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A Batalha de Valdocaso foi uma das batalhas finais da Guerra dos Cinco Reis. Seu único efeito duradouro foi sangrar ainda mais e enfraquecer as forças das Casas nobres do Norte.

Batalha de Valdocaso
Conflito Guerra dos Cinco Reis
Data 299
Local Valdocaso, nas Terras da Coroa
Resultado Vitória Lannister-Tyrell
Casa Glover
Casa Tallhart
Casa Karstark
Casa Lannister
Casa Tyrell
Casa Tarly
Casa Leygood
Casa Ambrose
Lorde Harrion Karstark
Sor Helman Tallhart
Robett Glover
Lorde Randyll Tarly
Sor Gregor Clegane
3 mil desconhecida, mas significativamente maior
Sor Helman Tallhart
exército praticamente destruído


O Lorde Roose Bolton ordenou Robett Glover a tomar grande parte dos soldados nortenhos, encontrar-se com Sor Helman Tallhart e sua guarnição vinda das Gêmeas e marchar sobre Valdocaso.[2] Com suas fortalezas no Norte tendo sido tomadas pelos homens de ferro, ambos os homens estavam ansiosos por vingança, e correram até a vila.

A Batalha

After the victory over Stannis I at the Battle of the Blackwater and the new alliance between House Lannister and House Tyrell, the two houses combined their forces. Lord Randyll Tarly marched with a sizable army from the Reach to catch the Northern force at Duskendale and threw them back. As the Northern army fell back they encountered Ser Gregor Clegane who had marched from Harrenhal and cut off their retreat. Caught between the sea, Lord Tarly and Ser Gregor, the army was annihilated.[3]


Ser Helman was killed during the battle and Robett Glover was taken prisoner along with Harrion Karstark. The northern foot was destroyed, which hurt King Robb Stark's ability to retake the North. It was later revealed that Lord Roose had defected to the Lannister side and in his attempt to diminish the Northern lords ability to attack him, he had sent the Northern army to its destruction.[1]


Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Battle_of_Ashemark. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.