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10 bytes adicionados ,  18h50min de 17 de janeiro de 2017
While the ''khalasar'' is on the move, their scouts range far ahead, looking for prey or enemies. Outriders guard the flanks.{{Ref|aGoT|23}} After battles, the ''[[jaqqa rhan]]'' or mercy men move among corpses and use heavy axes to take the heads of the dead and dying alike, while small girls with baskets go about pulling arrows from bodies to be re-used later.
==Livrose Relatos==
*''[[Fogo sobre a Relva]]'' - por [[Terrio Erastes]] que escreveu a história sobre o tempo em que foi hóspede de ''[[Khal]]'' [[Dhako]].<ref name=Ib>''[[O Mundo de Gelo e Fogo]]'', Ib</ref>
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