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Shireen Baratheon is the daughter of é a filha única [[Stannis Baratheon and his only child]]. Her mother is Lady Sua mãe é a Senhora [[Selyse Florent]].
==Character and AppearanceAparência e Personalidade==
Shireen is regarded as a sweet childconsiderada uma crinaça doce. She is not not very prettyEla não é muito bonita; she has blue eyes but inherited both her father's square, jutting jaw and her mother's large ears.<ref>A Storm of Swords, Chapter 54, Davos.</ref> The greyscale caused half of her left cheek and most of her neck to be covered in gray and black dead skin. She is nine years old.<ref> A Storm of Swords, Prologue.</ref>
Shireen is Stannis Baratheon and Selyse Florent only child and daughter. When she was an infant, she suffered from an infection called greyscale. The disease, which almost killed her, left the left portion of her cheek and neck stiff, dead, and flaky, mottled black and grey and hard to the touch.
As daughter and heir of Stannis, she resides in Dragonstone and is educated by Maester Cressen. She is usually seen in the company of Patchface, their mad, broken fool she calls "Patches" though his ravings sometimes frighten her.
==Recent EventsEventos Recentes==
===A Clash of KingsFúria dos Reis===
Shireen is on Dragonstone with her father and motherestá em [[Pedra do Dragão]] com seu pai e sua mãe. [[Maester Cressen pities the sad looking child]] tem pena da criança que parece triste.
===A Storm of SwordsTormenta de Espadas===
Shireen plays with her cousin brinca com seu primo [[Edric Storm often in ]] frequentemente no Jardim de Aegon's Garden and grows very fond of hime cresce muito afeiçoada a ele. [[Davos Seaworth notes ]] nota que Shireen is much happier around é muito mais feliz perto de Edric.When her father Quando Stannis left for the Wallpartiu para a [[Muralha]], to respond to the wildling threatpara responder as ameaças dos selvagens, he brought ele levou junto Shireen with him and left her at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea with her mothere a deixou em [[Atalaialeste do Mar]] com sua mãe, while his army marched to Castle Blackenquanto seu exército marchava para o [[Castelo Negro]]. <ref> A Storm of SwordsTormenta de Espadas, Chapter Capítulo 75, Samwell.</ref>
===A Dance with DragonsDança dos Dragões===
Shireen and her mother are eventually brought to Castle Black. Val is frightened of Shireen due to her appearance with greyscale and tells Jon Snow the child is "unclean" and should be killed. Jon is horrified by Val's statement and is grateful that Queen Selyse and her Queen's Men did not hear Val make it.


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