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Ser Aegor Rivers, often called Bittersteel, was a renowned warrior and one of the Great Bastards fathered by Aegon IV. His mother was Barba of Casa Bracken. In his personal arms, he combined the the coat-of-arms of his parents: a red stallion Bracken with black dragon wings for Casa Blackfyre, on a golden field.

Aegor Rivers
Pseudônimo(s) Açamargo
Título(s) Sor
Lealdade Casa Blackfyre
Segundos Filhos
Companhia Dourada
Cultura Valíria
Nascimento Em 172 AL, em Terras dos Rios

Aparência e personalidade

Bittersteel was a warrior, and looked the part. He was tall and well-made, but also lean and lithe. He was only half Targaryen, so he got the purple eyes, but his hair was black. As a adult he wore a close-cropped beard.

Bittersteel was an angry man, and he never smiled. He was resentful all his life, and had a special loathing for his half brother Corvo de Sangue and Mylessa Blackwood, who was Bloodravens mother.


Aegor was angry his whole life, but reserved particular loathing for Corvo de Sangue, whose mother, Mylessa Blackwood, had replaced his own as their father's favourite. Aegor also loathed Bloodraven even further when Shiera Seastar, the half-sister of both Bloodraven and himself, chose Bloodraven over him.

In the Rebelião Blackfyre, he sided with his other half-brother Daemon Blackfyre. During the Batalha do Capo do Capim Vermelho, Aegor commanded the right of Daemon's host. Upon Daemon's death, Aegor rallied his troops and charged Bloodraven's archers, taking out his half-brother's eye in the process.

Managing to recover Blackfyre, the Targaryen family sword, Bittersteel fled Westeros at the end of the rebellion to the free city of Tyrosh, with Daemon's remaining sons. He served a year with the Segundos Filhos before leaving to create the famous mercenary organization the Companhia Dourada to stop the loss of support for the Blackfyres as the other exile lords began to join other mercenary companies. Despite the notorious unreliability of sellswords, the Golden Company is reputed to have never broken a contract, and reference to their founder can be seen in their words; "Beneath the gold, the bitter steel."

On his deathbed, Bittersteel commanded the men of the Golden Company to boil the flesh from his skull, dip it in gold and carry it before them when they cross the sea to retake Westeros. His successors had followed his example.


Daena Targaryen
Aegon IV Targaryen
Daemon Blackfyre
de Tyrosh
Daemon II
Dois Filhos
Aegor Rivers
Daemon III

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