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'''Lyanna Stark''' foi a irmã mais nova do Lorde [[Eddard Stark]], e foi noiva do amigo de infância de Ned, Lorde [[Robert Baratheon]], de [[Ponta Tempestade]]. Seu sequestro por pelo Príncipe [[Rhaegar Targaryen]] foi o estopim da [[Rebelião de Robert]], que levou ao fim da [[Casa Targaryen|Dinastia dinastia Targaryen]].
==Aparência e personalidade==
Lyanna é descrita como bela por todos que a conheceram, de cabelos negros, olhos cinzentos e o rosto longo que caracteriza os [[Starks]].{{Ref|aGoT|12}} Ned refere-se a ela, como a seu irmão [[Brandon Stark|Brandon]], como tendo "sangue de lobo" - headstrong, wilful, corajosa e temperamental. Ele a compara com sua filha He goes on to compare her to his tomboyish daughter [[Arya Stark|Arya]] in both appearance and personality, adding that Lyanna probably would have carried a sword if [[Rickard Stark|their father]] had allowed it. She is noted to have been an extremely skilled rider.{{Ref|aGoT|22}} Lyanna was very fond of the [[Blue winter rose|blue winter roses]] that grew at [[Winterfell]].{{Ref|aGoT|58}}
Lyanna rode horses like a northmancavalgava como um nortenho. [[Harwin]] compares her riding skills to those of compara suas habilidades equestres às de [[Arya Stark]]. {{Ref|aSoS|17}} [[Barbrey Ryswell]] reports that both conta que Brandon and e Lyanna loved to ride. She compares them to amavam cavalgar, comparando-os a um "pair of centaurspar de centauros". {{Ref|aDwD|41}} [[Roose Bolton]] afirma que claims that Lyanna was "half a horse herself", probably meaning a centaur. He also claims that [[Domeric Bolton]] could out-race her. {{Ref|aDwD|32}}
[[Robert was deeply infatuated with Baratheon]] era profundamente apaixonado por Lyanna and remains very much in love with her memory over a decade after her death- e continuou sendo, mesmo uma década após sua morte, to the point of causing major strain in his marriage to ao ponto de causar tensão em seu casamento com [[Cersei Lannister]].{{Ref|aGoT|4}} {{Ref|aGoT|8}} Ned, howeverentretato, points out that aponta que Robert never really knew nunca realmente conheceu Lyanna very wellmuito bem, and suggests that they might not have gotten along as well as e sugere que eles poderiam não se dar tão bem quanto Robert imaginesimagina; while enquanto Robert believes acredita que Lyanna would never have publicly opposed him the way nunca se oporia a ele publicamente como Cersei does, Ned says that diz que Robert saw only apenas viu a beleza de Lyanna's beauty, and never recognized her boldness and strength of wille nunca reconheceu sua ousadia e força de vontade.{{Ref|aGoT|30}} Lyanna may have been considerably less enthusiastic about the marriage than Robert was, as she confessed to Ned at one point that she was concerned by Robert's habitual promiscuity, feeling that his love for her would not prevent him from being sexually unfaithful after their marriage.{{Ref|aGoT|35}}
[[Arya Stark]] resembles lembra Lyanna in appearanceem aparência, according to Eddard Starksegundo Ned. {{Ref|aGoT|22}} Também é dito que [[Margaery Tyrell]] is also said to resemble lembrava Lyanna. While in Quando em [[King's LandingPorto Real]], [[Renly Baratheon]] had Eddard pede que Ned examine a miniature portrait of um retrato em miniatura de Margaery, painted in the style of pintado no estilo de [[Myr]]. He wanted him to confirm the supposed resemblance; ele queria que a semelhança fosse confirmada, but Eddard failed to see a connection between the two womenmas Ned não vê nenhuma entre ambas. {{Ref|aGoT|27}} [[Kevan Lannister]] recalls Lyanna having a lembra-se de uma "wild beautybeleza selvagem" about her. But her looks paled in comparison to a young de Lyanna, mas sua aparência palidecia em comparação à jovem [[Cersei Lannister]]: "''however bright a torch might burn it could never match the rising sun''." {{Ref|aDwD|72}}
===Começo da vida===
When Quando [[Bran Stark]] has visions through the heart tree of tem visões através da árvore-coração de [[Winterfell]], a scene seems to involve a girl looking like uma cena parece envolver uma garota parecida com Arya (and e Lyanna). Two children are seen duelling with broken branchesDuas crianças estão duelando com galhos quebrandos, using them as swordsusando-os como espadas. The girl is older and taller than the boyA garota é mais velha e mais alta que o menino; ela o derrota, acertando-o na coxa. She defeats the boyO garoto perde o equilíbrio e cai na piscina, slashing him across the thigh. The boy loses his balance and falls into the pool. He starts splashing and shoutinggritando e espirrando água. The girl warns him to be quietA menina o alerta para que fique quieto, or ou a [[Velha Ama]] will hear him and notify their fatheriria ouvi-los e contar ao seu pai. She then kneels and pulls her younger brother from the poolEla então ajoelha-se e puxa seu irmão mais novo da piscina. The scene shifts to another vision before A cena se transforma em outra visão antes que Bran has a chance to see more of the two childrenpudesse ver mais das duas crianças. {{Ref|aDwD|34}} It is implied that the girl is Fica implícito que a garota era Lyanna and the boy is her younger brothere que o garoto era seu irmão mais novo, [[Benjen Stark|Benjen]]. Also pointing that she was skilled at sword-fighting, mostrando que ela era habilidosa com espadas.
Lyanna was at Winterfell when her father promised her hand to Robert Baratheon. That same night she confided to Eddard concerning her opinion of Robert: that the man will never keep to one bed. {{Ref|aGoT|35}} She had heard that Robert had an illegitimate daughter in the [[Vale of Arryn]], apparently [[Mya Stone]]. {{Ref|aGoT|35}} Eddard attempted to convince her that what Robert did before the betrothal was insignificant and that Robert would change. She was not convinced. {{Ref|aGoT|35}}
Lyanna was present at the estava presente no [[Tourney at Torneio em Harrenhal]]. There she found [[Howland Reed]] being bullied by three young squires, none older that fifteen-years-old. She roared "That's my father's man you're kicking" and attacked them with a tourney sword. The bullies scattered and Lyanna "the she-wolf" took the injured man back to her "lair," probably a tent. She cleaned his wounds and bound them with linen. Then she introduced the guest to her brothers [[Brandon Stark]] ("the wild wolf"), [[Eddard Stark]] ("the quiet wolf"), and [[Benjen Stark]] ("the pup"). {{Ref|aSoS|24}}
That evening, Lyanna persuaded Reed to attend the feast marking the start of the tournament. She insisted that he was highborn and had as much right to attend as anyone. The "wolf maid" was not easy to refuse. Benjen found a suitable garb for Reed. Within [[Harrenhal]], Reed ate and drank with the Starks. During the feast, o Príncipe [[Rhaegar Targaryen|Rhaegar Targaryen]], um notável músico, performed a sad and beautiful song that made Lyanna weep; when Benjen teased her for crying, she poured wine over his head. {{Ref|aSoS|24}}
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