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Sem alterações no tamanho ,  19h52min de 14 de setembro de 2012
According to [[Merrett Frey]], Lord Walder is not long for the world and when he dies it'll be every other Frey for himself. Walder Frey, though a tyrant, believes in taking care of his own, even the ones who disappoint him. When [[Stevron Frey]] was heir it was different, as he was raised by Walder Frey to believe that blood was blood, but his sons and grandsons (and now the new heirs) do not feel the same way.
[[Arquivo:Davidbradley.png|250px|thumb|left|O ator David Bradley, interpretando o Lorde Frey em ''[[Game of Thrones]]''.]]
===''O Festim dos Corvos''===
The [[Elder Brother]] at the [[Quiet Isle]] says that Lord Frey is hunting outlaws from the Twins. Lord Frey sent a raven to [[King's Landing]] putting forth several claims to land. This was discussed in the [[small council]] until [[Qyburn]] pointed out many of the population of the city (and all of [[Westeros]]) feel the [[Red Wedding]] was a great crime by all the laws of gods and men. Qyburn then stated that it would not be good if the crown was believed to share in Walder Frey's crime and it would be useful if someone was to be punished for the Red Wedding. [[Pycelle]] said Lord Walder would never kill his own but [[Cersei Lannister]] stated that whoever inherits the Twins after Walder Frey would not be as squeamish, and what better way to rid himself of inconvenient relatives then by naming them the culprits and executing them?
[[Arquivo:Davidbradley.png|250px|thumb|left|O ator David Bradley, interpretando o Lorde Frey em ''[[Game of Thrones]]''.]]
===''A Dança dos Dragões''===
Dezenas de parentes de Walder Frey vem sendo assassinados por membros da [[Irmandade Sem Estandartes]] ou por nortenhos (como [[Wyman Manderly]] ou o ''"Fantasma de [[Winterfell]]"'') em retaliação pelo [[Casamento Vermelho]]. Ironicamente, mais [[Freys]] morreram em repercussão do [[Casamento Vermelho|Casamento]] do que na [[Guerra dos Cinco Reis]].
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