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4 bytes removidos ,  14h26min de 13 de setembro de 2012
==Eventos recentes==
===''A Fúria dos Reis''===
In the middle of a Harvest Feast, Meera and her brother [[Jojen Reed]] arrive to pledge [[Casa Reed|Reeds]] support to [[Winterfell]] and [[Robb Stark|Robb]] after [[Eddard Stark]]'s death. [[Luwin|Meistre Luwin]] tells Bran that he should greet these two warmly because Howland Reed was a great friend of his father and these are his children. Meera is with Jojen when Jojen asks about the lobos gigantes, wanting to see them, and is told they are in the [[Bosque sagrado]]. {{Ref|aCoK|21}}
Later, Meera manages to defeat the direwolf Verão using a net and frog spear. Bran claims that Verão won, but then Jojen points out that Verão is tangled up in the net and cannot escape. After Bran does a mock fight with Verão, he asks her if she was taught to fight by their Mestre de Armas, and she tells him that [[Atalaia da Água Cinzenta]] has no knights, master at arms, maester, or ravens. She says neither ravens nor the Reeds’ enemies can find Atalaia da Água Cinzenta because it moves, although many have tried. {{ref|acok|28}}
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