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3 bytes adicionados ,  05h45min de 16 de setembro de 2012
==Citações sobre Missandei==
{{Quote|The little scribe with the big golden eyes was wise beyond her years. She is brave as well. She had to be to survive the life she's lived.{{Ref|aSoS|71}} }} [[Daenerys Targaryen]].
{{Quote|She relied so much on the little scribe that she oft forgot that Missandei had only turned eleven. {{Ref|aDwD|43}} }} [[Daenerys Targaryen]].
{{Quote|Eleven years of age, yet Missandei is as clever as half the men at this table and wiser than all of them, {{Ref|aDwD|70}} }} [[Barristan Selmy]], comparing Missandei to the [[Ruling council of Meereen]].
==Referências e Notas==
6 704
