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==Links externos==
* [http://hodorcavalo.com.br/2018/11/30/011-adeus-winterfell-jon-ii-a-guerra-dos-tronos/ #011: Adeus, Winterfell | Jon II, A Guerra dos Tronos] podcast de Hodor Cavalo.
* {{en}} [https://www.tor.com/2011/04/29/a-read-of-ice-and-fire-a-game-of-thrones-part-6/ A Read of Ice and Fire: A Game of Thrones, Part 6] por Leigh Butler, resumo e análise do capítulo.
* {{en}} [https://towerofthehand.com/books/101/011/index.html AGOT Jon II] na Tower of the Hand, resumo do capítulo.
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