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Vaes Tolorro é o nome, dado por Daenerys Targaryen, de uma cidade abandonada no Deserto Vermelho, além do Mar Dothraki. Vaes Tolorro significa a cidade dos ossos no idioma Dothraki. [1]


The city has large white walls encircling it, though they are cracked and crumbling. There are also wall towers. The city gates are broken. [1]

The city is a maze of narrow, crooked alleys. The buildings are built close together, their facades blank and chalky. All buildings are windowless. Some of the houses have long fallen into rubble, and other buildings seem damaged by fire. The remnants of a gutted palace stand before a windswept plaza. Devilgass grows between the paving stones. [1]

A marble plinth stands at the crossroads between six alleys. But no statue stands above the plinth. The Dothraki are presumed to have visited the city, taking its statues to Vaes Dothrak. [1]

The city has vegetation. There are grapevines, fig trees, peach trees, and other fruit trees in the abandoned gardens, hidden behind closed doors. There is enough grass to sustain a small herd of cavalos. Its wells contain pure and cold water. [1] There are also small animals in the city, most notably flies and red scorpions. [1]

There are remnants of the previous inhabitants in the city: the skulls of the unburied dead, bleached and broken. The twisty alleys contain old bronze coins, bits of purple glass, stone flagons with handles carved like snakes. [1]


To the south of the city, the barren Deserto Vermelho continues until one reaches a bleak ocean shore and the "água envenenada". This area contains only swirling sand, wind-scoured rocks, and plants with sharp thorns. The bones of an immense dragão can also be found there. [1]

To the southwest lie two more abandoned cities, similar to Vaes Tolorro but smaller in size. One city is surrounded by a ring of skulls, mounted on rusted iron spears. The second city seems more inviting to explorers. While exploring it, Aggo finds an iron bracelet. The bracelet is set with an uncut fire opal. There are scrolls within the city, dry and crumbling. Not suitable for transportation. The land of this entire area is burren and burnt. [1]

To the southeast lies an inhabited city: Qarth. [1]

Eventos recentes

A Fúria dos Reis

While wandering the Deserto Vermelho, Daenerys Targaryen's khalasar stumble upon the abandoned city. They make camp within its walls to recover from their travels while sending out scouts to discover what is near. [1] Daenerys estimates that Vaes Tolorro and the cities of its vicinity were destroyed by enemies, crossing the Deserto Vermelho to reach them. She has no clear date for the events but estimates them to have happened "in ancient days". [1]

While inhabiting the city, Daenerys' companheiros de sangues are sent to explore its vicinity. Jhogo reaches Qarth and returns to Vaes Tolorro with tree new companions: Pyat Pree, Xaro Xhoan Daxos, and Quaithe. [1] The khalasar soon leave Vaes Tolorro, heading for Qarth. [2]


A city, Khaleesi, … A city as pale as the moon and lovely as a maid.[1]

-Ghosts. Terrible ghosts. We must not stay here, Khaleesi, this is their place.

-I fear no ghosts. [1]

Conversation between Irri and Daenerys Targaryen, concerning Vaes Tolorro and its ghosts.

-My handmaids say there are ghosts here.

-There are ghosts everywhere. We carry them with us wherever we go. [1]

Conversation between Daenerys Targaryen and Jorah Mormont, concerning Vaes Tolorro and its ghosts.


Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Vaes Tolorro. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.