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579 bytes adicionados ,  02h55min de 19 de setembro de 2012
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{{Infobox character
| Character_name = Shireen Baratheon
| image =
| image_caption =
| Alias =
| Title = Princesa
| Allegiance = [[Casa Stark]]
| Race =
| Culture =
| Spouse =
| Place_of_Birth =
| Date_of_Birth = 289AL
| Place_of_Death =
| Date_of_Death =
| Books = [[A Fúria dos Reis]] (Aparece) <br> [[A Tormenta de Espadas]] (Aparece) <br> [[A Dança dos Dragões]] (Aparece)
| coat-of-arms =
| Played_by = [ Kerry Ingram]
| TV_series = Season 3
Shireen Baratheon is the daughter of Stannis Baratheon and his only child. Her mother is Lady Selyse Florent.


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