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Temmo foi um khal' Dothraki ' que viveu quatrocentos anos antes da Guerra do Usurpador, durante os Século do Sangue depois da Perdição de Valíria. Ele foi um grande conquistador, mas hoje é lembrado por sua derrota pelos Três Mil de Qohor.

HBO QohorKhal Temmo.png
Khal Temmo é surpreendido por três mil Imaculados
Título(s) Khal
Raça Dothraki
Cultura Dothraki
Nascimento Século do Sangue
Morte Século do Sangue, em os portões de Qohor
Livro(s) O Mundo de Gelo e Fogo (mencionado)
A Tormenda de Espadas (mencionado)


Temmo came into conflict with Khal Dhako, the Dragon of the North, who was old by then. Temmo's khalasar broke Dhako's and Temmo took the elder khal captive, and fed Dhako to the flames, cutting off his hands, feet, and genitals, and roasting them before his eyes, after first burning his wives and sons in the same manner.[1]

Khal Temmo led his khalasar to Qohor to sack the city. He destroyed the city's defenders on the first day and retired to his camps for the night, planning to sack the city the following day. The next morning he awoke to find three thousand Unsullied barring the way. Eighteen times the khalasar attacked the Unsullied, to no avail. Khal Temmo was slain in the battle, along with all his sons, and bloodriders. His khalasar suffered grievous losses and eventually chose to retreat.[2]

References and Notes