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3 616 bytes adicionados ,  16h53min de 4 de outubro de 2012
Criou página com 'A '''Invasão Ândala''' foi uma migração em massa dos Ândalos de Essos a Westeros. Ocorreu entre 6 e 4 mil anos antes do desembarco de Aegon, e foi...'
A '''Invasão Ândala''' foi uma migração em massa dos [[Ândalos]] de [[Essos]] a [[Westeros]]. Ocorreu entre 6 e 4 mil anos antes do desembarco de [[Aegon I|Aegon]], e foi violenta. Os antigos reinos dos [[Primeiros Homens]] foram destruídos, e os [[filhos das florestas]] expulsos para o norte. Por vezes, a dominação foi mais pacífica, com casamentos entre Ândalos e os Primeiros Homens, como no caso da [[Casa Hightower]].

The [[Ândalos]] were the first new invaders after the [[Primeiros Homens]] had settled their peace with the [[Crianças da Floresta]] and lived in harmony with them for 4,000 years. They came from the [[Colinas de Andalos]] over at [[Essos]]. They were tall and fair-haired warriors who carried steel weapons and the seven-pointed star of [[Fé do Sete|seus deuses]] painted on their bodies.{{Ref|aGoT|40}}{{Ref|aGoT|66}} and eventually swept across westeros much as the First Men did thousands of years before.

The [[Dedos]] were the places where the Andals first landed, to wrest from the First Men the place that is known today as the [[Vale]]{{Ref|aSoS|68}}, in successive waves they spread. The wars between the First Men and the Andals lasted hundreds of years, but eventually the six southron realms fell to them. Only the [[Reis do Inverno]] remained in the Norte.{{Ref|aGoT|66}} The Andals burned out all the [[represeiros]] groves, and slew the [[filhos da floresta|crianças]] when they found them.{{Ref|aGoT|66}} believing them abominations, and put the myriad [[Primeiros Homens]] kingdoms of the South to the sword. They created great kingdoms of their own, but this process was somewhat slow, they expanded to the [[Ilhas de Ferro]] roughly two thousand years after their initial invasion.

Eventually, with Andal kings joining forces and extinguishing of [[Casa Mudd]] (the house of the [[Rei dos Rios e das Colinas|Reino dos Rios e das Colinas]] kingdom of the First Men), the Andals were able to invade the [[Norte]]. However every attack was thrown back by the [[cranogmanos]] of [[Gargalo]] or the strong fortifications of [[Fosso Cailin]].{{Ref|aGoT|66}} Eventually the Andals relented and the North was allowed to remain in peace, although over succeeding millennia Andal blood entered the Norte through dynastic marriages.

One of the major (if largely forgotten) consequences of the invasions is that the Children abandoned Westeros and slowly disappeared over succeeding generations.
During and following the Andal invasions, six southron kingdoms of Westeros were forged: the [[Kingdom of Vale and Sky]], the [[Reino do Rochedo]], the [[Reino da Campina]], the [[Reino das Ilhas de Ferro]], the [[Reino dos Rios]] and the [[Reino das Terras da Tempestade]]. At this time [[Dorne]] was left as a confederation of bickering, feuding states.

The Andals introduced writing, before that time First Men only used runes for carving on stone, in fact everything written about the [[Age of Heroes]], the [[Dawn Age]], and the [[Longa Noite]] originates from stories written down by septons since. They also introduced the [[Faith of the Seven]] to Westeros, in their newly raised kingdoms, where it took root, largely extinguished worship of the [[Deuses Antigos]] south of the Neck (a major exception being the Iron Islands, where the native worship of the [[Deus Afogado]] was actually adopted by the invading Andals). They also introduced weapons of iron, the use of horses in warfare and the concept of [[cavaleiro|cavalaria]].

==Veja também==
* [[Linha do Tempo]]


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