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[[Tyrion Lannister|Tyrion]] está jantando com os altos-oficiais da [[Patrulha da Noite]] na sua última noite no [[Castelo Negro]]. O [[Senhor Comandante da Patrulha da Noite]], [[Jeor Mormont]] proclama que Tyrion é um homem esperto e pergunta se ele precisa sair tão cedo, dizendo que [[Muralha]] precisa de homens como ele. Tyrion brushes off the suggestion with an offer to scour the [[Seven Kingdoms]] for dwarfs. An offended Ser [[Alliser Thorne]] claims that Tyrion mocks the Watch, but Tyrion counters that he is only mocking Ser Alliser. Thorne demands that Tyrion make his japes with steel in hand. Tyrion replies that he already has steel in his hand: a fork, which he brandishes against Thorne in a mock attack. A roar of laughter rises from the other officers and Ser Alliser leaves in disgust.
After claiming Ser Alliser’s meal as his spoils of victory, Tyrion comments that a man like Ser Alliser should be mucking out the stable, not drilling the recruits. Mormont takes the opportunity to complain about the quality of his men; Ser Alliser is one of the few living knights to have taken the black. Ser [[Jaremy Rykker]] goes on to explain that both he and Thorne fought for King [[Aerys II Targaryen]] during the [[Sack of King's LandingSaque de Porto Real]] and were forced to take the black or be executed by Tyrion’s father, Lord [[Tywin Lannister]]. Tyrion’s only comment is that his father is indeed very fond of heads on spikes.
Tyrion asks for more wine and [[Bowen Marsh]] comments that he has a great thirst for a small man. [[Maester Aemon]] states that Tyrion is a giant among them at the edge of the world. Tyrion, speechless at being called a giant, calls the maester kind, which leaves the maester equally amused.
