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11 bytes adicionados ,  19h27min de 11 de setembro de 2012
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Daenerys Targaryen's keeps her private chambers mantém seus aposentos privados (or queen’s apartmentsou aposentos da rainha) in the lofty apex of the pyramid on the highest stepno cume da pirâmide, no andar mais alto. Her chambers are surrounded by greenery and fragrant poolsSeus aposentos são cercados de folhagens e piscinas perfumadas. {{Ref|aDwD|362}} There are low brick parapetsEle possui baixos parapeitos de tijolo. [[Irri]] occasionally shares the main bed with divide, ocasionalmente, a cama principal com Daenerys, particularly after their sexual encountersprincipalmente após seus encontros sexuais. [[Jhiqui]] e [[Missandei]] appear to have their own beds within the chamberparecem possuir suas próprias camas no aposento. {{Ref|aSoS|71}}
Sor [[Barristan Selmy]]'s bedchamber (originally slave quarters) is a small cell adjoining the queen’s apartments; his furnishings consist of a bed, a chamber pot, a wardrobe for his clothing and a chair to sit on. On his bedside table he keeps a beeswax candle and a small carving of the [[Fé dos Sete|Guerreiro]]. {{Ref|aDwD|59}}
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