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* Durante o [[Torneio em Harrenhal]], um escudeiro de um membro da Casa Frey ameaçou [[Howland Reed]]. O cavaleiro Frey foi depois derrotado pelo [[Cavaleiro da Árvore Risonha]], que disse ao cavaleiro que ensinasse honra ao seu escudeiro.
* [[Jon Arryn]] recusou criar os netos de Lorde Walder no [[Ninho da Águia]].
* When dismissing the idea of turning to her father's bannermen to deal with the [[House Lannister|Lannisters]], [[Catelyn Tully]] thinks of "irascible Lord Frey, who had outlived seven wives and filled his twin castles with children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren, and bastards and grand bastards as well."
* There is a group of about twenty Frey men in the inn where Catelyn seizes [[Tyrion Lannister]]. They fail to help her to bring the Imp to [[Winterfell]], choosing to go to the Twins immediately to report the incident.
* Six Freys enter the lists at the [[Tourney of the Hand]]: Ser Jared, Ser Hosteen, Ser Danwell, Ser Emmon, Ser Theo and Ser Perwyn, as well as some of his bastards including Walder Rivers. They fared poorly, with Hosteen falling to Ser [[Loras Tyrell]] and Danwell to a hedge knight.
* On his march south to fight the Lannisters, [[Robb Stark]] demanded that Lord Frey let him use the crossing with his army. He was received by Ser Stevron at the doors, and later Catelyn negotiated with Walder a deal: The crossing and their swords in exchange for Robb and [[Arya Stark]] marrying Freys, Catelyn taking two more (Big and Little Walder) as wards and Robb taking yet another (Olyvar) as his squire.
* Robb acknowledged that the Freys fought bravely at the [[Battle of the Whispering Wood]], where Ser Stevron was in command. Meanwhile Cleos and Tion had fought on the other side under their cousin the Kingslayer, and were captured along with him.
* Other Freys, including Ser Aenys, Ser Jared, Ser Hosteen, Ser Danwell, Elmar and Ronel Rivers were part of [[Roose Bolton]]'s army. Jared, Hosteen, Danwell and Ronel were made prisoners by [[Tywin Lannister|Lord Tywin]] during the [[Battle of the Green Fork]]. In captivity at [[Harrenhal]], they were ransomed by two other Freys (presumably Aenys and Elmar) soon after Arya's arrival, rejoining Bolton's army.
*Many Freys including Ser Stevron, Ser Ryman, Black Walder, Ser Perwyn, Olyvar and Martyn Rivers, joined Robb in his campaign through the [[Westerlands]]. Stevron died after receiving a minor wound in the [[Battle of Oxcross]], making his son Ryman the heir. In the [[Battle of the Crag]], Black Walder scaled the walls of the castle.
* Big Walder and Little Walder are welcomed to Winterfell, although they are not much to the liking of [[Bran Stark]]. They are spared by [[Theon Greyjoy]] and later by [[Ramsay Snow]] when Winterfell is taken.
* The captive Cleos Frey was sent to King's Landing to offer King Robb's terms to his cousin Tyrion Lannister; they were rebuffed. Tyrion planted men in Cleos's guard to try and free Jaime; they failed and Cleos was imprisoned again.
* Ser Perwyn accompanied Lady Catelyn to her voyage south to deal with kings [[Renly Baratheon|Renly]] and [[Stannis Baratheon|Stannis]].
* Martyn Rivers commands King Robb's outriders in the Riverlands while [[Brynden Tully]] is campaigning in the West. He meets Catelyn when she nears Riverrun on her return trip.
* After the fall of Winterfell and the Lannister [[Battle of the Blackwater|victory]] over Stannis, the Freys in Roose Bolton's army believed that Robb should bend the knee.
* When Catelyn freed Jaime in an effort to exchange him for her daughters, he was accompanied by his cousin Cleos Frey. Cleos was killed by outlaws en route to King's Landing, and was mourned by none.
* The Freys left Robb's army after he broke his marriage contract by wedding [[Jeyne Westerling]].
* Lame Lothar and Bastard Walder arrive at Riverrun with 40 Twins men. There they make the offer that their liege lord, King Robb's uncle [[Edmure Tully]], stand in his place for the marriage alliance.
* The Freys conspired with Tywin Lannister and Roose Bolton to organize the [[Red Wedding]], where they broke the guest right and betrayed Robb and their allies. To solidify the alliance, Fat Walda married Lord Bolton, while Gatehouse Ami was paired with [[Lancel Lannister]] and [[Daven Lannister]] was to wed another Frey.
* After the Red Wedding, the Freys were generally considered accursed throughout Westeros. They also became the target of attacks by outlaws and people seeking revenge.
* Black Walder secured the surrender of [[Seagard]] by threatening to kill [[Patrek Mallister]], while Ryman and his son Edwyn led a 2,000-strong Frey force to join Daven Lannister in the [[Siege of Riverrun]], which was promised as the seat of Emmon Frey. After arriving, Jaime Lannister removed Ryman from command.
* Petyr, Merrett and Ser Ryman were seized and hanged by the revived Lady Catelyn. Ryman's death left his son Edwyn as heir to the Twins.
* Dead soldiers with bearing the colors of House Frey have washed up on the [[Quiet Isle]]. According to the [[Elder Brother]], they are buried next to their enemies.
* After "[[Rorge|the Hound]]"'s attack on [[Saltpans]], Arwood Frey and his kinsmen Harys and Donnel Haigh ride to investigate, finding [[Quincy Cox]] hiding behind his walls.
* According to Queen [[Cersei Lannister|Cersei]], Lord [[Wyman Manderly]] was on the verge of agreeing to ally himself with the Boltons after he agreed to marry both of his granddaughters to members of House Frey and open his port to Lannister shipping.
* The Manderlys only pretended to accept the king's peace, however: after they left [[White Harbor]], Lord Wyman arranged for the deaths of the Frey envoys Rhaegar, Jared, and Symond.
* 2,000 Frey soldiers under Ser Aenys join Roose Bolton to pacify the North. Tensions rise in Bolton's army at Winterfell between the Freys and the Manderlys; there is a brief clash between their men-at-arms. During the occupation, Little Walder is found dead. To relieve the pressure, Roose sends Aenys and Hosteen as a vanguard against Stannis. They fall prey to a trap set by [[Mors Umber]] outside the walls, killing Aenys.
===Casas juramentadas às Gêmeas===
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