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{{Infobox character
| Character_name = '''Barristan Selmy'''
| image = [[FileArquivo:Barristan4barristan1.jpg|300px|Ian McElhinney como Baristan Selmy250px]]| image_caption = Ian McElhinney como Baristan Barristan Selmy, por Тхе Мичо ©
| Alias = Barristan, o Ousado <br>Arstan Barba-Branca<br>Sor Vovô<br> Barristan, o Velho
| Title = [[Cavaleiro|Sor]]<br>[[Senhor Comandante da Guarda Real|Senhor Comandante]] (antigamente)<br> Mão da [[Daenerys Targaryen|Rainha]]
| TV_series = [[Primeira Temporada]]
 [[Arquivo:barristan1Barristan4.jpg|thumb|300px|thumb| Barristan Ian McElhinney como Baristan Selmy por [http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.232323176777744.70785.198918470118215&type=3 Тхе Мичо]]] 
'''Sor Barristan Selmy''', chamado ''Barristan o Ousado'', é um herói famoso e cavaleiro da [[Guarda Real]], que serviu em uma época em que os membros da [[Guarda Real]] foram considerados os melhores cavaleiros do reino. Na [[Game of Thrones|série de TV]] , ele é interpretado por [http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0568400/ Ian McElhinney]..<ref>[http://www.hbo.com/game-of-thrones/index.html#/game-of-thrones/cast-and-crew.html/eNrjcmbOYC5kzlfPz0lxzEvMqSzJTA5ITE-1S8xN1SzLTEnNh4k65+eVpFaUsEknlpbkF+QkVtqWFJWmcjIysgEhAGCyFzg= HBO: Game of Thrones: cast and crew]</ref>
===''A Guerra dos Tronos''===
[[Arquivo:barristan2.jpg|300px|thumb| Sor Barristan empunhando sua espada , ao ser despojado de seu cargo pelo Rei [[Joffrey Baratheon|Joffrey I]], na ([[Game of Thrones|série Série de tvTV]].)]][[Arquivo:barristan3.jpg|300px|thumb|Sor Vovô Barristan (Ian McElhinney) conversando com [[Eddard Stark]], na [[Game of Thrones|série de tv]].(Sean Bean)]]
Barristan is a formidable fighter even in his advanced years, having won the championship of a tourney at King's Landing at the age of 57, and unhorsing [[Sandor Clegane]] in a tilt just a year prior to the outbreak of the [[War of the Five Kings]].{{Ref|aGoT|25}} He serves loyally as [[Lord Commander of the Kingsguard|Lord Commander]] of [[Robert Baratheon|Robert]]'s [[Kingsguard]]. During the [[Tourney of the Hand]], he is only defeated by Ser [[Jaime Lannister]] after three tilts, having defeated men ten and twenty years younger in his first two contests.{{Ref|aGoT|29}} When Ser [[Hugh|Hugh of the Vale]] is killed in the tournament by Ser [[Gregor Clegane]], Selmy stands vigil over the young knight himself as the boy had no one else.{{Ref|aGoT|30}}
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