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Nova Ghis é uma cidade que fica em uma ilha localizada no Golfo da Mágoa, perto da fronteira com o Mar de Verão. Sua ilha fica ao sul de Ghaen. [1]

Nova Ghis
Localização Ilha no Golfo da Mágoa

É dito que Hizdahr zo Loraq possui influência nela. Nova Ghis depends upon its slaves. The Yunkai'i try to stir up enmity against Daenerys Targaryen and her rule in Nova Ghis. They succeed and Nova Ghis ally themselves with the Yunkai, which does not come as a surprise to Quentyn Martell who thinks to himself that they are both Ghiscari cities. The legions of Nova Ghis fight beside the Yunkai in the Cerco de Astapor.

Three galleys from Nova Ghis join the Qartheen galleys in Meereen’s bay.

Four legions out of Nova Ghis have a hundred elefantes, armored and towered. [2]

To the naked eye the legions of Nova Ghis look more formidable than the Yunkish slave soldiers but Tyrion privately nurses doubts about the legions from Nova Ghis, he thinks to himself that they may be armed and organized in the same manner as Imaculados but the eunuchs know no other life, whereas the Ghiscari are free citizens who serve for three year terms.


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