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81 bytes adicionados ,  20h13min de 2 de outubro de 2012
For most of their history the regions of [[Westeros]] were independent kingdoms. The number of these kingdoms and their borders have changed many times. Following a successful conquest of all the lands of Westeros south of the [[WallMuralha]] but [[Dorne]], and their consolidation under the rule of the [[Iron ThroneTrono de Ferro]], [[Aegon I|o Conquistador]] established his new empire's capital on the spot of his landing, for which it was known as [[King's LandingPorto Real]].
Due to the vast size of the new Kingdom, in each region Aegon raised 'great houses' who swore fealty to him. The lords were granted a degree of autonomy and granted authority over their minor lords and small folk. In the original six kingdoms [[House Baratheon]] married into the Targaryens and were awarded the [[StormlandsTerras da Tempestade]], after the defeat of King [[Argilac|Argilac the Arrogant, o Arrogante]]; the [[House Casa Tyrell]] was granted over-lordship over the Reach[[Campina]], while [[House Casa Lannister]] was allowed to keep their family holdings [[Terras Ocidentais|terras da família]] after they bent the knee, following the defeat at the [[Field of FireCampo de Fogo]]; [[House CAsa Stark]] chose to submit and was confirmed as overlords over the North[[Norte]]. [[House Casa Greyjoy]] was granted the [[Iron IslandsIlhas de Ferro]] after the defeat of King Rei [[Harren the BlackHoare|Harren, o Negro]]. For supporting Aegon against Harren, [[House Casa Tully]] of Riverrun was awarded over-lordship of the [[RiverlandsTerras dos Rios]].
==Regiões e Territórios==
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