No meio de uma festa da colheita, Meera e seu irmão Jojen Reed chegam para mostrar o apoio da [[Casa Reed]] a [[Winterfell]] e a [[Robb Stark]], após a morte de [[Eddard Stark]]. [[Luwin|Meistre Luwin]] diz a Bran que ele deveria saudá-los calorosamente pois Howland Reed fora um grande amigo de seu pai, e estes eram seus filhos. Meera está com Jojen quando ele pergunta sobre os lobos gigantes, querendo vê-los, e descobre que eles estão no [[Bosque sagrado]]. {{Ref|aCoK|21}}
Mais tarde, Meera consegue derrotar Verão usando uma rede e um tridente. Bran afirma que Verão vencera, mas então Jojen mostra que o lobo gigante está enroscado na rede, e não consegue escapar. After Após Bran does a mock fight with brincar com Verão, he asks her if she was taught to fight by their ele pergunta-lhe se ela foi ensinada a lutar pelo seu Mestre de Armas, and she tells him that e ela diz que a [[Atalaia da Água Cinzenta]] has no knightsnão possui cavaleiros, master at armsmestres de armas, maester[[meistres]], or ravensou corvos. She says neither ravens nor the Reeds’ enemies can find Ela diz que nem os corvos ou os inimigos dos Reeds conseguem encontrar a Atalaia da Água Cinzenta because it movespois ela se desloca, although many have triedembora muitos tenham tentado. {{ref|acok|28}}
Bran asks her if he can visit pergunta a ela se pode visitar Atalaia da Água Cinzenta after the conflictapós a guerra, and she tells him that he can come whenever he wantse ela diz que ele poderia ir quando ele quisesse. {{ref|acok|28}}
Jojen tells diz a Bran that everyone in the castle hears him scream when he sleepsque todos no castelo o escutam gritando quando dorme, and asks about what frightens hime pergunta o que o assusta tanto. As Enquanto Jojen questions questiona Bran and pushes him to admit he has , e o força a admitir que tem os [[Troca-peles|sonhos de lobo]], Bran gets agitatedse irrita, which causes fazendo com que Verão to get agitated, and start to act aggressively towards se irrite e comece a agir agressivamente para Jojen. Meera tells her brother to climb the treemanda seu irmão subir no [[represeiro]], but he initially refusesmas ele se recusa, telling her it is not yet his time to diedizendo que ainda não era a sua hora de morrer. [[Cão Felpudo]] joins se junta a Verão and they both start to attack, e os dois começam a atacar. Jojen finally climbs the treefinalmente sobe na árvore, com Meera following himo seguindo. They climb down only after Eles somente descem após [[Hodor]] arrives to chase the direwolves away at Bran’s instructionchegar para afastar os lobos gigantes. {{Ref|aCoK|28}}
Later, Meera is behind Jojen when they enter Bran’s room after he is left there by [[Osha]] who had told Bran that she has seen many of the mythical beasts of the Norte, but not a [[corvo de três olhos]]. Bran finally tells Meera and Jojen about his sonhos de lobo. Then Jojen reveals one of his own dreams: he saw that sea would come to [[Winterfell]].
Goiva asks if Jojen is the one that [[Mãos-Frias]] was looking for. Mãos-Frias had told Goiva and Sam that there would be people in the castle. When Jojen asks how Sam and his group got through the wall, and Sam told him that they came through o Portão Negro, a passage as old as the wall. Sam will have to take them back because only a man sworn to the Patrulha da Noite can open the gate.
Sam tells them that Mãos-Frias was dressed in the black of the Patrulha, but pale. He rides an elk and has ravens. Mãos-Frias did not come because he cannot pass beyond the wall because there are spells woven into it. When Sam sees that Bran is crippled, he recognizes him as Jon’s brother. When Verão licks Sam’s hand, Bran decides they will go with him. Meera, Jojen, Hodor and Bran go through the Portão Negro, which is a white [[represeiro]] with a withered face. The door opened its eyes and asked, “Quem é?” Sam answers with the Patrulha da Noite oath and the door allows them to pass beyond the Muralha. {{Ref|aSoS|56}}
===''A Dança dos Dragões''===