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331 bytes adicionados ,  19h53min de 5 de outubro de 2012
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==Lenda de Bael, o Bardo==
[[Bael]], o Bardo, escalou a [[Muralha]], took&nbsp; the viajou pela [[KingsroadEstrado do Rei]] and entered e adentrou em [[Winterfell]] under the name of sob o nome ''Sygerrik of de [[Skagos]]'', a singerum cantor. There, he sang until midnight for the lordcantou até a meia-noite para o Senhor. Impressed by his skills as a singerImpressionado por suas habilidades como cantor, Lord Lorde [[Brandon Stark (the daughterlessB)|Brandon Stark]] asked him what he wanted as a reward, and Bael only asked for the most beautiful flower blooming in Winterfell's gardens. As the Blue winter roses were just blooming, Brandon Stark agreed to offer him one. But the following morning, the single, virgin daughter of the lord had disappeared, and in her bed was the blue winter rose.<ref>[[A Clash of Kings]], [[A Clash of Kings-Chapter 51|Chapter 51]], Jon</ref>
==Lyanna Stark==
'''Nota:''' Esta página utiliza conteúdo da [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/ A Wiki Of Ice And Fire]. O conteúdo original está aqui em [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Lyanna_Stark Lyanna Stark]. A lista de autores pode ser vista no [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?title=Lyanna_Stark&action=history histórico da página].
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