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Criou página com '{{Infobox character | Character_name = Brynden Rivers | image = 300px | image_caption = Lorde Brynden, por ['
{{Infobox character
| Character_name = Brynden Rivers
| image = [[Arquivo:corvodesangue.jpg|300px]]
| image_caption = Lorde Brynden, por [ Тхе Мичо]
| Alias = Corvo de Sangue<br>Corvo de Três Olhos
| Title = [[Mestre dos Sussurros]]<br>[[Mão do Rei]]<br>[[Senhor Comandante da Patrulha da Noite]]
| Allegiance = [[Casa Targaryen]]<br>[[Patrulha da Noite]]
| Race =
| Culture = [[Valíria]]
| Spouse =
| Place_of_Birth = [[Terras dos Rios]]
| Date_of_Birth = 175 AL
| Place_of_Death =
| Date_of_Death =
| Books = [[The Sworn Sword]] (Mencionado)<br> [[The Mystery Knight]] (Aparece)<br> [[O Festim dos Corvos]] (Mencionado)<br>[[A Dança dos Dragões]] (Aparece)
| coat-of-arms =
| Played_by =
| TV_series =

Lorde '''Brynden Rivers''', chamado de '''''Corvo de Sangue''''', foi um [[Grande Bastardo]] legitimizado do Rei [[Aegon IV]] e [[Mylessa Blackwood]], sua sexta amante. Seu brasão pessoal é um dragão branco com olhos vermelhos, liberando uma chama vermelha pelas ventas, num campo negro. Apesar de bastardo, foi leal à [[Casa Targaryen]] durante a [[Rebelião Blackfyre]], [[Mão]] do Rei [[Aerys I]] e [[Senhor Comandante da Patrulha da Noite|Lorde Comandante]] da [[Patrulha da Noite]]. [[Shiera Seastar]], outra bastarda de [[Aegon IV]], foi sua amante. Seu meio-irmão [[Aegor Rivers|Açoamargo]] também desejava Shiera, o que fez aumentar a inimizade entre os dois. Acreditava-se que era um feiticeiro.

Evidências em [[A Dança dos Dragões]] fortemente sugerem que ele seja o [[Corvo de Três Olhos]].

==Aparência e personalidade==
Como albino, Brynden tinha pele branca como leite, longos cabelos brancos e olhos vermelhos. Possuía uma marca de nascença que se estendia de seu pescoço até sua bochecha direita; alguns diziam que era parecida com um pássaro. Brynden não foi tão alto ou musculoso como seus meio-irmãos. Geralmente vestia cores de ''sangue e fumaça'', com fumaça sendo cinza escuro com mechas negras. Por ter uma pele sensível a luz, frequentemente vestia capa e capuz. Perdeu um olho durante a [[Rebelião Blackfyre]], e muito raramente cobria sua órbita vazia. Seu cabelo longo chegava aos seus ombros, e Brynden penteava uma mecha para cobrir o olho que perdera.

A strong warrior, Brynden carried the [[Valyrian steel|Valyrian]] sword [[Dark Sister]], but he preferred his [[weirwood]] longbow and was an expert archer. Brynden served on the [[small council]] of his half-brother [[Daeron II]] (on which he presumably served as [[Master of Whisperers]]). During the [[Blackfyre Rebellion]], Brynden remained loyal to King Daeron, and commanded a group of longbowmen called the [[Raven's Teeth]]. On the council he advocated a hard line against the rebels, winning out over [[Baelor Targaryen|Prince Baelor's]] call for leniency. At the [[Battle of the Redgrass Field]], he lost an eye fighting his half-brother, [[Aegor Rivers]]. His Raven's Teeth ultimately gained the [[Weeping Ridge]], and rained arrows down on [[Daemon Blackfyre]] from 300 yards away. Daemon and his twin sons were killed. For this, people would name him a [[Kinslaying|kinslayer]].

In 209 AL, Rivers became [[Hand of the King]], serving throughout the reign of his nephew [[Aerys I]]. His first major trial was [[The Great Spring Sickness]], which had killed Daeron II, the previous Hand, two princes, and tens of thousands of others. Seeing the corpses pile up in the streets of [[King's Landing]], Brynden ordered the pyromancers of the [[Alchemists' Guild]] to burn them in the [[Dragonpit]]. The light of their wildfire pyres could be seen as a glow throughout the city during the night. There was also a drought that lasted at least two years, causing many smallfolk to leave their lands in search of somewhere the rain still fell. Bloodraven ordered them to return to their own lands, but few obeyed. Indeed they blamed Bloodraven, cursing him as a kinslayer. Many of them became robbers. It was widely held that travel was less safe under Aerys’ reign than it had been under his father’s. Prices increase as trade dwindles.

Around 211 AL, Lord [[Dagon Greyjoy]] raided the western coast, including [[Fair Isle]], the shipping of the [[Arbor]], and the village of [[Little Dosk]] in the [[Reach]]. Lord [[Beron Stark]] called his banners to repulse the [[Ironmen]] from [[Stony Shore]], while the [[House Lannister|Lannisters]] built ships to strike at the Iron Isles. During all this, Bloodraven kept his eye on [[Tyrosh]], where Bittersteel and the [[Golden Company]] lay. [[Victarion Greyjoy]] recalls that "even Dagon could not defeat the dragons," suggesting that the Targaryens did eventually intervene.

In another conflict within the realm that year, [[Otho Bracken|Ser Otho, the Brute of Bracken]] succeeded to the lordship of [[Stone Hedge]]. Not wanting to see such a man in power, the traditional Bracken rivals of [[House Blackwood]] started a war to root him out. Bloodraven, being born of Aegon IV's mistress [[Mylessa Blackwood]], is not inclined to stop it.

As "Lord Bloodraven," Brynden was rumored to be a sinister sorcerer, effectively ruling the kingdom “with spies and spells." The events of ''[[The Sworn Sword]]'' take place during his reign as Hand, though he does not personally take part in the story. At that time he had the mistrust of he King's brother [[Maekar I Targaryen]], supposedly due to counsel from the [[High Septon]].

===''The Mystery Knight''===
Lord Bloodraven's wariness paid off in 212 AL. Thanks to the information of a [[House Vyrwel|Vyrwel]] man-at-arms and a troupe of comic dwarfs, Lord Bloodraven was aware of the plot to put [[Daemon II Blackfyre]] forward as the legitimate king of the [[Seven Kingdoms]]. Bloodraven marched on [[Whitewalls]] with 300 Raven's Teeth, three brothers of the [[Kingsguard]], 500 other knights, and 5,000 infantry. These were drawn from the [[Crownlands]] and [[Riverlands]], namely [[House Darklyn|Darklyn]], [[House Hayford|Hayford]], [[House Massey|Massey]], [[House Rosby|Rosby]], [[House Stokeworth|Stokeworth]], [[House Mooton|Mooton]], [[House Blackwood|Blackwood]], and [[House Lothston|Lothston]] men. In the face of such a force, Daemon II tried to rally the [[Whitewalls Tourney|tourney-goers]] to battle, but found little support. Daemon then challenged the Hand to single combat; Bloodraven refused and arrested the pretender, containing the [[Second Blackfyre Rebellion]]. Daemon was kept in captivity rather than executed with the other rebel leaders, ensuring that Bittersteel couldn't name his brother [[Haegon Blackfyre|Haegon]] as a serious pretender.

===Later years===
During the reign of Maekar I, who still disliked him, Bloodraven was kept imprisoned in the [[Red Keep]]'s black cells until around {{Date|233}}, the year King [[Aegon V]] ascended to the throne. He was then sent to the [[Wall]] as part of the "honor guard" of prisoners that accompanied Aegon's brother [[Maester Aemon]]. Eventually he rose to [[Lord Commander of the Night's Watch|Lord Commander]] of the [[Night's Watch]]. The song ''[[A Thousand Eyes, and One]]'' was written about him.


[[Categoria:Personagens das Terras dos Rios]]
[[Categoria:Casa Targaryen]]
[[Categoria:Casa Blackwood]]
[[Categoria:Mão do Rei]]
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[[Categoria:Membros da Patrulha da Noite]]
[[Categoria:Senhores Comandantes da Patrulha da Noite]]
[[Categoria:Grandes Bastardos]]
[[Categoria:Videntes verdes]]

'''Nota:''' Esta página utiliza conteúdo da [ A Wiki Of Ice And Fire]. O conteúdo original está aqui em [ Brynden Rivers]. A lista de autores pode ser vista no [ histórico da página].
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