint
Benedict Royce
Marna Locke
Harrold Rogers
Rickard Stark
Catelyn Tully
Jeyne Westerling
Tyrion Lannister
Jon Snow

Referências e Notas

Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Sansa Stark. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.