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216 bytes adicionados ,  15h21min de 5 de junho de 2017
sem sumário de edição
-- O Príncipe Desonesto
-->| trp | the rogue prince = ''[[O Príncipe Desonestode Westeros]]''{{#if: {{{2|}}}|,{{{2}}}}}<!--
-- The Hedge Knight Section
-- The Lands of Ice and Fire Section
-->| tloiaf | the lands of ice and fire = ''[[The Lands of Ice and Fire|Atlas das Terras de Gelo e Fogo]]''{{#if: {{{2|}}}|,{{{2}}}}}<!--  -- A World of Ice and Fire Section-->| app | a world of ice and fire = ''[[A World of Ice and Fire|George R. R. Martin's A World of Ice and Fire]]''{{#if: {{{2|}}}|,{{{2}}}}}<!--
-- RPG A Song of Ice and Fire, Green Ronin, 2009