Ramsay Snow
Ramsay Bolton é o bastardo legitimizado, filho do Lorde Roose Bolton. Originalmente, chamava-se Ramsay Snow, e era conhecido como Bastardo de Bolton ou o Bastardo do Forte do Pavor. Ramsay considera-se um verdadeiro Bolton, apesar de seu nascimento, e é extremamente ressentido por seu status de plebeu, referindo a si mesmo orgulhosamente como um legítimo rebento do Forte do Pavor, e corrigindo violentamente aqueles que se dirigem a ele de outra maneira.
300px Ramsay, por Тхе Мичо | |
Pseudônimo(s) | O Bastardo de Bolton O Bastardo do Forte do Pavor Fedor |
Título(s) | Senhor de Hornwood Senhor de Winterfell Castelão do Forte do Pavor |
Lealdade | Casa Bolton |
Cultura | Nortenha |
Esposa(o) | Senhora Donella Hornwood 1ª "Arya Stark" 2ª |
Livro(s) | A Fúria dos Reis (Aparece) A Tormenta de Espadas (Mencionado) O Festim dos Corvos (Mencionado) A Dança dos Dragões (Aparece) |
Ramsay tem um grupo de soldados com alta estima junto a ele, e que o seguem lealmente, apesar de sua verdadeira fidelidade ser ao Lorde Roose. São chamados de os meninos do Bastardo, mas nunca perante eles ou Ramsay, e são tão depravados quanto ele. Seu corcel pessoal é chamado de Sangue.
Aparência e personalidade
He has a fleshy appearance, with large, wormy lips and long hair.[1] Of particular note are his pale eyes, reminiscent of his father.
Ramsay is cruel, savage and wild, taking delight in torturing others. He is quite fond of the old Bolton custom of flaying their enemies.
Ramsay is a capable manipulator and possesses a low cold cunning, particularly good at thinking on his feet, though less savvy when it comes to long term consequences and intricate politics. Ramsay openly enjoys abusive and sick practices such as having young women stripped naked and released into the Bolton forests, before hunting them with a pack of feral dogs. He gives a quick death to women who give him good sport (after raping them first), then flays their corpses. He likes to name his dogs after the women he enjoys most to "honor" them. The women who don't give him good sport are raped and then flayed alive. All the skins of his kills are brought back with him to the Dreadfort as gruesome trophies. The bodies of the woman are fed to his dogs.
His father chides him for his "amusements", and encourages Ramsay to incorporate his creed of "a peaceful land, a quiet people" into his own, if Ramsay ever hopes to rule. Roose states that Ramsay is fearless which is a bad thing, as fear will keep a man alive in this world of treachery.
Ramsay, though savage in battle, was never officially taught at arms. His tutor in martial prowess was Fedor, his serving man, who had never received any sword training himself. Ramsay's swordsmanship style is vicious and highly aggressive, wielding his sword as if it were a butcher's cleaver.
Ramsay is the product of rape between Roose Bolton and a miller's wife. While hunting, Roose saw the miller's wife and decided to illicitly practice the banned tradition of the Primeira Noite, wherein a lord had the right to bed the commoner's bride. He hanged the miller under a tree (for not informing his Lord of the new marriage) and raped the man's bride beneath his swaying body. A year later the woman arrived at the Forte do Pavor with the newborn Ramsay. Roose nearly killed her and the babe, but when he saw the child had his eyes, the taboo of assassinar parentes stayed his hand. The woman claimed her husband's brother stole the mill and cast her out. Roose angered by this had the man's tongue removed so he would spread no tales to Roose's liege Lorde Rickard Stark. Roose then gave the woman the mill along with a pig, several chicks and a bag of stars every year on the condition that she never reveal to Ramsay the truth about who his father was.
Ramsay's mother arrived a dozen years later claiming she needed help in raising Ramsay, who grew up wild and unruly. Roose sent Ramsay a servant known as Fedor Reek, despite taking constant washes, always smelled bad due to some "unknown birth condition" that caused his skin to reek (thus his nickname). Giving him to Ramsay was actually a cruel jest by Roose, but the two grew inseparable. Roose would later reflect on whether Ramsay had "corrupted" Reek or whether Reek had corrupted Ramsay, though Reek would follow Ramsay's orders quite faithfully; Ramsay mentioned once that Reek "knew better" than to deny him.
Despite Roose's instruction to Ramsay's mother, either she or Reek later informed him of his true parentage. Roose believes that both Reek and Ramsay's mother were urging Ramsay on, and constantly reminding the increasingly violent bastard of his "rights."
While most bastards would content themselves with their lot in life, Ramsay had larger ambitions. Roose's elder (and trueborn) son Domeric attempted to forge a sibling connection with his half-brother Ramsay, though Ramsay swiftly went about disposing of him with poison, thus robbing Roose of his heir and becoming a kinslayer. Ramsay earned the enmity of Casa Dustin in the process, whose Senhora was fond of Domeric. Two years prior to the beginning of the War of the Five Kings, Roose Bolton brought Ramsay to the Dreadfort and made him his heir as Roose had no other sons (trueborn or otherwise).
Eventos recentes
A Fúria dos Reis
While his father is away at war, Ramsay begins to amass troops at the Dreadfort. When he receives news that the neighboring lands of House Hornwood had lost both their lord and his herdeiro, he attacks, taking the Hornwood keep and forcing the widowed Lady Hornwood to marry him. He then locks her in a tower without food, where she starves to death after eating some of her fingers.
Ramsay is feared throughout the North, and quickly gained infamy after the outbreak of the Guerra dos Cinco Reis. He callously practices rape, murder, and other sick indulgences around the lands adjacent to the Forte do Pavor. Sor Rodrik Cassel attempted to put an end to his atrocities after Ramsay had forced himself upon Lady Hornwood; though quick thinking on Ramsay's part allowed him to evade death, his necrophiliac accomplice and serving man Fedor taking the fall for him.
Rodrik's party comes across Ramsay shortly after he had raped and killed a peasant girl and his companion Fedor had raped the corpse. Ramsay is able to survive by switching clothes with Reek, who is killed in his place. Rodrik yearned to put "Fedor" to death too but he needed him alive as he was a witness to many of Ramsay's crimes, so Ramsay narrowly escaped death due to his cunning and willingness to sacrifice others for his own ends.
Ramsay is taken as a prisoner to Winterfell in the guise of Reek. After Theon Greyjoy capturar Winterfell, Ramsay exchanges a vow of service to Theon for his release. He quickly becomes one of Theon's more (seemingly) trustworthy attendants, assisting Theon on his hunt to bring the escaped Bran and Rickon Stark back to Winterfell. He orchestrates Theon's cover-up of the Stark boys' escape by killing two peasant boys of an age with the Starks, and then flaying the corpses to avoid recognition. Theon presents their flayed corpses as the Starks, then has their heads mounted on spikes over the castle walls, Ramsay then (with Theon's knowledge) kills the three ironmen (Gelmarr, Aggar and Gynir) who knew the truth about the bodies in order to keep the secret more secure, Theon used the Winterfell kennelmaster Farlen as a scapegoat and had him executed for the murders. The tide soon turns against Theon, however, when Dagmer Boca-Rachada's assault is broken and the Northmen, enraged at Theon's duplicity and supposed murder of the young Stark children, march on Winterfell to liberate it. Unwilling to abandon the castle, though harboring few delusions about how likely a victory is, Theon and the few Ironmen loyal to him prepare to make their final stand. Ramsay offers to help Theon by taking a large sum of money to the Dreadfort and returning with much-needed reinforcements.
After consulting with his father, Ramsay and his forces march to Winterfell just as Sor Rodrik Cassel and his host move to greet them. Ramsay swaps his serving man's garb for a full set of armor complete with a red helmet, and meets with Rodrik. As the castellan offers him his hand in friendship, however, Ramsay slices Cassel's arm off and leads his forces in a rampage through the stunned Northmen's ranks. Ramsay then rides to Winterfell's gates, and presents the corpses of Sor Rodrik, Leobald Tallhart and Cley Cerwyn to an onlooking Theon as a sign of his loyalty. Theon opens the gates and meets with Ramsay himself, who removes his red helmet and reveals his true identity. He tells Theon that he would much enjoy the use of his bed-warmer Kyra, and knocks him to the floor when Theon protests. Ramsay carries out a great saque de Winterfell, murdering many of its inhabitants in cold blood, slaughtering the remaining Ironmen, and capturing Theon in the process.
A Tormenta de Espadas
Ramsay mantém Theon Greyjoy no Forte do Pavor, onde, supostamente, o esfola. Ele envia um pequeno pedaço de sua pele a Robb Stark como um presente, para mostrar que está sendo exigida vingança pelo "assassinato" de Bran e Rickon.
Após o Casamento Vermelho, a Casa Bolton é recompensada por seus serviços aos Lannisters, com Lorde Roose sendo nomeado Protetor do Norte e Ramsay recebendo uma garota que finge ser Arya Stark (Jeyne Poole); isto dá a Ramsay o direito de se tornar Lorde de Winterfell. Ainda, recebem um decreto de legitimação do Rei Tommen, fazendo de Ramsay um Bolton oficial, não mais um Snow.
O Festim dos Corvos
Segundo notícias, Ramsay está reunindo um exército para marchar ao sul e atacar o Fosso Cailin, ocupado pelos homens de ferro, pela retaguarda.
A Dança dos Dragões
Ramsay força Theon Greyjoy a assumir o papel de Fedor, seu servo morto, sem permitir a Theon tomar banho e cobrindo-o com excrementos. Ramsay remove a pele de diversos dedos das mãos e pés de Theon, deixando-o em agonia por dias antes de remover as juntas. Ramsay também quebrou diversos dentes de Theon por odiar o sorriso Greyjoy. Também é sugerido que Ramsay tenha castrado Theon. Ramsay torna o Pequeno e o Grande Walder Frey seus escudeiros.
Ramsay resgata Fosso Cailin dos homens de ferro enviando Theon como mensageiro. Ramsay promete aos ocupantes (doentes e famintos) comida e salvo-conduto em caso de rendição. Quando rendem-se, Ramsay esfola todos vivos e exibe seus corpos sem pele em postes ao longo da estrada. Roose fica descontente com o comportamento de Ramsay, dizendo que ele precisa ser mais discreto com suas práticas, e que suas infames proezas agora são bem conhecidas por todo o Norte.
Ramsay casa-se com Jeyne Poole, com apenas ele mesmo, seu pai e Theon sabendo que a garota não era Arya Stark, e abusa dela repetidamente enquanto Theon assiste. Jeyne e Theon, no entanto, são resgatados por Mance Rayder, que Jon Snow havia enviado para resgatar sua "irmã", quando soube do casório. Embora Jeyne e Theon tenham escapado, Mance é capturado por Ramsay, que envia uma carta a Jon dizendo que está com Mance, que derrotou o exército nortenho e matou o Rei Stannis, cuja espada agora possui; ele ainda afirma que quer sua noiva de volta, assim como Selyse Florent, Shireen Baratheon, Melisandre, Val, o 'príncipe selvagem' (na verdade, o filho de Goiva, que levou o verdadeiro filho de Mance para o sul com ela, sob ordens do Lorde Comandante Snow) e seu Fedor, e irá atrás de Jon se não receber o que deseja.
Não se sabe quais partes da carta são verdadeiras e quais são falsas.
The Winds of Winter
Ramsay e diversos dos meninos do Bastardo partem de Winterfell para trazer de volta sua noiva foragida.
Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Ramsay Bolton. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.
- ↑ A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 35, Bran.