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==Eventos recentes==
===''A Fúria dos Reis''===
In the middle of a Harvest Feast, Meera and her brother [[Jojen Reed]] arrive to pledge [[House Casa Reed|Reeds']] support to [[Winterfell]] and [[Robb Stark|Robb]] after [[Eddard Stark]]'s death. [[Luwin|Maester Meistre Luwin]] tells [[Bran]] that he should greet these two warmly because Howland Reed was a great friend of his father and these are his children. Meera is with Jojen when Jojen asks about the [[direwolf|Direwolves]]lobos gigantes, wanting to see them, and is told they are in the [[GodswoodBosque sagrado]]. {{Ref|aCoK|21}}
Later, Meera manages to defeat the direwolf [[Summer (direwolf)|Summer]] Verão using a net and frog spear. Bran claims that Summer Verão won, but then Jojen points out that Summer Verão is tangled up in the net and cannot escape. After Bran does a mock fight with SummerVerão, he asks her if she was taught to fight by their Master at ArmsMestre de Armas, and she tells him that [[Greywater WatchAtalaia da Água Cinzenta]] has no knights, master at arms, maester, or ravens. She says neither ravens nor the Reeds’ enemies can find [[Greywater Watch]] Atalaia da Água Cinzenta because it moves, although many have tried. {{ref|acok|28}}
Bran asks her if he can visit Greywater Atalaia da Água Cinzenta after the conflict, and she tells him that he can come whenever he wants.{{ref|acok|28}}
Jojen tells Bran that everyone in the castle hears him scream when he sleeps, and asks about what frightens him. As Jojen questions Bran and pushes him to admit he has [[SkinchangerTroca-peles|the wolf dreamssonhos de lobo]], Bran gets agitated, which causes Summer Verão to get agitated, and start to act aggressively towards Jojen. Meera tells her brother to climb the tree, but he initially refuses, telling her it is not yet his time to die. [[Shaggy DogCão Felpudo]] joins Summer Verão and they both start to attack. Jojen finally climbs the tree, Meera following him. They climb down only after [[Hodor ]] arrives to chase the direwolves away at Bran’s instruction. {{Ref|aCoK|28}}
Later, Meera is behind Jojen when they enter Bran’s room after he is left there by [[Osha]] who had told Bran that she has seen many of the mythical beasts of the NorthNorte, but not a [[three-eyed crowcorvo de três olhos]]. Bran finally tells Meera and Jojen about his wolf dreamssonhos de lobo. Then Jojen reveals one of his own dreams: he saw that sea would come to [[Winterfell]].
When Bran tells them that Maester Meistre Luwin thinks that it should be possible to change the dreams, Meera agrees. She gets angry with her brother when he tells them that what he sees always comes true. Jojen reveals that he has seen the bodies of Bran and [[Rickon Stark|Rickon]]at the feet of the man they call Reek Fedor (not revealed as actually the [[Bastard of Bolton|Ramsay BoltonSnow]] yet) and he is skinning off their faces with a knife. Meera states that she could go down to the dungeons and kill Reek Fedor now, but Jojen tells her she will not succeed; the jailers would stop her, he says, and would not believe her if she tried to explain. {{Ref|aCoK|35}}
When [[Theon Greyjoy]] takes Winterfell, Bran is carried out of his room where he meets Meera and Jojen, who have also been taken captive. {{Ref|aCoK|46}}
Later, Bran, Meera, Jojen, [[Rickon Stark|Rickon]], [[Osha]] and [[Hodor]] fake an escape from Winterfell, returning to hide in the crypts until after the castle is sacked by [[Ramsay Snow]]. Debris traps them in the crypts until Hodor forces the door open with his massive strength. Outside they find the castle destroyed. Many of the bodies they find are of the people Jojen saw dead in his dream. Meera takes the sword of [[Rickard Stark]] from the crypts to use as a weapon.
In the [[godswood]]bosque sagrado, they find Maester Meistre Luwin alive but unconscious. They wake him and he warns them of all the enemies Bran and Rickon have in each direction. Luwin advises [[Osha]] to split the [[Casa Stark|Stark ]] children up to make them harder to find. Osha decides to take Rickon with her and Jojen says that he and Meera will take Bran. After they separate, Jojen tells the others that their road is [[Beyond the WallPara Lá da Muralha|northnorte]]. {{Ref|aCoK|69}}
===''A Tormenta de Espadas''===
Meera has been hunting for the group as they move north and is their main food provider, mainly catching fish and frogs.
They camp in a place they call [[Tumbledown TowerTorre Arruinada]], but Jojen tells them that they need to move on. Meera questions him on why they should leave since Tumbledown Tower Torre Arruinada is a safe place and there is plenty of food, but Jojen tells her that though Bran could wait out the in anonymity there, it was not the place they needed to be. He says they must keep going to find Bran's [[three-eyed crow|teacher]] tutor in the [[Beyond the Wall|north]]norte. Meera eventually agrees with Jojen, but gives the choice to Bran, saying he is their prince and they will do what he tells them to do. Bran finally decides to go northnorte. {{Ref|aSoS|9}}
As they move north, they are fed with the fish Meera spears and the squirrels and hares Summer Verão finds. Bran often watches as Meera spears fish, admiring her speed and precision. As they travel on, food becomes harder to find, even for Summer. Jojen insists that they keep away from roads because there will encounter travelers who will spread tales about a giant, a cripple boy and a wolf.
When the weather turns bad, Summer Verão finds them a cave where they find a mountain man (Bran thinks he is a [[House Casa Liddle|Liddle]]) who shares his food with them. When they ask if they should take the King’s road[[Estrada do Rei]], the mountain man tells them that it's dangerous for travelers. Now there are [[House Casa Bolton|flayed men]] and dead men. He tells them that [[Jeor Mormont|the Bearo Urso]] disappeared north of the wall [[Muralha]] with most of his men and that his ravens [[Patrulha da Noite]] had returned with no messages. He says things were different when there was a Stark in Winterfell. Jojen tells him that the wolves will return. In the morning the man is gone, but he left some food for them. {{Ref|aSoS|24}}
When Jojen tells Bran that [[Hodor]] likes it when somebody says his name, Bran tells them that that his real name is Walder and he is [[Nan|Old Nan’sVelha Ama]] distant progeny. He asks if they think the [[Ironborn|Ironmenhomens de ferro]] killed Nanela. Meera states that it was not [[Theon Greyjoy]] who did the killing because too many of the dead were [[Ironborn]]nascidos do ferro. Meera tells him to remember Old Nan’s Velha Ama’s stories so part of Nan dela would be alive in him.
As they move on, Bran tells the Reeds that both he and Hodor like stories about knights. Meera then proceeds to tell a story about the [[Knight of the Laughing TreeCavaleiro da Árvore que Ri]] in the Year of the False Springno Ano da Falsa Primavera. It starts out when a young [[Crannogmen]] cranogmano who knew many magics of his people (likely [[Howland Reed]], Meera's father) traveled to visit the [[Isle of FacesIlha das Caras]] and stayed there for a winter. In the year of the false spring, he leaves and comes upon [[HarenhalHarrenhal|a great castleum grande castelo]] where [[Tourney at Torneio de Harrenhal|a large tourneyum grande torneio]] is taking place. He runs into three squires who start a fight with him. A two-legged [[Lyanna Stark|she-wolfloba]] rescued the Crannogmancranogmano, attacking the squires and running them off with a tourney sword. She then takes him back to her lair. She insists the lad attend the tourney feast as he has a rightful place at the table. At the feast, he sees the squires with their knights. He is offered the chance to take the squires on in the joust, but the little Crannogman cranogmano declines, since Crannogmen eles are not trained for jousting and he would most likely lose. Late on the second day, however, a short mystery knight in ill-fitting armor appears and defeats the squires served - [[House BlountCasa Haigh|the porcupine knighto cavaleiro forquilha]], [[House HaighCasa Blount|the pitchfork knighto cavaleiro porco-espinho]], and the knight of e [[House Casa Frey|the two towerso cavaleiro das duas torres]]. To ransom their horses and armor, the mystery knight, in a booming voice, only requires the knights to teach their squires honor. The knight then disappeared from the lists, leading the king to send his own son, [[Rhaegar Targaryen|the dragon princepríncipe-dragão]], to search for the Knight of the Laughing TreeCavaleiro da Árvore que Ri. The next day, all that was found of the mystery knight was the knight's shield painted with a heart tree with a laughing red face. Meera concludes the story by saying [[Rhaegar Targaryen|the dragon prince]] o príncipe-dragão went on to win the tourney. {{Ref|aSoS|24}}
Bran complains about the story, saying the [[Knight of the Laughing Tree]] Cavaleiro da Árvore que Ri should have won the whole tourney and the wolf maid donzela-lobo should have been crowned as the [[Queen of Love and BeautyRainha do Amor e da Beleza]]. Meera says she was, but that that was a sadder story. {{Ref|aSoS|24}} Throughout the telling, Jojen repeatedly asks Bran if he's sure he hasn't heard this story before from his father.
They arrive at a village in disrepair: the most substantial building, the inn, only has a few walls still standing. Bran tells the Reeds that this is part of [[GiftDádiva|the New GiftNova Dádiva]] given to the Night's Watch [[Patrulha da Noite]] courtesy of Rainha [[Alysanne Targaryen|Queen Alysanne]]. The area had been abandoned because of raiding by the [[Free Folk|Wildingsselvagens]]. With the Watch Patrulha not being as strong, the villages could not be protected, and the smallfolk moved south.
Jojen tells them they have to find shelter since a storm is coming. There is a holdfast, [[QueenscrownCoroadarrainha]] in the middle of the lake, but Meera notes that they have no boat. Bran tells them that Old Nana Velha Ama said there's a stone causeway hidden under the water, and Meera easily finds the beginning of it once she knows it's there.
Meera leads them across the zigging and zagging causeway. The water comes only up to Hodor’s waist and the Reed’s chests, and is slippery, making the journey treacherous. The door to the holdfast cannot be completely closed, but Meera is able to open it all the way. Stairs lead up and down, but are closed off by rusted iron grates which can not be forced. Bran is able from Hodor’s back to reach up and pull out a rusted grate above them covering a murder hole. They climb up through the murder hole to the safety of group of small cells on the second level.
Bran asks Jojen how they will get past the wall, but Jojen is not sure, only that one of the castles along the wall may give them a way through. He tells them they cannot go to the occupied castles - the Night's Watch Patrulha da Noite may not let them pass. Bran says that his uncle said that the gates through the wall were sealed when they were abandoned. Meera says they could open them, but Bran worries about letting bad things back through.
It is then that Jojen sees a man on a horse in the village as a storm arrives. The thunder scares Hodor who starts screaming his name in fear. Bran is able to quiet him so they don't give away their position. Immediately after this, Jojen spies many more men in the village, one of whom turns out to be [[Jon Snow]], traveling with wildlingsselvagens. Hodor starts screaming again in agony, but nobody can control him. Bran reaches for Hodor as he had for Summer for just a second and Hodor sags to the floor, almost comatose. {{Ref|aSoS|40}} Bran posses Summer Verão and attacks the wildlings going after Jon. Summer Verão kills three of them, but takes an arrow to the shoulder.
The group waited until the next day to leave after the wildlings selvagens were gone. SummerVerão, who had slunk off to nurse his wounds, finally returns, and Meera removes the arrow and treats the wound.
They arrive at the [[NightfortFortenoite]], the castle in Jojen’s green dream, but they cannot figure out how to get across the wall. Bran tells Jojen that they should have gone to [[Castle BlackCastelo Negro]], but Jojen tells him they dare not.
Meera climbs to the top of the Wall Muralha to get a look at the other side while the boys search the buildings. They decide to sleep that night in the kitchen because it would provide some protection. The kitchen has a central well with steps inside leading down. Jojen states that maybe he would have a [[greensightvisão verde|green dreamsonho verde]] to show them the way.
Bran, who cannot get to sleep, hears sounds coming from the well that are getting louder, like footsteps. Bran wiggles over to Meera and wakes her. She hears the sound at once, arms herself, then goes to the well. Bran cannot let Meera handle the threat alone, so forces his way into Hodor. As Hodor, Bran grabs a sword. When the thing finally comes over the edge of the well, Bran, in fear, loses connection with Hodor, who starts screaming. Meera traps the thing in her net and sticks him with her frog spear.
When the fire is stoked up they see a girl, [[GillyGoiva]], with a baby and a fat man in the black of the Nights Watch Patrulha trapped in the net. It is [[Samwell Tarly]].
Gilly Goiva asks if Jojen is the one that [[ColdhandsMãos-Frias]] was looking for. Coldhands Mãos-Frias had told Gilly Goiva and Sam that there would be people in the castle. When Jojen asks how Sam and his group got through the wall, and Sam told him that they came through [[Nightfort|the Black Gate]]o Portão Negro, a passage as old as the wall. Sam will have to take them back because only a man sworn to the Nights Watch Patrulha da Noite can open the gate.
Sam tells them that Coldhands Mãos-Frias was dressed in the black of the Nights WatchPatrulha, but pale. He rides an elk and has ravens. Coldhands Mãos-Frias did not come because he cannot pass beyond the wall because there are spells woven into it. When Sam sees that Bran is crippled, he recognizes him as Jon’s brother. When Summer Verão licks Sam’s hand, Bran decides they will go with him. Meera, Jojen, Hodor and Bran go through the Black GatePortão Negro, which is a white [[Weirwoodrepreseiro]] with a withered face. The door opened its eyes and asked, “Who are you“Quem é?” Sam answers with the Night's Watch Patrulha da Noite oath and the door allows them to pass beyond the wallMuralha. {{Ref|aSoS|56}}
===''A Dança dos Dragões''===
While traveling with [[Coldhands]] Mãos-Frias north of the [[Wall]]Muralha, Meera, [[Bran Stark|Bran]], [[Jojen Reed|Jojen]] and [[Hodor]] are forced to take shelter in an abandoned [[wildling]] selvagem village while Coldhands Mãos-Frias deals with a threat. The group discusses the nature of ColdhandsMãos-Frias, deciding that he is not alive. Meera does not trust him. {{Ref|aDwD|4}}
They reach the cave of the [[three-eyed crow]]corvo de três olhos, but are ambushed by [[wight|wights]] criaturas just outside the cave’s entrance. Because Jojen is too weak to continue, Meera carries him on her back up to the entrance. Inside the cave, the group meet the remaining [[Children of the ForestFilhos da Floresta]] and the three-eyed crowo corvo de três olhos. {{Ref|aDwD|13}} Jojen falls into a resigned depression, and Meera struggles to keep both their spirits up. {{Ref|aDwD|34}}
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