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114 bytes adicionados ,  00h51min de 17 de setembro de 2012
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[[File:Sansa5.jpg|thumb|350px|Sansa como Alayne Stone nos jardins do [[Vale]]. Arte por Akizhao.]]
Sansa is asked to sup with é convidada a jantar com [[Margaery Tyrell]] and her grandmother e sua avó [[Olenna RedwyneRedwyen]]. She is escorted to dinner by ELe é escortada até o jantar por Loras who takes her breath away with his beauty and compliments, que lhe tira o fôlego com toda sua beleza e elogios. She refers back to the rose he gave her at the tourney in honour of her fatherEla menciona o corrido da flor que ele a deu no torneio em honra de seu pai, but he appears to have forgotten her and the rosemas ele aparenta ter esquecido dela e da flor. She tries to draw out further small talkEla tenta conversar mais com ele, inadvertently offending mas inadvertidamente, ofende Loras by saying it must be hard for his sister that dizendo que deve ter sido difícil para sua irmã que [[Renly Baratheon|Renly]] diedestava morto, not realising that they were loverssem saber que eles eram amantes. Loras leaves her at the dinnerdeixa ela no jantar, where she is warmly welcomed by the onde ela é calorosamente recebida pelas mulheres Tyrell women. Over dinnerDurante o jantar, Olenna tries to find out more about Jofferytenta saber mais sobre Joffrey; with some coaxing and the arrangement of a distraction to prevent any spies from overhearingcom alguma persuasão e do arranjo de uma distração para evitar qualquer espiões ouçam por acaso, Sansa confesses to them that confessa para elas que Joffrey is a monster and begs é um monstro e implora para Margaery not to marry himque não se case com ele. Margaery insists that she will be safe with her brother insiste de que ela estará a salva com seu irmão [[Loras Tyrelltyrell|Loras]]'s addition to the , que agora era da [[KingsguardGuarda Real]], and brushes off the concernse afasta as preocupações. The As mulheres Tyrell women raise the possibility of levantam a possibilidade de Sansa being freed from King's Landing and taken to ser libertada de Porto Real e lavada até [[HighgardenJardim de Cima]] to be married to the para se casar com o herdeiro Tyrell heir , [[Willas Tyrell|Willas]]. Willis is crippled, but kindWillas é um aleijado, intelligentmas ele é gentil, and capableinteligente e capável. Sansa readily agreesconcorda prontamente, anxious to be free of the ansiosa para estar livre dos Lannisters, and becomes friends with e vira amiga de Margaery for a timepor um tempo.{{Ref|aSoS|6}} Ela compartilha com Dontos o planos dos Tyrell, e Dontos aconselha contra o plano, notando temerosamente de que os Tyrells não são tão gentis quanto pareecem. Sansa, frustada com a aparente falta de progesso nos supostos planos de Dontos, ignora seus avisos. No entanto, ele informa ao seu impregador [[Petyr Baelish]] sobre o plano, que informa os Lannisters. Desejando não perder sua refém, [[Tywin Lannister]] age rapidamente para casar Sansa com [[Tyrion Lannister]], indo contra a vontade de anos. Sansa, agora aos treze anos, tenta o máximo para esconder seus sentimentos sobre seu marido duende desfigurado, permanecendo cortês com ele, apesar de seu desgosto com a sua aparência física. Tyrion não exige que ela consuma o casamento, o que Sansa é grata, especialmente depois de saber da morte de seu irmão e da mãe no [[Casamento Vermelho]]. Dontos insiste que Sansa use a rede para cabelos que ele deu para ela há um tempo, no casamento entre Joffrey e Margaery, o que ela faz. Quando Joffrey engasga e morre durante o banquete do casamento, Sansa foge e se encontra com Dontos. Ele leva ela para um barco, que leva ela até um navio, onde [[Petyr Baelish]] cumprimenta ela. Baelish explica para Sansa que a morte de Joffrey foi devido a um veneno que foi contrabandeado para o banquete, disfarçado de uma de suas ametistas em sua rede para cabelos, e divide com Sansa alguns dos detalhes de seu plano com Olenna Redwyne para matar Joffrey. Mindinho também mata Dontos e o despeja no mar, explicando que ele cumpriu sua parte muito bom, já que um bêbado como Dontos nunca seria confiado a manter tantas informações importantes guardadas por muito tempo.
She shares with Dontos the Tyrell plot, and Dontos advises her against it, fearfully noting that the Tyrells are not as gentle as they seem. Sansa, frustrated with the apparent lack of progress in Dontos's own supposed plans, disregards his warnings. However, he tells his employer [[Petyr Baelish]] of the plot, who in turn informs the Lannisters. Not wishing to lose their hostage, [[Tywin Lannister]] acts quickly to marry Sansa to [[Tyrion Lannister]] against the wishes of both parties. Sansa, now thirteen, does her best to hide her feelings toward her disfigured dwarf husband, remaining courteous to him despite her disgust with his physical appearance. Tyrion does not require that she consummate the marriage, for which Sansa is grateful, particularly after learning of her brother and mother's death at the [[Red Wedding]].
Dontos insists that Sansa wear the hairnet he gave to her earlier to the wedding between Joffrey and Margaery, which she does. When Joffrey chokes and dies at the wedding feast, Sansa flees and meets with Dontos. He escorts her to a boat that takes her to a ship, where [[Petyr Baelish]] greets her. Baelish explains to Sansa that Joffrey's death was due to a poison that had been smuggled into the feast ,disguised as of one of the amethysts on her hairnet, and shares with Sansa some of the details of the plot between himself and Oleanna Redwyne to kill Joffrey. Littlefinger also has Dontos killed and dumped overboard, explaining that while he had played his part well, a drunk such as Dontos could never be entrusted to keep such sensitive information secret for long.
Taking Sansa with him to his meager personal holdings, the original 'little finger' of land in the [[Vale of Arryn|Vale]], Baelish dyes Sansa's hair black and coaches her on a story to pass her off as his bastard daughter Alayne Stone, so as to avoid detection. Sansa was wanted as Tyrion's accomplice in connection with Joffrey's death. On the Fingers, Sansa's aunt [[Lysa Arryn]] meets with them and weds Petyr. After the wedding, the three travel to her seat at the [[Eyrie]]. There Sansa is revealed to Lysa as her niece and Lysa agrees to assist in the coverup providing her with hair dye to colour her most obvious Tully feature, her auburn hair. Lysa also proposes to wed Sansa to her sickly son Robert. Sansa is appalled by this, but keeps her true feelings to herself. She finds herself having to comfort young Robert, who is no longer able to share his mother's bed, since Petyr is in it. Robert frequently crawls into her bed and she is disgusted by his shaking sickness, which often leads him to wet her bed. Increasingly resembling a grown woman, she finds herself prey to the sexual advances of Lysa's bard [[Marillion]], whom she denies.


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