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| battle_name = Battle of DuskendaleBatalha de Valdocaso| conflict = [[War of the Five KingsGuerra dos Cinco Reis]]| date = {{Date|299}}| place = [[DuskendaleValdocaso]], nas [[Terras da Coroa]]| result = Vitória [[House Lannister|Lannister]] - [[House Tyrell|Tyrell]] victory| combatant1 = [[House Casa Glover]]<br>[[House Casa Tallhart]]<br>[[House Casa Karstark]]| combatant2 = [[House Casa Lannister]] <br> [[House Casa Tyrell]] *<br>[[House Casa Tarly]]*<br>[[House Casa Leygood]]*<br>[[House Casa Ambrose]]| commander1 = Lorde [[Robett GloverHarrion Karstark]] <br> Ser Sor [[Helman Tallhart]]+<br>[[Harrion KarstarkRobett Glover]]| commander2 = Lord Lorde [[Randyll Tarly]] <br> Ser Sor [[Gregor Clegane]]| strength1 = 3000 men3 mil| strength2 = unknowndesconhecida, significantly larger force mas significativamente maior | casualties1 = Ser Sor [[Helman Tallhart]]+ <br> significant - army all but destroyed significativas<br>exército praticamente destruído | casualties2 = heavy <ref>[[A Storm of Swords]], [[A Storm of Swords-Chapter 19pesadas{{Ref|aSoS|Chapter 19]], Tyrion</ref>}}
The A '''Battle of DuskendaleBatalha de Valdocaso''' was one of the final battles of the foi uma das batalhas finais da [[War of the Five KingsGuerra dos Cinco Reis]]. Its only lasting effect was to bleed the forces further and weaken the noble houses of the Seu único efeito duradouro foi sangrar ainda mais e enfraquecer as forças das Casas nobres do [[NorthNorte]].
==IntroPrelúdio==Lord O Lorde [[Roose Bolton]] ordered ordenou [[Robett Glover]] to take the better part of the [[North|Northern]] foot south and meet up with Ser a tomar grande parte dos soldados nortenhos, encontrar-se com Sor [[Helman Tallhart]] and his garrison from e sua guarnição vinda das [[the TwinsGêmeas]] to march on e marchar sobre [[DuskendaleValdocaso]].<ref>[[A Clash of Kings]], {{Ref|aCoK|64}} Com suas fortalezas no [[A Clash of Kings-Chapter 64|Chapter 64Norte]], Arya</ref> With both of their strongholds in the North having been seized by the tendo sido tomadas pelos [[ironbornhomens de ferro]], both men are keen for vengeanceambos os homens estavam ansiosos por vingança, and burn their way towards the towne correram até a vila.
==The BattleA Batalha==After the victory over [[Stannis Baratheon|Stannis I]] at the [[Battle of the Blackwater]] and the new alliance between [[House Lannister]] and [[House Tyrell]], the two houses combined their forces. Lord [[Randyll Tarly]] marched with a sizable army from the [[Reach]] to catch the Northern force at Duskendale and threw them back. As the Northern army fell back they encountered Ser [[Gregor Clegane]] who had marched from [[Harrenhal]] and cut off their retreat. Caught between the sea, Lord Tarly and Ser Gregor, the army was annihilated.<ref>[[A Storm of Swords]], [[A Storm of Swords-Chapter 4{{Ref|aSoS|Chapter 4]], Tyrion</ref>}}
==The AftermathConsequências==Ser Helman was killed during the battle and Robett Glover was taken prisoner along with [[Harrion Karstark]]. The northern foot was destroyed, which hurt King [[Robb Stark]]'s ability to retake the North. It was later revealed that Lord Roose had defected to the [[House Lannister|Lannister]] side and in his attempt to diminish the Northern lords ability to attack him, he had sent the Northern army to its destruction.<ref>{{Ref|aSoS|19}} ==Referências=={{references|2}} [[Categoria:Guerras]][[A Storm of SwordsCategoria:Batalhas]][[Categoria:Terras Ocidentais]][[Categoria:Casa Stark]][[Categoria:Casa Tully]], [[Categoria:Casa Marbrand]] '''Nota:''' Esta página utiliza conteúdo da [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/ A Storm of Swords-Chapter 37|Chapter 37Wiki Of Ice And Fire]. O conteúdo original está aqui em [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Battle_of_Ashemark Battle_of_Ashemark], Jaime<. A lista de autores pode ser vista no [http://awoiaf.westeros.org/ref>index.php?title=Battle_of_Ashemark&action=history histórico da página].
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