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When they retire to the fire, Mormont informs Tyrion that he will receive an escort as far as [[Winterfell]]. Tyrion soon realizes that the Lord Commander is working his way up to asking a favor and so cuts right to it by asking if there is any way he can repay the Watch’s kindness. Mormont beseeches Tyrion to speak to King [[Robert Baratheon|Robert]] about the condition of the Night’s Watch and its need for men. Mormont goes on to elaborate on the high rate of disappearance among their ranging parties, including Ser [[Waymar Royce]] and [[Benjen Stark]]. The Watch’s strength is now under a thousand men, leaving only three men to guard each mile of the Wall. Then Mormont laments that he is old and there is no one qualified to take over command because the Watch has become an army of sullen boys and old men. He has maybe 20 men that can read, and fewer who can think or lead. Tyrion promises that he will tell the King, his father, and his brother but he knows that it will do no good.
Mormont then asks Tyrion how many winters he has seen. When Tyrion replies with nine, Mormont adds that they have all been short. The long summer is ending and portents say a long winter is coming. When Tyrion suggest the fabled endless summer may have come, Mormont insists the days are already growing shorter. Mormont then confides to Tyrion that the [[wildlingsPovo Livre|selvagens]] are massing and moving south, running scared from something worse than just the cold. Tyrion, bored by Mormont’s dark words, reiterates his promises and leaves.
Outside it is bitter cold. As he walks the castle ground, Tyrion is taken by a whim to climb the Wall one last time. His legs are cramping too much to climb the stairs, so Tyrion takes the winch cage up. At the top he meets [[Jon Snow]] with [[Fantasma]]. As they walk, Tyrion asks how the recruits are doing under Jon’s instruction. Jon tells him that they are getting better.
