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5 466 bytes adicionados ,  03h35min de 15 de maio de 2013
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Quando ''Khal'' [[Drogo]] estava vivo, ele sonhava com o dia que levaria seu ''khalasar'' para saquear as cidades do leste, incluindo Qarth.
While traveling in her palanquin after being refused by the Pureborn Dany notices that outside the great city murmurs and thrums and seethes, all its myriad voices blending into one low sound like the surge of the sea. [3]When Khal Drogo was alive he dreamt of the day when he might sack the great cities of the east – ==Povo de Qarth included.==
===População em geral===
Os qarteno são um povo alto e pálido, chamados de "homens de leite" pelos dothraki devido à essa aparência. Eles se orgulham de sua sofisticação e consideram que chorar num momento de forte emoção é uma característica do ser civilizado.
Seguindo a moda qartena, as mulheres deixam um seio exposto, enquanto que os homens usam saias frisadas de seda. Os soldados de Qarth montam camelos.
Eles se sentam em almofadas no chão. Mercadores qartenos ricos costumam ter jóias no nariz.
===Os Imortais de Qarth===
Qarth é muito famosa por seus magos, que são conhecidos como os Imortais de Qarth, temidos e respeitados em todo o Oriente. Assim como a [[Guilda dos Alquimistas]] dos [[Sete Reinos]], o poder e prestígio dos magos se esvaiu com o passar dos anos. Muitos magos tem lábios azuis de tanto beber a [[sombra da tarde]], uma bebida azul que abre os sentidos. A sede dos magos é a [[Casa dos Imortais]], onde viviam os mais misteriosos e provavelmente mais velhos dos magos.
Há um ditado em Qarth sobre os magos:
{{Quote|A Casa dos Magos é feita de ossos e mentiras.}}
===Homens Pesarosos===
Qarth também abriga uma guilda de assassinos conhecidos como Homens Pesarosos devido ao seu hábito de sussurrar "lamento tanto" às suas vítimas antes de matá-las. Os qartenos não podiam ser acusados de não serem educados.
Maridos e mulheres mantêm suas propriedades depois de se casar, mas os qartenos tem um costume peculiar. No dia da união, a esposa pode pedir um penhor de amor ao marido. Qualquer coisa que ela deseje de seus bens terrenos, ele tem de lhe conceder. E ele pode
pedir-lhe a mesma coisa. Só uma coisa pode ser pedida, mas, seja o que for, não pode ser negado. Isso é visto como uma demonstração do noivo para a noiva e vice e versa.
==Eventos Recentes==
===A Guerra dos Tronos===
[[Samwell Tarly]] mencionou a cidade para [[Jon Snow]], dizendo que o pai havia contratado magos de Qarth para que o tornassem mais forte e valente, trazendo-os até [[Monte Chifre]]
===A Fúria dos Reis===
A Clash of Kings
Three representatives of Qarth - Pyat Pree, Xaro Xhoan Daxos and Quaithe - accompany Jhogo back to Vaes Tolorro after he was sent by Daenerys Targaryen to discover what lies near the abandoned city. [8] The emissaries escort Daenerys and her khalasar to Qarth. When Daenerys arrives in Qarth her three young dragons are a marvel in the ancient city. [5] [1] [3]
Xaro Xhoan Daxos, a member of the Thirteen, offers her the hospitality of his palace while she and her khalasar are in Qarth which she accepts. Under his guidance of Daenerys seeks an audience with the Pureborn to plea with them in the Hall of a Thousand Thrones for their fleet of galleys, or part of it and some of their soldiers too. [3] The Pureborn refuse her.
As the rumor of living dragons had spread through the east seekers came to learn if the tale was true. Xaro Xhoan Daxos saw to it that the great and the humble alike offered some token to the Mother of Dragons. The trickle he started soon swelled to a flood,
Trader captains brought lace from Myr, chests of saffron from Yi Ti, amber and dragonglass out of Asshai.
Merchants offered bags of coin, silversmiths rings and chains.
Pipers piped for her, tumblers tumbled, and jugglers juggled, while dyers draped her in colors she had never known existed.
A pair of Jogos Nhai presented her with one of their striped zorses, black and white and fierce.
A widow brought the dried corpse of her husband, covered with a crust of silvered leaves; such remnants were believed to have great power, especially if the deceased had been a sorcerer, as this one had.
the Tourmaline Brotherhood pressed on her a crown wrought in the shape of a three-headed dragon; the coils were yellow gold, the wings silver, the heads carved from jade, ivory, and onyx.
The crown was the only offering Dany kept. The rest she sold, to gather the wealth she ends up wasting on the Pureborn. Xaro would have sold the crown too—the Thirteen would see that she had a much finer one, he swore—but Dany forbade it telling him,
“ “Viserys sold my mother’s crown, and men called him a beggar. I shall keep this one, so men will call me a queen.” ”
And so she did, though the weight of it makes her neck ache.
After having been refused by the Pureborn Daenerys agrees to go with Pyat Pree to visit the House of the Undying. [9] While inside the House of the Undying Daenerys destroys it when she is attacked by the Undying Ones.
Due to the ruin of the House of the Undying Daenerys is soon forced to flee Qarth after the Tourmaline Brotherhood, the Ancient Guild of Spicers and the Pureborn trade guilds demand her expulsion and possible assassination after the destruction of the House of the Undying.[10] Only Xaro's influence prevents the Thirteen from adding their voices to that of the other trade guilds.
A Storm of Swords
In Meereen Ser Jorah Mormont admits to Daenerys that the last report that he made to Varys was one from Qarth. Dany is taken aback as she hoped his spying had ended much earlier. [11]
A Dance with Dragons
Xaro Xhoan Daxos arrives in Meereen as a representative of Qarth to visit Queen Daenerys Targaryen in order to try and convince her to sail for Westeros as her presence has disrupted the slave trade which many Essosi cities, including Qarth, depend on for their economies. He brings forth a gift of thirteen ships, stating that they are hers on the condition she sails from Slaver's Bay to Westeros
Daenerys has the thirteen ships Xaro brought inspected, but later refuses the offer. Xaro's reply was to leave a bloodstained glove on a satin pillow - declaring that the city of Qarth has declared war on Queen Daenerys Targaryen.[2]
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