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Sem alterações no tamanho ,  04h44min de 16 de outubro de 2012
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Not all of the party escaped the mob. Among those killed were Ser [[Aron Santagar]], Ser [[Preston Greenfield]] and the [[High Septon]]. [[Lollys Stokeworth]] was raped and [[Tyrek Lannister]] was never found. Dozens of the smallfolk were killed by the [[Gold Cloaks]] and the knights of the [[Kingsguard]] who defended the King.{{Ref|aCoK|41}}
Even after the King was safely within the walls of the [[Red Keep]], the riot continued. [[Porto RealPorto_Real#Lugares ImportantesLugares_importantes|Baixada das Pulgas]] was set afire.{{Ref|aCoK|41}} A goldsmith was killed for having a full larder while the city starved. His manse was burned down.{{Ref|aCoK|44}}
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