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A few chapters deal with the fate of a trainee in the halls of the God of Black and White, a girl formerly known as [[Arya Stark]], currently blind. It is revealed that her blindness is yet another step in her training and is maintained by a potion she is given every night; she refuses an antidote, knowing that to yield is to be released from her training. After passing the blind portion of her regimen and successfully orchestrating the assassination of a hated insurance agent, she is officially advanced in her training.
[[Jaime Lannister]], the Kingslayero Regicida, travels to [[Raventree Hall]], seat of [[Tytos Blackwood]], where [[Jonos Bracken]] commands the siege. Blackwood is the final bannerman of [[Robb Stark]]'s still under arms, but yields once presented with someone to surrender to with whom he has not had a lifelong feud. That night, the maid [[Brienne of Tarth]] arrives at Jaime's campsite, claiming to have found one of the Stark girls: "I can take you to her, ser... but you will need to come alone. Elsewise, the Hound will kill her." This is a falsehood, as it was revealed in ''[[A Feast for Crows]]'' that Brienne knows Arya was last seen alone at [[Saltpans]], and that "the Hound" is dead and was buried by a source she trusts. Her motivation in this lie has yet to be explained. Presumably, however, given her actions at the end of A Feast for Crows, she is leading him to [[Catelyn Tully|Lady Stoneheart]].
[[Areo Hotah]], chief bodyguard of Prince Doran Martell, observes the goings-on at Sunspear. Doran reveals to his late brother [[Oberyn Martell|Oberyn]]'s mistress, [[Ellaria Sand]], and his daughters [[Nymeria Sand|Nymeria]], [[Tyene Sand|Tyene]] and [[Obara Sand|Obara]], that he has convinced Princess [[Myrcella]] to lie about the events of Princess [[Arianne Martell|Ariannel]]'s botched queenmaking attempt, in which the [[Kingsguard]] knight Ser [[Arys Oakheart]] was slain and Myrcella herself injured by Ser [[Gerold Dayne]], the Darkstar. Since Myrcella lost an ear to him to begin with, she has agreed to claim that the Darkstar slew Oakheart as well. Doran has also decided to deny [[Cersei]]'s request that his own son [[Trystane Martell|Trystane]] return to [[King's Landing]] with Myrcella, as an ambush has been planned in [[Tyrion Lannister]]'s name that would result in Trystane's death. He dispatches Nym and Tyene instead, one to take up his [[small council]] seat and the other to join the Great Sept, thus giving him eyes and ears in the capitol.
Cersei Lannister, the Queen Regenta Rainha Regente, continues her captivity at the [[Great Sept of Baelor]]. After a period of enforced sleeplessness, she confesses to the [[High Sparrow|High Septon]] on the charges of fornication and incest with [[Lancel Lannister|Lancel]], though not to adultery nor the slaying of King [[Robert Baratheon|Robert]]. This gains her the right to receive visitors, particularly Ser [[Kevan Lannister]], who reveals the news of Myrcella's injury and Ser Arys Oakheart's death in [[Dorne]]. Cersei is relieved: this allows her to name [[Qyburn]]'s silent champion Ser [[Robert Strong]] to the Kingsguard in Oakheart's place, giving her a chance to win a trial by combat. Eventually she is released to the [[Red Keep]] to spend time with her son before her trial... but must walk the entire way naked and suffering the humiliation of the common folk.Finally, the epilogue closes the novel with the viewpoint of Ser [[Kevan Lannister]], the late Tywin's staunchest supporter, and current [[regent]] in light of Cersei's judicial troubles. After supping with Cersei and King [[Tommen]], and noting his niece's now-broken spirit, he is called to Grand Maester [[Pycelle]]'s quarters to receive a [[White Ravens|white raven]] from the [[Citadel]] at [[Oldtown]], a traditional sign that winter has come. There he finds Pycelle dead, and is then himself assassinated by [[Varys]] for "threatening to undo all the queen's good work, to reconcile [[Highgarden]] and [[Casterly Rock]], bind the Faith to your little king, unite the Seven Kingdoms under Tommen's rule." With Kevan dead, Varys claims, the way will be opened for Aegon to assume the throne.
