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21 bytes adicionados ,  20h11min de 14 de setembro de 2012
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It is then that Jojen sees a man on a horse in the village as a storm arrives. The thunder scares Hodor who starts screaming his name in fear. Bran is able to quiet him so they don't give away their position. Immediately after this, Jojen spies many more men in the village, one of whom turns out to be [[Jon Snow]], traveling with selvagens. Hodor starts screaming again in agony, but nobody can control him. Bran reaches for Hodor as he had for Summer for just a second and Hodor sags to the floor, almost comatose. {{Ref|aSoS|40}} Bran posses Verão and attacks the wildlings going after Jon. Verão kills three of them, but takes an arrow to the shoulder.
The group waited until the next day to leave after the O grupo esperou até o dia seguinte para partir depois de os selvagens were goneestivessem ido embora. Verão, who had slunk off to nurse his wounds, finally returns, and Meera removes the arrow and treats the wound.
They arrive at the Eles chegam a [[Fortenoite]], the castle in Jojen’s green dreamo castelo dos sonhos de Jojen, but they cannot figure out how to get across the wallmas eles não sabiam o que fazer para atravessar a muralha. Bran tells diz a Jojen that they should have gone to que eles deveriam ir ao [[Castelo Negro]], but mas Jojen tells him they dare notdiz a ele para não ousarem fazer isso.
Meera climbs to the top of the Muralha to get a look at the other side while the boys search the buildings. They decide to sleep that night in the kitchen because it would provide some protection. The kitchen has a central well with steps inside leading down. Jojen states that maybe he would have a [[visão verde|sonho verde]] to show them the way.
