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Edição das 17h31min de 17 de agosto de 2012

As Terras Fluviais, ou Terras do Rio, são uma região central do continente de Westeros, consistindo em áreas férteis entre os ramos do Tridente. Por sua posição central, frequentemente se torna um campo de batalha. O "povo dos rios", como são conhecidos seus habitantes, são uma mistura de guerreiros, pescadores pacíficos e plebeus devotos. Bastardos nascidos nas Terras Fluviais recebem o sobrenome Rivers (rios).

Pelos últimos três séculos, a região é governada pela Casa Tully, de seu castelo em Correrio, até sua derrota na Guerra dos Cinco Reis. Correrrio agora é controlada pela Casa Frey das Gêmeas, mas Petyr Baelish foi nomeado Senhor Supremo do Tridente, e Lorde das Terras Fluviais, com assento em Harenhal.


As Terras Fluviais compreendem uma região de planícies, florestas, colinas e inúmeros rios. As Terras se extendem ao norte, na área pantanosa do Gargalo, à nascente do Ramo Verde a leste, próximo à Estrada do Rei, ao sul até o rio Água Negra, a oeste até a Baía dos Homens de Ferro e as colinas das Terras Ocidentais. É indicado que as únicas fronteiras facilmente defensáveis das Terras do Rio são ao norte. Apesar de existirem montanhas a leste e oeste, estas pertencem ao Vale e às Terras Ocidentais respectivamente. A oeste, o grandemente fortificado castelo do Dente Dourado guarda a entrada às Terras Fluviais, mas pertence ao Ocidente.

As Terras do Rio recebem este nome devido ao grande número de rios presentes na região. O Ramo Verde, que corre dos pântanos do Gargalo para o sul, o Ramo Azul e o Ramo Vermelho, que correm do norte para sudeste, juntam-se a uma pequena distância da Cidade de Lorde Harroway para formar o Tridente. O Ramo Vermelho corre de sua fonte nas montanhas a oeste até Correrrio, onde se combina com o Vau do Saltimbanco e então corre para leste e se junta ao Tridente antes de desaguar no mar em Alcácer do Sal. Ao sul, o Água Negra corta parte das Terras Fluviais.

As Terras Fluviais não contam com nenhuma grande cidade, mas diversos vilarejos, como Feirajusta, Cidade de Lorde Harroway (apesar do nome), Alcácer do Sal, Lagoa da Donzela e Septo de Pedra. Seus principais castelos são Correrrio, Harrenhal, Guardamar, Barreira de Pedra, and as Gêmeas. Outros lugares digno de nota são as ruínas em Pedrasvelhas, onde em tempos antigos uma dinastia das Terras do Rio possuía um castelo, e o Lago Olho de Deus, com sua Ilha das Faces.


As Terras Fluviais são ricas, férteis e populosas. Os numerosos rios que a cortam a região são usados para comércio e transporte de produtos. Em tempos de paz, pescadores e pequenos comerciantes cruzam os rios em pequenos barcos e jangadas. Com tanto comércio às margens dos rios, plebeus cultivam grãos e outros produtos para que sejam transportados para outras localidades pelos navegadores. Produz-se vinho de pequenas e amargas uvas que crescem nas Terras do Rio.



During the Dawn Age the First Men settled in the Riverlands, coming into conflict with the native Children of the Forest. After centuries of fighting, a pact was signed at the Isle of Faces, the children withdrew to their forests, while the First Men raised their kingdoms in the lands ceded by the mysterious folk. The Riverlands saw the rise of the Kings of the Rivers and Hills.

During the thousand years that followed, various families ruled the Riverlands. Many dynasties claimed these lands, including the Brackens, the Blackwoods and the Mudds, who were the last of the First Men to claim the Riverlands as their own. Their time came to an end with the coming of the Andal Invasion. At this time, King Tristifer IV of House Mudd, raised his armies and met the Andal invaders. King Tristifer was said to have won 99 out of his 100 battles against the Andals; in the final battle he was killed. His son and successor, Tristifer V was not as successful as his father and the kingdom fell.

The Andals raised their own petty kingdoms and for a long time the Riverlands were the kingdom of native Andal dynasties, including the Teagues, the Fishers and the Justmans. The last native king was killed by Stormland invaders about 360 years before Aegon's Landing. The Storm Kings in turn were defeated by Iron King Harwyn Hardhand, who established his own kingdom from the Iron Islands to the Riverlands. Two generations later, Harwyn's grandson, Harren the Black, ordered the construction the immensive castle, Harrenhal, as a display of his wealth and power. Construction of Harrenhal took forty years and a huge amount of resources and money to build. Ironically, the same day the most immense castle in history was finished, Aegon I invaded Westeros with his dragons.

Era Targaryen

King Harren the Black was very unpopular within the Riverlands when Aegon invaded Westeros. Aegon approached a number of lords in the region, convincing them to rebel against Harren, including Edmyn Tully. Harren thought if he refused battle Aegon would have to lay siege to the castle. Instead, Aegon let his dragons attack. The heat produced by the dragons was so great that much of the castle burned and melted, killing Harren and his children. After the victory Aegon raised Edmyn Tully to Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, a sub-kingdom below the sovereignty of the Targaryens.

Rebelião de Robert

During Robert's Rebellion Hoster Tully, Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, took the side of the rebels; he was already connected with them through the engagement of his daughter Catelyn to Brandon Stark. After Brandon's death, Hoster had Catelyn married to Brandon's younger brother Eddard and his younger daughter Lysa married to Jon Arryn. A number of Lord Tully's vassals remained loyal to the Targaryens: Darry, Ryger, and Goodbrook. Lord Walder Frey arrived late to the Battle of the Ruby Ford in support of the rebels.

The Battle of the Trident, which ultimately determined the outcome of Robert's Rebellion, was fought in the Riverlands.

Guerra dos Cinco Reis

Arquivo:Riverlands by reneaigner.jpg
Riverlands ravaged by war by Rene Aigner©

The Riverlands were hit hard during the war, starting with raiders under the command of Ser Gregor Clegane. When a party commanded by Beric Dondarrion went to the Riverlands to find and kill them they were ambushed by the raiders, who resumed their killing and plundering.

A second phase set in as Jaime Lannister defeated a Riverland army under the command of Edmure Tully and besieged Riverrun. Because it was surrounded by the Tumblestone and the Red Fork, Lannister had to set up three camps to lay an effective siege. A northern army under Robb Stark moved nearby undetected and was able to defeat the different camps in turn, liberating Edmure Tully and taking Jaime Lannister prisoner.

Another Lannister army was still in the Riverlands south of the Red Fork and was able to kill and plunder at will. Some castles were conquered (Harrenhal), others were sacked (Darry). In revenge the army of Robb Stark invaded the Westerlands.

After the Casamento Vermelho the Riverland lords surrendered. Most were welcomed again into the king's peace, but the Tullys lost Riverrun to the Freys and the lordship over the Riverlands to Petyr Baelish. Even thought the war had ended, outlaw bands and broken men still roam the Riverlands, some officially fighting in the name of King Robert, but most killing at will.

Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Riverlands. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.