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3 bytes removidos ,  12h36min de 17 de outubro de 2012
Foram revertidas as edições de Danidown (disc) para a última versão por Pedro tex
At ground level the pirâmide is a hushed place, full of dust and shadows. Within the ground level walls, sounds echo off arches of many coloured brick, and amongst the stables, stalls, and storerooms. {{Ref|aDwD|11}} [[Cavalo]]s (incluindo a égua de including Daenerys, ''mare a [[Prata]]''), mules and donkeys are stabled in the western walls, [[elefantes]] in the eastern. Currently there are only 3 elefantes within the Pirâmide, having "bobbed and gilded" tusks and sad eyes. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}{{Ref|aDwD|55}} Daenerys’s wedding procession formed up inside the gates. The procession headed to the Templo das Graças, including among its members: {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*Daenerys Targaryen, the bride. Seated in a sedan chair. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*Reznak mo Reznak, seneschal. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*Skahaz mo Kandaq, Commander of the [[Bestas de Bronze]], leader of the [[TolarrapadasCabeças-raspadas]]. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
*Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander of the [[Guarda da Rainha]]. Riding on a dapple-grey horse. {{Ref|aDwD|43}}
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