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== Descrição da imagem ==
[[Sandor Clegane|O Cão]] resgatando [[Sansa Stark]] durante o [[Tumulto de Porto Real]] - por Mathia Arkoniel. ©
{{Direito autoral|tipo=permissão
| permissão = '''You definitely have my permission to use which ever of my paintings on A Wiki of Ice and Fire. I love the site, and I am honored that you would want to display my paintings anywhere on it. ''Thank you ever so much for the credit as well. If linking back to my site (mathiaarkoniel.com) is not possible, I totally understand.''''' All I ask is that my full artist name, Mathia Arkoniel, should be displayed.
| website = [http://mathiaarkoniel.com/ mathiaarkoniel.com]
| dono = [http://mathiaarkoniel.com/ Mathia Arkoniel] ©
[[Categoria:Imagens por Mathia Arkoniel]]
[[Categoria:Imagens de Sansa Stark]]
[[Categoria:Imagens de Sandor Clegane]]
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