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Meera foi ensinada a lutar com uma rede e um tridente por seu pai. Ela é uma ótima caçadora, capaz de pegar um peixe facilmente com a sua lança. Ela conseguiu derrotar [[Verão (lobo gigante)|Verão]] em combate, usando sua rede para prender e imobilizar o [[lobo gigante]]. {{ref|acok|28}}
Meera is described as having a cheerful dispositioné descrita como tendo uma disposição animada, in stark contrast to her sullen brotherao contrário do seu irmão mal-humorado. She is intensely loyal and protective of her Ela é extremamente leal e protetora de seu "princepríncipe" as well as her own brother, and will not back down from assim como de seu irmão, e não foge de uma luta caso haja a fight if need bepossibilidade. Bran says that the only thing that ever makes her angry or upset is her brother diz que a única coisa que a irrita ou chateia é seu irmão Jojen. {{Ref|aSoS|9}}
==Eventos recentes==
===''A Fúria dos Reis''===
In the middle of a Harvest Feast, Meera and her brother [[Jojen Reed]] arrive to pledge [[House Reed|Reeds']] support to [[Winterfell]] and [[Robb Stark|Robb]] after [[Eddard Stark]]'s death. [[Luwin|Maester Luwin]] tells [[Bran]] that he should greet these two warmly because Howland Reed was a great friend of his father and these are his children. Meera is with Jojen when Jojen asks about the [[direwolf|Direwolves]], wanting to see them, and is told they are in the [[Godswood]]. {{Ref|aCoK|21}}
Later, Meera manages to defeat the direwolf [[Summer (direwolf)|Summer]] using a net and frog spear. Bran claims that Summer won, but then Jojen points out that Summer is tangled up in the net and cannot escape. After Bran does a mock fight with Summer, he asks her if she was taught to fight by their Master at Arms, and she tells him that [[Greywater Watch]] has no knights, master at arms, maester, or ravens. She says neither ravens nor the Reeds’ enemies can find [[Greywater Watch]] because it moves, although many have tried.
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