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==Conflitos relacionados==
The time period during the War of the Five Kings is noted as containing other conflicts and campaigns that were directly or indirectly relatedNota-se que no período que compreende a Guerra dos Cinco Reis também houve outros conflitos e campanhas, direta ou indiretamente relacionadas, although not part of the conflict propermas não propriamente parte da guerra. The two principal theaters are Os dois principais teatros de operações são as campanhas de [[Daenerys Targaryen]]'s eastern campaigns against the no leste contra os [[Império Ghiscari and the Night's Watch renewed conflict with forces beyond the Wall|Ghiscari]], e o confronto da [[Patrulha da Noite]] com as forças de além da [[Muralha]].
===[[Além da Muralha]]===Enquanto a Guerra dos Cinco Reis se desenrolava no sul de [[Westeros]], a [[Patrulha da Noite]] travava pesados combates, não somente contra as forças [[selvagens]] insurgentes, mas contra seu antigo inimigo, os [[Outros]], que despertaram após milênios. While the War of the Five Kings raged in the south of [[Westeros]] the [[Night's Watch]] was engaged in heavy fighting not only against resurgent [[Wildlings|Wildling]] forces but their ancient enemy, the [[Others]], who had reawoken after centuries. While the conflicts at and north of the Wall cannot be characterized as a campaign or war by any one side it can be viewed as a three-sided conflict between forces each pursuing their own goals at the expense of the others.
===No leste===
Whilst the War of the Five Kings raged in Westeros and the Night's Watch battled for its survivalSimultaneamente, several other conflicts erupted on the eastern continentdiversos outros conflitos irromperam no [[Essos|continente oriental]]. Many of these wars were minorMuitas dessas guerras foram menores: the os [[Dothraki mounting their usual heavy raids on the lands of the ]] lançando seus saques e pilhagens usuais nas terras dos [[Lhazareen]], another brewing war between outra guerra sendo preparada entre [[Myr and ]] e [[Lys for control of the Disputed Lands and so forth]] pelo controle das [[Terras Disputadas]], entre outros. HoweverEntretanto, one was major and significantly shifted the balance of poweruma situação mudou significativamente o balanço de poder. This war would also later directly impact on affairs in A guerra que se seguiu mais tarde iria impactar diretamente nos assuntos de [[Westeros]].
After the War of the UsurperApós a [[Guerra do Usurpador]], o garoto de 8 anos, the eight-year-old [[Viserys Targaryen]] and the newborn e sua irmã recém-nascida, [[Daenerys Targaryen]] took refuge in the Free Cities, filhos do Rei [[Aerys II]], refugiaram-se nas [[Cidades Livres]]. When she was nearly fourteen years of age Quando ela tinha cerca de 14 anos de idade (ca. 298 AL) Daenerys was sold to the Dothraki , foi vendida a [[Khal Drogo]] in return for the use of his forty thousand bloodriders in placing dos [[Dothraki]], em troca de usar seus 40 mil cavaleiros para colocar Viserys on the Iron Throneno [[Trono de Ferro]]. HoweverEntretanto, Viserys proved impatient and unwisely insulted Khal provou-se impaciente e insensatamente insultou Drogo, resulting in his death at Drogo's handsresultando em sua morte. Drogo eventually perished from , posteriormente, viria a wound taken in battle and his ''khal'' was divided up amongst his old lieutenantsperecer de uma ferida infectada, e seu [[khalasar]] seria dividido entre seus antigos comandantes. Daenerys and a small entourage of the remaining[[Dany]], acompanhada de um pqueno grupo de seguidores restantes, velhos, doentes, mulheres e jovens em sua maioria, made up largely of the oldfoi deixada para morrer no [[Deserto Vermelho]], sick or young were left to die in the red wastesmas encontrou refúgio na cidade de [[Quarth]], but eventually found safety in the city of Qarth on the no [[Mar de Jade Sea]]. During this time three ancient eggs belonging to House Durante este tempo, três antigos ovos petrificados pertencentes à [[Casa Targaryen and restored to Daenerys by her ally ]] e recuperados por seu aliado [[Illyrio Mopatis]] hatched into dragons, chocaram, dando origem a três [[dragões]]. After attempts on her life in QarthApós tentativas de assassinato contra si em Quarth, Daenerys was able to return to embarcou em navios enviados por Mopatis para retornar a [[Pentos on ships sent to rescue her by Mopatis]], onde vivia.
HoweverEntretanto, on the way back to Pentosdurante sua jornada, Daenerys chose to divert to Slaver's Bay to purchase decidiu desviar sua rota para a slave army from the three great [[GhisBaía dos Escravos]]cari slave citiespara comprar um exército escravo das grandes cidades escravistas: [[Astapor]], [[Yunkai]], and e [[Meereen]].
* '''[[Saque de Astapor]].''' After taking the three merchant vessels of [[Illyrio Mopatis]], Daenerys followed the council of [[Jorah Mormont]] to buy [[Unsullied]] soldiers from Astapor for her conquest of [[Westeros]]. She traded her dragon Drogon for 8600 Unsullied and immediately used them to take the city, taking back her dragon as well. She freed the slaves of Astapor, including her Unsullied, and left a council of freedmen to rule the city, led by a healer, a priest, and a scholar. With her new army, Daenerys marched north on Yunkai. Many Astapori freedmen followed her.
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