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67 bytes adicionados ,  04h35min de 11 de outubro de 2012
===A Coroação dos Reis===
Com da a morte do Rei [[Robert Baratheon]] e de [[Eddard Stark]], o reino viu levantar vários reis buscando preencher a lacuna; em ordem de proclamação: Renly Baratheon, Robb Stark, Stannis Baratheon e Balon Greyjoy. Os irmãos de Robert, Stannis e Renly, individualmente reivindicaram o trono, e dividiram a [[Casa Baratheon]] em três partes, entre eles e o Rei Joffrey, que senta no [[Trono de Ferro]]. Robb Stark proclamou um [[Norte]] livre, e Balon Greyjoy proclamou a independência das [[Ilhas de Ferro]].
'''Rei [[Renly Baratheon]]'''. the youger brother of late King Robert. Immediately upon hearing of his brother's death and having failed to win the support of the King's Hand, Eddard Stark, Renly Baratheon fled the city for Highgarden. With help of Loras Tyrell he was able to secure alliance with the Reach, wedding [[Margaery Tyrell]], he declares himself King of the Seven Kingdoms. With the support of the [[StormlandsTerras da Tempestade]] and the strength of the Reach behind him. Renly assembles a huge host of 80,000 men and slowly marches towards King's Landing, letting the Lannisters and Starks bleed each other. Meanwhile, Lord Lorde [[Mace Tyrell]] assembles another host at Highgarden.
'''Rei [[Robb Stark]]'''. Following the death of Lord father Eddard, has is proclaimed the [[King in the NorthRei do Norte]] by his bannermen and the riverlords declared for him aswell, after he just saved them from certain defeat by the Lannisters. With the riverlords joining forces with Robb, he commands the combined military strength of both the North and the Riverlands. He hopes to gain the support of [[House Casa Arryn]] who remained neutral and alliance with the King Greyjoy and/or King Renly, sending his foster brother [[Theon Greyjoy]] to treat with his father, Lord Lorde Balon and his mother Lady [[Catelyn Tully|Catelyn]] to [[BitterbridgePontamarga]] to try to reach an alliance with King Renly. Left with no choice he decide to take the initiative and strike the Lannister power base, hoping to receive support from the Greyjoy, who would strike at [[Rochedo Casterly Rock]], while Robb draws the Lannisters away.
'''Rei [[Stannis Baratheon]]'''. Given the illegitimacy of Robert's children, Stannis felt it his duty to take the [[Iron ThroneTrono de Ferro]] as the next in-line of succession. Stannis has fled to Dragonstone [[Pedra do Dragão]] following Lord Jon Arryn's murder, and has been gathering his strength since. However, his forces are too few to challenge the Lannisters or Renly: only his fleet was of a remarkable strength, mainly due to his position as Master of Ships before the conflict, and his alliance with the [[Lys|Lyseni]] pirate [[Salladhor Saan]]. However Stannis has been swayed by a priestess of the [[R'hllor|Lord of the LightLorde da Luz]] named [[Melisandre]], who has seen in a vision that Renly will die, and the banners of the Reach [[Campina]] and the Stormlands [[Terras da Tempestade]] will flock to him. Stannis is declared king by his few bannermen at Dragonstone, and sails with his 5,000 mil men for [[Storm's EndPonta Tempestade]].
'''Rei [[Balon Greyjoy]]'''. Balon has called his banners and has been preparing for war for some time nowconvocou seus vassalos, seizing every ship on the islands so word cannot spread to the green landse tem se preparado para a guerra por algum tempo, mantendo todos os navios nas ilhas para que as notícias não se espalhassem às terras verdes, and to supplement the e para suprir a [[Iron FleetFrota de Ferro]]. When Quando [[Theon Greyjoy arrives bearing the alliance offer from King ]] chega portando a oferta de aliança do Rei [[RobbStark]], Balon dismisses ita dispensa, saying that dizendo que [[Rochedo Casterly Rock]] is too strong and that é forte demais, e que Theon has grown soft and forgotten his rootsse tornou mole e esqueceu suas raízes. Balon, Lord Reaper of O Lorde Ceifeiro de [[Pyke]] não quer receber uma coroa, does not want to be given a crown, he wants to take itquer tomá-la, paying the iron price like a true pagando o preço de ferro com um verdadeiro [[IronbornNascido do Ferro]]. Balon has his own plantem seu próprio plano: with the Northmen fighting down southcom os nortenhos lutando no sul, their lands are ripe for the takingsuas terras estão prontas para serem tomadas, with only unsuspecting green boys and old men to hold themcom apenas garotos verdes sem suspeitas para defendê-las, and no defensive fleet to speak ofe sem frota de defesa nenhuma. With his son returned to him from captivity at the hands of the Com seu filho de volta do cativeiro com nas mãos dos [[Starks]], there is nothing else to hold não há nada que detenha Balon back.
===Reivindicações ao longo do Tridente===
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