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1 byte adicionados ,  18h31min de 17 de janeiro de 2017
<!-- They are known as the ''haesh raki'' to the [[Lhazareen]].{{Ref|aGoT|61}} -->
==CulturalPraticas Culturais, spiritual and social practicesEspirituais e Sociais==
The [[horse]] is in the heart of the lives of Dothraki, who are sometimes dubbed the "[[horselord]]s" It is both a deity, a mount, a power source for its meat and milk of mares, and an inspiration for all craft. The nomadic lifestyle, as well as many cultural taboos, are directly associated with the horse. They fear the sea, calling it the [[poison water]], because they distrust any liquid that a horse will not drink.{{Ref|aSoS|8}} They are also very wary of sea travel because they cannot imagine crossing large distances without riding their horses.
Arquitetos, Editores, Burocratas, Administradores
8 737
