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Daenerys Targaryen mantém seus aposentos privados (ou aposentos da rainha) no cume da pirâmide, no andar mais alto. Seus aposentos são cercados de folhagens e piscinas perfumadas. {{Ref|aDwD|2}} Ele possui baixos parapeitos de tijolo. [[Irri]] divide, ocasionalmente, a cama principal com Daenerys, principalmente após seus encontros sexuais. [[Jhiqui]] e [[Missandei]] parecem possuir suas próprias camas no aposento. {{Ref|aSoS|71}}
O quarto de Sor [[Barristan Selmy]], originalmente alojamento de escravos, é uma pequena cela do lado de fora dos aposentos da rainha; seus móveis consistem em uma cama, um penico, um armário para as roupas e uma cadeira se quisesse se sentar. Na mesa ao lado da cama, ele mantém uma vela de cera de abelha e uma pequena escultura do [[Fé dos Sete|Guerreiro]]. {{Ref|aDwD|59}}
Existe um terraço ajardinado no cume. Do terraço, Daenerys tem uma vista de toda a cidade de Meereen, e seus arredores. Incluindo o [[Templo das Graças]], o rio [[Skahazadhan]], {{ref|adwd|2}} , o "mar de peltre", as secas colinas marrons, os pomares e campos da cidade, e as arenas de luta. {{ref|asos|71}} O jardim é diretamente conectado aos seus aposentos pelas portas do terraço, a permitindo se dirigir ao terraço durante a noite. Ela gosta da sensação da relva entre seus dedos do pé. {{ref|asos|71}} Um caquizeiro serve como o local favorito dos pássaros. {{Ref|aSoS|71}} O terraço possui uma piscina, onde Daenerys se banha, em sua água fria, enquanto pequenos peixes mordiscam seus braços e pernas. {{ref|adwd|11}} O caquizeiro é visível da piscina. Enquanto se banhava, Dany teve uma visão de [[Quaithe]], sob o pé de caqui. {{Ref|aDwD|11}}
The queen’s splendorous audience chamber A grandiosa câmara de audiências (or hallou salão) is one level below her apartmentda rainha fica no piso abaixo de seus aposentos, {{Ref|aSoS|71}} down a broad marble stairdescendo uma escada de mármore. {{Ref|aDwD|2}} It is an echoingÉ uma sala cheia de ecos, high-ceilinged room with tiles and walls of purple marblede teto elevado e com paredes de mármore roxo. Daenerys found the place achou o lugar "chillygelado". {{Ref|aSoS|71}} Tall candles burn amongst the purple marble pillarsAltas velas queimam entre os pilares púrpuros de mármore, {{Ref|aDwD|30}} and e [[UnsulliedImaculados]] stand with their backs to the pillarspermanecem de costas para os pilares. {{Ref|aDwD|2}} Daenerys Targaryen sits upon a plain ebony bench that she has made her thronesentava em um simples banco de ébano, o qual ela tomou como seu trono.{{Ref|aSoS|71}}{{Ref|aDwD|2}} The hall also has a terraceO salão também possui um terraço inferior. The lowerterrace and its garden were used by Ele e seu jardim foram usado por Daenerys and e Hizdahr to entertain the representatives from para entreter os representantes de [[Yunkai]]. The garden includes lemon trees and night-blooming flowersO jardim possui limoeiros e flores noturnas. {{Ref|aDwD|50}}
The previous use of the room is unrecordedNão existe registro do antigo uso do salão. HoweverNo entanto, a throne stood there prior to her occupation of the um trono permanecia lá antes de sua ocupação da Pirâmide. The throne was O trono era "uma coisa fantástica de madeira esculpida e dourada, com a fantastic thing of carved and gilded woodforma de uma harpia selvagem", all in the shape of a savage harpy. Daenerys refused to use se recusou a usar o "harpy's lapcolo da harpia" as a throne and had the old throne destroyedcomo um trono, e fez com que ele fosse transformado em lenha. Its remains were used for firewood. The ebon bench was her own choiceO banco de ébano foi de sua própria escolha, though she noted the Meereeneesa population considered the bench unworthy for a queenembora os Meereeneses tivessem considerado-o inadequado para uma rainha. {{Ref|aSoS|71}} Daenerys found herself spending long hours on the benchencontrava-se passando longas horas no banco, listening to various petitioners and official representativesouvindo vários peticionários e representantes oficiais. She felt her buttocks going numb from all the sittingEla sentia suas nádegas ficarem dormentes de tanto ficar sentada. She joked to [[Ela brincou com Barristan Selmy]] about having , dizendo que tinha "too many councillors and too few cushionsconselheiros demais e almofadas de menos". {{Ref|aDwD|2}} Selmy took the joke literallytomou a piada literalmente, adding satin pillows to the ebon benche adicionou uma pilha de almofadas de cetim ao banco de ébano. Danny smiled at the pleasant surpriseA visão trouxe um leve sorriso aos lábios de Dany. {{Ref|aDwD|11}}
With Com o sumiço de Daenerys missing, her consort and seu consorte e co-ruler [[governante Hizdahr zo Loraq]] took over the audience chamber. Replacing the ebon bench with two imposing thrones of gilded wood. Their tall backs are carved in the shape of tomou a câmara de audiências, substituindo o banco de ébano por dois imponentes tronos de madeira dourada, com os altos encostos esculpidos com o formato de [[dragondragões]]s. He chose the rightEle escolheu sentar-hand throne for himselfse no trono da direita, leaving the vacant left-hand throne for deixando o segundo trono vazio para Daenerys. In case she returns, caso ela retornasse. {{Ref|aDwD|59}} Selmy thinks of the new throne as the imaginou o novo trono como a "dragon thronecadeira do dragão". {{Ref|aDwD|59}} Selmy eventually deposed , eventualmente, depôs Hizdahr in a coup d'etat and was proclaimed em um golpe de estado, e foi proclamado Mão da Rainha, ruling in the name of the missing governando em nome da desaparecida Daenerys. He decided to keep both the ebony bench and the dragon thrones out of the hall. Replacing them with his own new seat: a large round table. The table has been placed in the center of the wallEle decidiu remover os tronos de dragão do salão, mas não trouxera de volta o banco de ébano; ao invés disso, ele os substituíra com uma larga mesa redonda, colocada no centro do salão, surrounded by tall chairs. Selmy intends for the men seated at the tablecom altas cadeiras ao seu redor, the onde o [[ruling council of conselho governante de Meereen]], to discuss as peerspodia se sentar e conversar como pares. {{Ref|aDwD|70}} Selmy refuses to hold court or accept petitioners until se recusou a dar audiências ou receber peticionários até que Daenerys returnsretornasse. {{Ref|aDwD|70}}
===Os trinta e três andares===
A Grande Pirâmide boasts three-and-thirty levels, a number sacred to the Gods of Ghis. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
As befits his rank [[Quentyn Martell]] is given quarters within the Grande Pirâmide, two levels down from the apex, a handsome suite of rooms with its own privy and walled terrace. His companions [[Gerris Drinkwater]] and [[Archibald Yronwood]] might have shared the rooms with him. At least Drinkwater mentions them as "our apartments", and points that their weapons, armor, and most of their coin are in these rooms. When [[Barristan Selmy]] noted [[Hizdahr zo Loraq|Hizdahr]] frowning at Quentyn and whispering in the ear of [[Marghaz zo Loraq]], he feared for the life of the young prince. Warning the Dornishmen to flee the Pyramid Pirâmide in haste, avoiding a return to their quarters. {{Ref|aDwD|59}}The Dornishmen were still living in the Pyramid Pirâmide when they started conspiring with their former comrades in the [[WindblownSoprados pelo Vento]]. Though Drinkwater was in favor of listening to Selmy's warning. "When Barristan the Bold tells you to run, a wise man laces up his boots". {{Ref|aDwD|60}} [[Denzo D'han]] delivered a message at the door of Quentyn's quarters. The Dornishmen left the Grande Pirâmide before the sunset, heading for the [[Purple Lotus]]. {{Ref|aDwD|60}} It is unclear if the trio continued living in the Pyramid Pirâmide when they attempted to tame Rhaegal and Viserion. Prior to the mission, Yronwood looked on the rain falling at the terrace of their room. But the text does not specify if said room and terrace were the ones in the PyramidPirâmide. {{Ref|aDwD|68}}
[[Reznak mo Reznak]]’s chambers are on the second level. {{Ref|aDwD|55}} According to the plans of Selmy and [[Skahaz mo Kandaq]], Reznak will remain in custody until they can be certain of his loyalty. It is not stated whether he is to be confined in his quarters, or transferred to a cell. {{Ref|aDwD|67}} The armory is also on the second level, there are racks of spears, sheaves of quarrels, and the walls are hung with trophies from forgotten battles. Skahaz mo Kandaq and Ser Sor Barristan Selmy meet there before arresting Hizdahr. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
On the third level, there is the training hall where Ser Sor Barristan works with his boys, teaching them the art of the sword and shield, horse and lance and chivalry. All current trainees are between the ages of 8 and 20-years-old. Selmy started out with more than 60 trainees. Less than half of them managed to pass through the rigorous training. {{Ref|aDwD|55}}
Massive brick walls surround a suite of rooms buried in the very heart of the pyramid pirâmide on the sixteenth and seventeenth levels. {{Ref|aDwD|55}}{{Ref|aDwD|67}} [[Hizdahr zo Loraq]] and the copeiros de Daenerys take up residence here during Daenerys' absence. {{Ref|aDwD|55}} The king’s chambers are dark and windowless, surrounded on all sides by brick walls eight feet thick (2, 44 meters). Great beams of black oak support the high ceilings. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
The king's chambers have carved hardwood doors with a slidehole, they are barred on the inside. {{Ref|aDwD|67}} The floors are covered with silk carpets out of [[Qarth]]. On the walls are priceless tapestries, ancient and much faded, depicting the glory of the [[Império Ghiscari]]. The largest of them show the last survivors of a defeated [[Valyrian Freehold|Valyrian]] army passing beneath the yoke and being chained. {{Ref|aDwD|67}} The archway leading to the royal bedchamber is guarded by a pair of sandalwood lovers, shaped and smoothed and oiled, Ser [[Sor Barristan Selmy]] finds them distasteful. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
When Selmy entered the royal quarters to arrest Hizdahr, an iron brazier gave the only light. There is a bench intended for waiting visitor at a short distance from the bedchamber. An archway connects the bedchamber with the location intended for the copeiros and various visitors. A thin and nearly-transparent silk curtain stands at the entrance of the archway. It allows a person standing in the archway to examine visitors without stepping outside to meet them. But offers little protection from prying eyes. {{Ref|aDwD|67}} The night of the arrest, Selmy noted an unnamed woman observing him from the curtain, naked. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
At a short distance from the bedchamber is a sideboard where Hizdahr keeps a flagon of [[winevinho]]. He has developed a taste for [[ArborÁrvore]] gold and sweet red (possibly from da [[The ReachCampina]]), dismissing Ghiscari wine as "yellow piss". He is annoyed when his copeiros leave the flagon empty. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
The identity of the woman sharing Hizhadr's bed remains uncertain. Selmy suspects that Hizhahr intends to make the woman his new consort. Replacing Daenerys. Hizhahr, surprised at the accusation, claims that she is merely a bedslave trained in providing pleasure. Currently a free woman, but putting those skills to work. {{Ref|aDwD|67}}
At ground level the pyramid pirâmide is a hushed place, full of dust and shadows. Within the ground level walls, sounds echo off arches of many coloured brick, and amongst the stables, stalls, and storerooms. {{Ref|aDwD|11}} [[HorseCavalo]]s (including Daenerys' mare a [[the SilverPrata]]), mules and donkeys are stabled in the western walls, [[elephantselefantes]] in the eastern. Currently there are only 3 elephants elefantes within the PyramidPirâmide, having "bobbed and gilded" tusks and sad eyes. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}{{Ref|aDwD|55}} Daenerys’s wedding procession formed up inside the gates. The procession headed to the [[Temple of the Graces]]Templo das Graças, including among its members: {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*Daenerys Targaryen, the bride. Seated in a sedan chair. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*[[Reznak mo Reznak]], seneschal. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}*[[Skahaz mo Kandaq]]. , Commander of the [[Brazen BeastsBestas de Bronze]], leader of the [[ShavepatesCabeças-raspadas]]. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}*[[Barristan Selmy]], |Lord Commander of the [[QueensguardGuarda da Rainha]]. Riding on a dapple-grey horse. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
When conspiring against Hizdahr, Selmy and Skahaz had a secret meeting by the stables. Missandei transferred the message between them. The location was chosen because the stables are always quiet after sunset. Barristan noted that the Silver a Prata and the elephants elefantes were at their proper places. {{Ref|aDwD|55}}
The [[Grandes Mestres]] used the pit as a prison; it is 40 feet deep (12,19 meters) and large enough to hold 500 men. {{Ref|aDwD|11}}
To get to the pit you have to pass beneath 3 massive arches, go down a torchlit ramp into the vaults beneath the pyramidpirâmide, past cisterns, dungeons, and torture chambers (where slaves had been scourged and skinned and burned with red-hot irons). Finally you arrive at an entrance with a pair of huge, forbidding iron doors with rusted hinges, closed with a length of chain whose link is as thick around as a man’s arm. The doors were initially guarded by [[Unsullied]]Imaculados, and later by [[Brazen Beasts]]Bestas de Bronze. {{Ref|aDwD|11}}{{Ref|aDwD|68}}
Inside the pit Daenerys Targaryen’s dragons Rhaegal and Viserion were confined and chained, the links of their chains large as a man's bound fist. Originally they were both chained to the wall and floor. {{Ref|aDwD|11}}{{Ref|aDwD|68}} Viserion was first able to snap one of his chains , {{Ref|aDwD|23}}, and then melted the others. He started hanging from the roof of the pit, his stance resembling "some huge white bat". Rhaegal was unable to break his chains. {{Ref|aDwD|50}} Viserion was later able to dig himself a dragon lair in the wall. {{Ref|aDwD|68}} Rhaegal managed to detach his collar chain from the wall, but not remove it from his neck. He had to pull 3 feet (0,91 meters) of chain still hanging from his neck to move inside the pit. The floor chains were shattered, twisted, and partly melted. Indicating that he successfully imitated Viserion in escaping his confines. It just took him longer to achieve the deed. {{Ref|aDwD|68}}
The Unsullied Imaculados inform Daenerys that once the iron doors glowed red-hot and no one dared touch them for a day. {{Ref|aDwD|23}} When attempting to steal a dragon [[Quentyn Martell]] sees that the iron doors have become dinted by the dragons trying to get out. The thick iron is cracked and splitting in three places, and the upper corner of the left hand door looks partially melted. Obviously the dragons were well aware of where the pit exit was and were attempting to break free prior to being accidentally loosed. They were,however, unable to escape the confines of the pit itself. {{Ref|aDwD|68}}
The two dragons have since left the PyramidPirâmide, and established their own lairs. Rhaegal has chosen the black pyramid pirâmide of [[Yherizan]], Viseryon the pyramid pirâmide of the [[House of Uhlez]]. {{Ref|aDwD|70}}
There are dungeons and torture chambers in proximity to the dragon pit. {{Ref|aDwD|68}} [[Archibald Yronwood]] and [[Gerris Drinkwater]] were confined there due to their role in the escape of the dragons. Barristan Selmy has offered them freedom, if they carry out a mission for him. Delivering a secret message to the [[Tattered Prince]]. Other members of the [[Windblown]]Soprados pelo Vento, feigned deserters, are also imprisoned in the dungeons. Selmy intends to send them back to the Prince. {{Ref|aDwD|70}} Among the known prisoners are [[Orson Stone]], [[Dick Straw]], [[Hugh Hungerford]], and [[Will (of the Woods)|Will of the Woods]]. {{Ref|aDwD|60}}
{{Quote| Up here in her garden Dany sometimes felt like a god, living atop the highest mountain in the world. Do all gods feel so lonely? {{Ref|aSoS|71}} }} - Queen Daenerys Targaryen, in contemplation, atop the Grande Pirâmide.
==Referências e notas==
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