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Less then a year laterEm {{data|261}}, the Tarbecks rebelled again, together with House Tywin enviou uma mensagem à Casa Reyne. Tywin was determined to bring the over mighty and belligerent vassals to heel. Late in the year of 261 AC he sent a raven message to both House e à Casa Tarbeck and House Reyne demanding that they present themselves at exigindo sua presença em Rochedo Casterly Rock to answer for their para responder por seus crimes. Both Houses refused Ao invés disso, as duas Casas se recusaram a obedecer (as como Tywin knew they wouldsabia que o fariam) and choose defiancee o desafiaram, rising in revolt and renouncing their fealty to House erguendo-se em revolta e renunciando à sua vassalagem com a Casa Lannister.
Tywin não buscou a autorização do pai e nem o informou, apenas liderou as forças Lannister contra os vassalos rebeldes.
A Casa Tarbeck foi a primeira a cair diante de sua ira quando o exército Lannister caiu sobre os Tarbeck tão rapidamente que eles não puderam sequer reunir seus aliados. Tolamente, Lorde Walderan cavalgou para enfrentar Tywin did not seek his Lord fathers leavecom sua pequena tropa e foi vencido na batalha sangrenta que se seguiu. Os Tarbeck foram massacrados e tiveram as cabeças decepadas, incluindo Lorde Walderan, seus filhos, nor even informed him of his intentparentes, but rode forth himself taking command of the maridos e suas filhas e qualquer homem que portava seu brasão. O exército Lannister forces and immediately marched against the upstart vassals taking the army he had already gathered prior to sending the raven messagesmarchou para Solar Tarbeck com as cabeças de Lorde Walderan e seus parentes empaladas em lanças na vanguarda.
House Ellyn Tarbeck was the first to feel his wrothfechou seus portões e enviou corvos pedindo a ajuda de seus irmãos em Castamere, the Lannister host had descended so quickly that the Tarbecks had no time to properly gather his supporterscontando que suas muralhas a defenderiam até a chegada deles. Foolishly Lord Walderan Contudo, as máquinas de cerco quebraram as muralhas de Solar Tarbeck rode forth to met the Lannister host with what little force he had in his garrisonem menos de um dia, soterrando a própria Ellyn e seu filho. A short bloody battle ensued, the Tarbecks were butcheredDepois disso, toda a resistência acabou e Tywin ordered them all beheaded, Lord Walderan, his sonsordenou que o castelo fosse passado na tocha. As chamas arderam por um dia e uma noite, relatives, husbands of his daughters and any man who wore the sigil of House e nada restou de Solar Tarbeck was decapitated. The Lannister Host marched on Tarbeck Hall, with the heads of Lord Walderan and his kin impaled on the spears of those in the vanguardalém de uma casca vazia.
Lady Ellyn O Leão Vermelho e um pequeno exército de dois mil homens (tudo o que ele pode reunir em tão pouco tempo) chegaram a tempo de testemunhar o Solar Tarbeck closed her gatesem chamas. Achando que a surpresa poderia vencer o dia para ele, sent ravens to Castamere appealing for aid and trusted in her walls to defend her until her brother and his army arrived to lift the siegeLorde Roger comandou suas forças para atacar o exército Lannister. Tywin though had siege engines prepared in less than a day and a lucky shot from a stone thrower sent a boulder over the walls and on to Tarbecks hall aged keepDepois do choque, os Lannister se recuperaram e, bringing the castle down upon Lady Ellyn and her surviving sonem maior número, all resistance ended and the gates were thrown openrechaçaram os inimigos. Tywin commanded the castle be put to the torchLorde Reyne foi forçado a se retirar e acabou atingido nas costas por um dardo. For a day and night the flames burned until nothing was left of Tarbeck Hall except a blackened empty shellEle cavalgou para longe e logo teve de ser carregado para Castamere onde o irmão Reynard assumiu o comando das forças Reyne.
Castamere era um desafio maior do que Solar Tarbeck, sendo a maior parte da fortaleza subterrânea, composta por minas abandonadas. Reynard fugiu com seu pessoal para os subterrâneos pensando que poderia resistir ali, e enviou homens a Tywin querendo negociar. Ao invés disso, Tywin mandou que selassem as entradas das minas com pedra e terra e represou e desviou um lago próximo para dentro delas, inundando-as. Alguns soldados relataram ouvir gritos e choro, mas logo as minas subterrâneas estavam em silêncio. O castelo no alto também foi passado na tocha.
The Red Lion and a small host of two thousand men (all he could summon in such a short time) arrived just in time to witness Tarbeck Hall still in flames. Hoping surprise could win him the day, Lord Roger commanded his forces to attack the Lannister Host. After first shock the Lannisters recovered quickly and soon their greater numbers began to tell, Lord Reyne was forced to flee, most of his host lay dead and he took a crossbow wound below his shoulderblades as he retreated back to Castamere. The badly wounded Roger Reyne was feverishly weak and unfit to now command the Reyne forces, so his younger brother Reynard assumed command.==Desfecho==
Castamere begun as a mine like Casterly RockAo fim da campanha, and the Reynes had become near ambas as rich as the Lannisters during the Age of Heroes due to the large supply of gold, silver and gems in the mines. To protect their mine, they had raised curtain wall to protect the entrance with two stout towers on both sides to defend the approachCasas rebeldes haviam sido completamente obliteradas e tiveram seus castelos destruídos. Over time Tywin manteve as the gold and silver dried up, the mine had been widened and converted into Halls, galleries and bed chambers and even a vast underground ballroom. To the naked eye ruínas de Solar Tarbeck e Castamere seemed a modest holding, fit for only a small Lord or como um aviso mudo aos que tentassem desafiar o poder de Rochedo Casterly e sua fama nesse episódio foi a Landed Knight, the truth however was that nine tenths of the castle was beneath groundprincipal responsável por elevá-lo ao cargo de [[Mão do Rei]] de [[Aerys II Targaryen]].
It was to these deep chambers that Reynard retreated to along with what remained of his household, he knew he now lacked the men to defend the A extinção dos Reyne foi imortalizada na canção "[[As Chuvas de Castamere's wall from a siege of Tywins host, but his small force could easily hold and even defeat any who attempted to storm the narrow passageways and chambers, the storage rooms in the lower levels also housed more then enough food to survive starvation. Reynard abandoned the surface entirely, once all of his forces and kin were safely below the surface, Reynard sent word to Tywin to begin parley]]".
Tywin did not honor his offer, instead he ordered his force to seal the mine entrances with pick and shovel. All the entrance points were blocked with tons of stone, earth and soil so that their was no way in or out. Tywin turned his attention to a nearby stream and had his men dam the stream in less then a day and it took them two more days to divert the stream to the mine entrance. Water easily found it's way though the tiny gaps in the rubble that blocked the mouth of the entrance. Ser Reynard took three hundred down into those tunnels, not a one emerged.
The men stationed to guard the entrance to ensure no one escaped claimed they could vaguely hear faint screaming and shouting, but by daybreak, nothing but silence. No one ever reopened those mines again, they remain sealed to this day. Tywin commanded that the castle on the surface be set ablaze. [1]  '''Nota:''' Esta página utiliza conteúdo da [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/ A Wiki Of Ice And Fire]. O conteúdo original está aqui em [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Faith_Militant_uprising Faith Militant uprisingReyne-Tarbeck_Rebellion Reyne-Tarbeck Rebellion]. A lista de autores pode ser vista no [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?title=Faith_Militant_uprisingReyne-Tarbeck_Rebellion&action=history histórico da página].
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