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The battle occurred when the van of the A batalha ocorreu quando a vanguarda do exército [[Tyrell army under command of ]], sob o comando do Lorde [[Randyll Tarly]] ran into , encontrou as forças de [[Robert Baratheon]]'s forces. As forças de [[Tarly's forces overran Robert's army]] superaram as de [[Baratheon]], and forçando Robert was forced to withdraw from the field before the main force of the Tyrell host had joined the battlea recuar antes que a tropa principal se juntasse à batalha.{{Ref|aSoS|19}}
Former O Lorde [[TargaryenCafferen]] loyalist Lorde , não mais leal aos [[CafferenTargaryens]], who had joined the rebels after his defeat at the que havia se juntado aos rebeldes após sua derrota na [[Batalha de Solarestival]], was cut down by foi morto por Randyll Tarly whilst fighting for Robert. Tarly had his head sent to , que enviou sua cabeça ao Rei [[Aerys II]].{{Ref|aSoS|36}} On the Reach sideNo lado da [[Campina]], one casualty of note was Lord uma baixa notável foi a do primo de Lorde Mace's cousin , Sor [[Quentin Tyrell]].
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