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==Ano 37 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aegon I]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Aenys I]] é coroado.
==Ano 42 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aenys I]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Maegor I]] é coroado.
==Ano 48 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Maegor I]] é , morto no [[Trono de Ferro]].
* [[Jaehaerys I]] é coroado.
==Ano 103 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Jaehaerys I]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Viserys I]] é coroado.
==Ano 129 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Viserys I]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Aegon II]] é coroado.
==Ano 131 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aegon II]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Aegon III]] é coroado.
==Ano 154 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Daeron II Targaryen|Daeron IITargaryen]], filho de [[Aegon IV Targaryen|Aegon Targaryen]] e [[Naerys Targaryen]].
==Ano 155 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
==Ano 157 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aegon III]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Daeron I]] é coroado.
==Ano 161 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Daeron I]], morto lutando contra os [[dorne]]ses.
* Sor [[Olyvar Oakheart]], ao lado do Jovem Dragão.
==Ano 162 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Ambrose Butterwell]].
<div id="Ano 163 depois do Desembarque de Aegon"></div>
==Ano 170 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Daemon Blackfyre]], filho bastardo de [[Aegon IV Targaryen|Aegon Targaryen]] e [[Daena Targaryen]] (que neste ponto estava confinada na [[Arcada das Donzelas]]).
* [[Aerys I Targaryen|Aerys Targaryen]], filho de [[Daeron II]] e [[Myriah Martell]].
==Ano 171 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Baelor I]], morre de morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Viserys II]] é coroado.
* [[Rhaegel Targaryen]], filho de [[Daeron II]] e [[Myriah Martell]].
* [[Viserys II]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Aegon IV]] é coroado.
* [[Aegon Blackfyre]] e [[Aemon Blackfyre]], filhos gêmeos de [[Daemon Blackfyre]] e uma mulher desconhecida.
* [[Aegon IV]] morre , morto em seu leito de morte.
* [[Aegon IV]] legitima todos seus bastardos em seu leito de morte.
:''Os eventos descritos em ''[[The Hedge Knight]]'' ocorrem em 208DD''
* [[Lorde Walder Frey|Walder Frey]].
* [[Arlan de Centarbor]], de morto por uma gripe.* [[Baelor Targaryen]], morto por um infortúnio em um no [[Torneio de Vaufreixo|torneio]].
* Um torneio ocorre em [[Vaufreixo]].
:''Conhecido como O Ano da Grande Praga da Primavera''
* [[Daeron II]], o Segundo de Seu Nome, morre morto na primavera.* [[Valarr Targaryen]], morre morto na primavera.* [[Matarys Targaryen]], morre morto na primavera.* Lorde [[Damon Lannister]], o Leão Cinza, morre morto na primavera.
* [[A Grande Praga da Primavera]] se espalha.
:''Os eventos descritos em ''[[The Mystery Knight]]'' ocorrem em 212DD''
* [[Gormon Peake]], Senhore Senhor de [[Starpike]], executado por ordens da [[Mão do Rei]], [[Brynden Rivers]].
* Lorde [[Ambrose Butterwell]] e uma [[Frey]] desconhecida.
==Ano 221 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aerys I]] morre de , morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
* [[Maekar I]] é coroado.
==Ano 232 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Aerion Targaryen]], morto ao beber um vidro de [[fogovivo]].
==Ano 233 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Maekar I]] morre , morto lutando contra um lorde fora-da-lei.
* Um [[Grande Conselho]] é convocado.
* [[Rhaegar Targaryen]], filho de [[Aerys II Targaryen|Aerys Targaryen]] e [[Rhaella Targaryen]], nascido no mesmo dia da [[Tragédia de Solarestival]].
* [[Aegon V]], morto na TrágediaTragédia.
* Sor [[Dunk|Duncan]], [[Senhor Comandante da Guarda Real]], morto na Tragédia.
* [[Duncan Targaryen]], morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas relacionadas à Tragédia.
==Ano 268 depois do Desembarque de Aegon==
* [[Vogarro]], um Triarca de [[Volantis]]morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
<div id="Ano 269 depois do Desembarque de Aegon"></div>
* [[Kerwin]]. {{ref|adwd|56}}
* [[Steffon Baratheon]], morto afogado na [[Baía dos Naufrágios]].* [[Cassana Estermont]], morto afogado na Baía dos Naufrágios.
* [[Rhaegar Targaryen]] e [[Elia Martell]].
* [[Theon Greyjoy]], filho de [[Balon Greyjoy]] e de [[Alannys Harlaw]].
* [[Elwood Meadows]].
* Um torneio ocorre em [[Ponta Tempestade]] em homenagem ao Lorde [[Steffon Baratheon]]. [[Barristan Selmy]] é declarado campeão.
* [[Simon Toyne]], morto por [[Barristan Selmy]].
* O [[Cavaleiro Sorridente]], morto por [[Arthur Dayne]].
* [[Harlan Grandison]], morto em seu sono.
* [[Waymar Royce]], morto por [[Outros]].
* [[Domeric Bolton]], morto envenenado por seu meio-irmão bastardo, [[Ramsay Snow]].
* [[Myles Toyne]], morto em circunstâncias desconhecidas.
====De pouca importância====
* [[Will]], morto por uma criatura.
* [[Varly]], morto por [[Janos Slynt]] na sala do Trono.
* [[Cayn]], morto por [[Sandor Clegane]] na sala do Trono.
* [[Desmond]], [[Hullen]], [[Vayon Poole]] e Septã [[Mordane]], mortos na [[Fortaleza Vermelha#Torre da Mão|Torre da Mão]].
* [[Mhaegen]] e [[Barra]], mortas por [[Allar Deem]] no [[Bordel de Chataya]].
'''Nas Terras Fluviais'''
====De grande importância====
'''No Norte'''
* [[Donella Manderly]] , starved to death after being forced to wed [[Ramsay Snow]].
* [[Rodrik Cassel]], [[Cley Cerwyn]] and [[Leobald Tallhart]], killed by at the [[Saque de Winterfell]].
* [[Benfred Tallhart]], drowned on the [[Costa Pedregosa]].
* [[Robb Stark]], murdered by [[Roose Bolton]] during the [[Casamento Vermelho]].
* [[Catelyn Tully]], slain by [[Ryman Frey]] druing the during the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Vento Cinzento (lobo gigante)|Vento Cinzento]] , slain at the Casamento Vermelho.* [[Wendel Manderly]] , slain at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Pequeno Jon Umber]], decapitated by [[Bolton]] men at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Dacey Mormont]] is , killed by [[Ryman Frey]] at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Donnel Locke]], felled by crossbow bolts at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Owen Norrey]], felled by crossbow bolts at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Robin Flint]], surrounded by [[Frey]] and stabbed to death at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Lucas Blackwood]], killed by [[Hosteen Frey]] at the Casamento Vermelho.
* [[Raynald Westerling]] , killed by crossbow bolts at the Casamento Vermelho.* [[Benfrey Frey]] , died from a wound he recieved at the Casamento Vermelho.* [[Garse Goodbrook]] and [[Tytos Frey]] , killed by [[Sandor Clegane]] at the Casamento Vermelho.* [[Benfrey Frey]] , died of wounds he received at the Casamento Vermelho.* [[Rickard Karstark]] , executed by [[Robb Stark]].
* [[Hoster Tully]], of old age.
* [[Amory Lorch]] , fed to a bear.
* [[Burton Crakehall]], slain by the [[Irmandade Sem Bandeiras]].
* [[Hendry Bracken]], slain in the battle to retake [[Barreira de Pedra]].
'''Em Porto Real'''
* [[Dale Seaworth|Dale]], [[Allard Seaworth|Allard]], [[Matthos Seaworth|Matthos]] and [[Maric Seaworth]], slain at the Batalha da Água Negra.
* [[Jate Blackberry]], [[Will (Hookface)|Hookface Will]], e [[Hal (Hog)|Hal the Hog]], slain at the Batalha da Água Negra.
* [[Symon]], killed and later made into a stew.
'''Nas Terras Fluviais'''
====De grande importância====
'''No Norte'''
* [[Aenys Frey]] , killed by a trap set by [[Mors Umber|Mors "Crowfood" Umber]].* [[Rhaegar Frey]] , possibly baked in a pie.* [[Jared Frey]] , possibly baked in a pie.* [[Symond Frey]] , possibly baked in a pie.* [[Little Walder Frey]] , killed at [[Winterfell]].
'''Na Muralha e Para Lá da Muralha'''
* [[Janos Slynt]] , beheaded by [[Jon Snow]] for refusing to obey orders.* [[Rattleshirt]] , burned to death as [[Mance Rayder]].* [[Donal Noye]] , slain while fighting [[Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg|Mag the Mighty]].* [[Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg]] , slain by [[Donal Noye]].
'''Além do Mar Estreito'''
* [[Quentyn Martell]] is , killed by the dragon [[Rhaegal]].* [[Maester Aemon]] , died due to a chill and old age.* [[Cleon|King Cleon]] , slain by his own man who became [[Cleon the Second]].* [[Cleon the Second]] , slain by [[King Cutthroat]].* [[King Cutthroat]] , slain during the siege of [[Astapor]].* [[Queen Whore]] , slain during the siege of [[Astapor]].* [[Yurkhaz zo Yunzak]] , trampled to death by his own fleeing slaves.* [[Groleo]] , killed by [[Bloodbeard]].
* [[Cletus Yronwood]] and [[Willam Wells]], slain by corsairs.
'''Em Porto Real'''
* [[Joffrey Baratheon|King Joffrey]], poisoned during his wedding feast.* [[Oberyn Martell]] , slain in a trial by combat against [[Gregor Clegane]].* [[Gregor Clegane]] , died a slow, agonising death from thickened manticore venom.
* [[Tywin Lannister]], slain by his son [[Tyrion Lannister]] on his privy with a crossbow.
* The [[High Septon Alto Septão (do Tyrion's)|High SeptonAlto Septão]] is , killed by [[Osney Kettleblack]].* [[Kevan Lannister]] , killed with a crossbow bolt by [[Varys]].* [[Pycelle]] , killed by [[Varys]].
'''Nas Terras Fluviais'''
* [[Beric Dondarrion]] , died his seventh and final death resurrecting [[Catelyn Tully]].
* [[Merrett Frey]], [[Petyr Frey]] and [[Ryman Frey]], captured and hanged by [[Catelyn Tully|Lady Stoneheart]].
* [[Rorge]] who burned [[Salinas]], slain by [[Brienne of Tarth]].
'''Resto de Westeros'''
* [[Lysa Tully]], pushed to her death by her husband [[Petyr Baelish]].
* [[Arys Oakheart]], beheaded by [[Areo Hotah]] after a suicide charge.
* [[Alester Florent]] , burned to death by [[Melisandre]].
====De pouca importância====
'''No Norte'''
* [[Kyra]] who was , hunted by [[Ramsay Bolton]].* [[Adrack Humble]], [[Dagon Codd]] and [[Ralf Kenning]] , slain at [[Moat Cailin]].* [[Hagen]], [[Cromm]] and [[Rolfe The Dwarf]] , slain during the retaking of [[Deepwood Motte]].* [[Yellow Dick]] , slain by [[Rowan]].* [[Luton]] , slain by [[Ramsay Bolton]].* [[Squirrel]], [[Frenya]], [[Holly]], [[Rowan]], [[Willow Witch-eye]], [[Myrtle]] , killed and skinned at [[Winterfell]].
'''Na Muralha e Para Lá da Muralha'''
* [[Dalla]] , while giving birth to [[Mance Rayder]]s son.* [[Harma|Harma the Dogshead]] , slain during the battle of the [[Wall]].
* [[Thistle]], slain beyond the [[Wall]].
* [[Styr|Styr the Magnar of Thenn]] , slain during the battle of the [[Wall]].* [[Alyn (Rosewood)|Alyn]] , slain during the battle of the [[Wall]].* [[Dormund]] , slain during the battle of the [[Wall]] by Ser [[Richard Horpe]].* [[Torwynd]] , died of the cold beyond the [[Wall]].
* [[Varamyr]], slain beyond the Wall.
* [[Garth Greyfeather]], [[Jack Bulwer|Black Jack Bulwer]] and [[Hal|Hairy Hal]] , slain beyond the Wall by the [[Weeper]].* [[Patrek of King's Mountain]] , killed by the Giant [[Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun]].
'''Além do Mar Estreito'''
* [[Dareon]] , killed by [[Arya Stark]] for being a deserter of the [[Night's Watch]].* [[Hazzea]] , claimed to have been killed by [[Drogon]]. * [[Stalwart Shield]], [[Mossador]], [[Black Fist]], [[Cetherys]], [[Duran]], [[Eladon Goldenhair]], e [[Loyal Spear]] , slain by the [[Sons of the Harpy]].* [[Rylona Rhee]] , a harpist slain by the [[Sons of the Harpy]].* [[Harghaz]] , slain by [[Drogon]].* [[Yezzan zo Qaggaz]], [[Sweets]] and [[Nurse]] , killed by the Pale mare.
* [[Kedry]], slain by corsairs.
* [[Oppo]], a dwarf who was murdered by sailors who falsely believed him to be [[Tyrion Lannister]].
* [[Barsena Blackhair]] , killed in the [[fighting pits]] by a boar.* [[Krazz]] , slain by Ser [[Barristan Selmy]].* [[Mollono Yos Dob]] , died from the Pale Mare.* [[Kerwin|Maestar Kerwin]] , killed by the command of [[Victarion Greyjoy]].* [[Ordello|Magister Ordello]] of [[Pentos]] , died of poison.
'''Em Porto Real'''
* [[Shae]] , strangled by [[Tyrion Lannister]].* [[Dontos Hollard]] , killed on the orders of [[Petyr Baelish]].* [[Gyles Rosby]] , died of his cough.* [[Hamish|Hamish the Harper]] , died while a prisoner in [[Qyburn]]s care.* [[Senelle]] and [[Falyse Stokeworth]] , died from [[Qyburn]]s twisted experiments.
'''Nas Terras Fluviais'''
* [[Polliver]] , slain by [[Sandor Clegane]] at the [[Crossroads Inn]].* The [[Tickler]] , slain by [[Arya Stark]] at the [[Crossroads Inn]].* [[Biter]] , slain by [[Gendry]].* [[Robert Blackwood]] , of sickness.* [[Shella Whent]] , the last of [[Casa Whent]].
'''Resto de Westeros'''
* [[Baelor Blacktyde]] , killed by [[Euron Greyjoy]].* [[Talbert Serry]] , killed by [[Victarion Greyjoy]].* [[Pate (Novice)|Pate]] , killed by poison.* [[Tanda Stokeworth]] , fell and broke her leg after fall from a horse, later died from the injury.* [[Balman Byrch]] , slain by [[Bronn]].* [[Cragorn]] , from sounding the [[Dragon Horn]].* [[Marillion]] , jumped from his sky cell.* [[Dick Crabb|Nimble Dick Crabb]] , slain by [[Shagwell]].* [[Timeon]], [[Pyg]] and [[Shagwell]] , slain by [[Brienne of Tarth]].* [[Eon Hunter]] , dies suddenly. According to [[Petyr Baelish]] he was murdered by his youngest son [[Harlan Hunter|Harlan]].
* [[Joffrey Baratheon]] and [[Margaery Tyrell]].
* [[Bronn]] of the Blackwater and [[Lollys Stokeworth]].
* [[Tommen Baratheon]] and [[Margaery Tyrell]], after Joffreys death.
* [[Asha Greyjoy]] and [[Erik|Erik Ironmaker]], Asha was not present at this wedding which was arranged by [[Euron Greyjoy]].* [[Daenerys Targaryen]] and [[Hizdahr zo Loraq]].
* [[Ramsay Bolton]] marries the fake [[Arya Stark]] ([[Jeyne Poole]]).
* [[Alys Karstark]] and [[Sigorn]] the [[Magnar]] of [[Thenn]].
* [[Gyles Rosby]] is named master of coin.
* [[Orton Merryweather]] is named master of laws.
* [[Aurane Waters]] is named master of ships.
* [[Qyburn]] is named new master of whisperers.
* A new [[High Septon]] is named, he becomes known as the [[High Sparrow]].
* [[Gregor Clegane|Ser Robert Strong]] is named to the [[Kingsguard]].
* [[Hizdahr zo Loraq]] is crowned King of [[Meereen]].
* Elections are held in [[Volantis]] for the [[Triarch of Volantis|Triarchs]].
* The [[War of the Five Kings]] ends, with [[Renly Baratheon|Renly]], [[Balon Greyjoy|Balon]] and [[Robb Stark|Robb]] dead and [[Stannis Baratheon|Stannis]] fleeing to the North.
* [[Theon Greyjoy]] and [[Jeyne Poole]] (the false Arya Stark) escape Winterfell.
* [[Ramsay Bolton]] sends [[Jon Snow]] a letter claiming Stannis is dead.
* [[Jon Snow]] is stabbed multiple times by his own men (unknown if he survived).
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