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9 bytes adicionados ,  14h28min de 16 de setembro de 2012
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'''Missandei''' is a servant of [[Daenerys Targaryen]] and former slave. She is [[Naath]]i. Three of her brothers are [[UnsulliedImaculados]] but one was killed in training and only [[Marselen]] and [[Mossador]] remain. {{Ref|aSoS|27}}{{Ref|aDwD|11}} She has a sweet, strong voice. {{Ref|aDwD|2}}
==Aparência e personalidade==
==Eventos recentes==
===''A Tormenta de Espadas''===
Missandei was a slave interpreter for [[Kraznys mo Nakloz]] when Daenerys Targaryen came to inspect the Unsullied Imaculados in [[Astapor]]. She left untranslated several of his phrases such as "Westerosi whore", "sunset savage", and "Westerosi pigs". She offered to Kraznys both accurate translations of Daenerys' words and notes of the motives behind them. For example Missandei noted that "she speaks no praise, to keep the price down". While Missandei translated Kraznys' sales pitch to Dany, Kraznys kept poking the slave girl with the end of his lash. Urging her to add more details to the pitch. {{Ref|aSoS|23}}
At one point Kraznys joked that Missandei should tell " "Arstan Whitebeard" ([[Barristan Selmy]]) that the old man had the smell of piss and could not stand without his walking stick. Missandei took the joke literally, but Kraznys prevented her from translate his insults. He had her claim that there was a rival buyer, a "corsair king", though Missandei reminded him that the corsair was only interested in 100 UnsulliedImaculados. Not more. {{Ref|aSoS|23}} When Kraznys ended his pitch and offered to show Astapor to Daenerys, Missandei edited his words to sound more polite and pleasant. Leaving out entirely the sexual proposals of Kraznys. {{Ref|aSoS|23}}
After Daenerys struck a bargain with the [[Good Masters]] of Astapor concerning payment for the UnsulliedImaculados, Kraznys gave Missandei to Daenerys as an interpreter to give them commands until the Unsullied Imaculados had learned Daenerys's language. Missandei revealed no feelings concerning the decision. {{Ref|aSoS|27}} Both the Good Masters and Missandei were under the impression that Daenerys could only converse in the Common Tongue. Daenerys actually did not need an interpreter, and understood what the representatives of Astapor were saying in their own tongue. Overhearing discussions which Missandei left untranslated. Just after the initial meeting, Missandei was surprised when Daenerys addressed a question to her in High Valyrian. Figuring out the scheme of her new owner. The question concerned the name of the girl. Which Daenerys needed to proclaim Missandei free. {{Ref|aSoS|27}}
As a freedwoman, Missandei was offered employment by Daenerys and listened to her terms of service. She would serve as a handmaid to Dany, kept by her side to also serve as an interpreter. She could leave the service upon request. She would have her freedom guaranteed, but not her safety. Following Daenerys in dangerous journeys and wars, there would always be the dangers of going hungry, falling sick, or getting killed. Missandei accepted, though noted her reasons for doing so: she had nowhere else to go. As for the fear of dying, Missandei responded with the phrase "[[Valar Morghulis]]". {{Ref|aSoS|27}}
Missandei explained to Daenerys basic information on the UnsulliedImaculados. She also discussed the matter of what to do with the Unsullied Imaculados once the wars were over. She suggested using them as guard and watchmen for life. Or finding buyers for them, though Dany pointed that the Unsullied Imaculados could then be used against her. Missandei offered a third solution, though she seemed troubled over it. The solution was to order them to commit suicide, ending any potential threat from them. Dany noted that Missandei seemed to personally dread this option, and had a simple question for her new handmaid: "Why do you care?" Missandei was forced to admit that she had three brothers among the Unsullied Imaculados troops. {{Ref|aSoS|27}}
When Daenerys entered Astapor to complete the deal, Missandei walked to the left side of [[the Silver]]. She pointed at the Plaza of Punishment and explained why it stood at the front of the main gate. So that new slaves could witness first-hand the fate of rebellious slaves. {{Ref|aSoS|27}} At the meeting, Kraznys still gave orders to Missandei. Despiter no longer owning her. He commanded her to translate for him. Missandei left some of his phrases untranslated, such as "whore of Westeros". She witnessed the [[Sack of Astapor]], though her activities during it were not covered. {{Ref|aSoS|27}}
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