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Para teorias sobre o berrante, visite Berrante do Inverno/Teorias

O ""Berrante de Inverno"", também conhecida como o Berrante de Joramun, é um chifre lendário com propriedades mágicas. Ele supostamente foi soprada por Joramun, um dos selvagens Rei-para-lá-da-Muralha. Quando ele tocou, "acordou os gigantes da terra." [1] Atualmente, é alegado que se o corvo for soprando, derrubará a Muralha. [2] Mance Rayder afirma ter encontrado o Berrante de Joramun em uma sepultura abaixo de uma geleira, no alto das Presas de Gelo. [3]


O berrante que Mance Rayder chama de Berrante de Joramun tem dois metros e meio, aproximadamente. Tem um bocal tão largo que Jon Snow que Jon Snow conseguiria colocar os braços até a altura do cotovelo. [4] Sua cor é preta [3] com anéis dourados que possuem runas antigas dos Primeiros Homens gravadas. À primeira vista Jon acha que os anéis são bronze, mas quando ele se aproxima, ele percebe que são feitas de ouro, "ouro velho, mais marrom do que o amarelo . [4] É dito ter mil anos. [3]

Não se sabe do que o chifre é feito. Jon Snow acha que, se veio de um auroque, é um dos maiores auroques que já viveu. [4]

Eventos Recentes

A Tormenta de Espadas

Mance Rayder initially claimed to have opened fifty graves in search of the Horn but failed to find it. However, when Jon Snow returned to the wildling camp, this time as a brother of the Night's Watch, Mance presented what he said was the Horn, telling Jon of his plans to blow the horn should the wildlings fail to take the Wall. [4]

When Jon asked why they haven’t used the horn, why not just sound it and be done? It is Dalla that answers,

“We free folk know things you kneelers have forgotten. Sometimes the short road is not the safest, Jon Snow. The Horned Lord once said that sorcery is a sword without a hilt. There is no safe way to grasp it.”

Talk in the tent turns to the threat of the Others and Mance remarks that if he sounds the Horn of Winter, the Wall will fall, or so the songs say. Dalla then speaks,

“But once the Wall is fallen, what will stop the Others?” [4]

Mance planned to offer the Horn in exchange for letting his people pass through the Wall. If the Night's Watch refused Tormund Giantsbane was to sound the Horn at dawn three days hence but the arrival of Stannis Baratheon put an end to that plan.

A Dança dos Dragões

The supposed Horn is burned by Melisandre when she has "Mance Rayder" (actually a glamoured Rattleshirt) put to death by fire.

When Melisandre sets the Horn of Joramun alight it bursts into flame and goes up with a whoosh as swirling tongues of green and yellow fire leap and crackle all along it length. The men of the Night’s Watch have to fight to still their mounts. A moan comes from the stockade as the free folk see their hope afire. For half a heartbeat the runes graven on the gold bands seem to shimmer in the air. The Queen's Men then heave the Horn into the fire pit where it crashes amongst the logs and leaves and kindling. Within three heartbeats the whole pit is aflame and "Mance Rayder" is dying in agony. [3]

Later, as the free folk are passing through the Wall Tormund Giantsbane mentions to Jon Snow that the destroyed horn was a fake; Mance never found the true Horn. [5] Tormund says to Jon,

She burned that fine big horn, aye. A bloody sin, I call it. A thousand years old, that was. We found it in a giant’s grave, and no man o’ us had ever seen a horn so big. That must have been why Mance got the notion to tell you it were Joramun’s. He wanted you crows to think he had it in his power to blow your bloody Wall down about your knees. But we never found the true horn, not for all our digging. If we had, every kneeler in your Seven Kingdoms would have chunk’s o’ ice to cool his wine all summer.” [6]


“We never found the Horn of Winter. We opened half a hundred graves and let all those shades loose in the world, and never fond the Horn of Joramun to bring this cold thing down!”[2]
- Ygritte 

“The Horn of Joramun? No. Call it the Horn of Darkness. If the Wall falls, night falls as well, the long night that never ends. It must not happen, will not happen!” [3]

“Would that I had the Horn of Joramun I’d give it a nice toot and we’d climb through the rubble.”
Tormund Giantsbane, to Jon Snow

Had Mance Rayder lied to him, or was Tormund lying now? If Mance’s horn was just a feint, where is the true horn? [6]
- Jon Snow’s thoughts

Notas e Referências