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[[Aegon I|Aegon]] desembarcara pela primeira vez em Westeros na região de Porto Real, no início da sua [[Guerra da Conquista]]. Na mais alta das três colinas da área, nomeada "Colina de Aegon", ele construíra seu primeiro rude forte de madeira e terra. {{Ref|aGoT|18}} Após o final da Conquista, Aegon ordenara a construção de um castelo real permanente na colina, completada durante o reino de seu filho, [[Maegor I]], que matara todos aqueles que nela trabalharam, para preservar seus segredos. {{Ref|aGoT|18}}
==General description==
The Red Keep is made of pale red stone. It has seven massive drum-towers crowned with iron ramparts. Massive curtain walls surround the keep, with nests and crenelations for archers.{{Ref|aGoT|18}} Thick stone parapets, some four feet high, protect the outer edge of the wall ramparts. Where the heads of traitor's are traditionally placed on iron spikes between the crenels at the gatehouse. The walls have great bronze gates and portcullises, with narrow postern doors nearby. The immense barbican has a cobbled square in front of it. Behind the walls are many small inner yards, vaulted halls, covered bridges, barracks and dungeons and granaries.
==Descrição geral==
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