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Missandei é uma servente de Daenerys Targaryen e ex-escrava. Ela é Naathi. Três dos seus irmãos são Imaculados, mas um foi morto em treinamento, e outro pelos Filhos da Harpia, sobrando somente Marselen. [2][3] Ela possui uma voz doce e forte. [4]

Lealdade Casa Targaryen
Cultura Naathi
Nascimento 289 DP[1], em Naath
Livro(s) A Tormenta de Espadas (Aparece)
O Festim dos Corvos (Mencionada)
A Dança dos Dragões (Aparece)

GoT Logo.jpg
Intérprete Nathalie Emmanuel
Aparições Terceira Temporada

Aparência e personalidade

Ela tem um rosto redondo e achatado, pele morena e grandes olhos dourados. [5][6][7] Ela não possuía mais de dez anos quando foi libertada por Daenerys em Astapor. [5] Ela tinha onze anos no momento em que Daenerys se casara com Hizdahr zo Loraq. [7] Apesar de sua jovem idade, ela é muito sábia e corajosa. [6]


Missandei foi treinada para falar a Língua Comum de Westeros, Alto Valiriano, e Valiriano bastardo. [5][2] Ela possui algum conhecimento de Ghiscari. [8] Ela foi ensinada a se referir a si mesma como "esta", ao invés de usar pronomes de primeira pessoa. Ela ainda usa tal palavra, mas tenta perder este hábito:

A senhora é boa para est... para mim. [6]


Missandei e seus irmãos nasceram em Naath. Mossador, seu irmão, a ensinara a subir em árvores. [3]

Eles, eventualmente, foram capturados pelos incursores das Ilhas Basilisco, e então vendidos como escravos em Astapor. Ainda criança, Missandei possuía um dom notável; a facilidade em aprender idiomas. Consequentemente, os Bons Mestres escolheram treiná-la como uma escriba. [3]

Eventos recentes

A Tormenta de Espadas

Missandei era uma escrava intérprete para Kraznys mo Nakloz quando Daenerys Targaryen veio inspecionar os Imaculados, em Astapor. Ela deixou de traduzir várias palavras de suas frases, como "prostituta westerosi", "selvagem do poente", e "porcos westerosi". Ela oferece a Kraznys ambas traduções precisas das palavras de Daenerys e os motivos por trás destas. Por exemplo, Missandei nota que "ela não os elogia, para manter o preço baixo". Enquanto Missandei traduzia as informações de venda para Dany, Kraznys empurrava a escrava com a ponta de seu chicote, demandando mais detalhes para a pechincha. [5]

Em um certo ponto, Kraznys brincou que Missandei deveria dizer a "Arstan Barba-Branca", na verdade, Barristan Selmy, que o velho "cheira a mijo e precisa de uma bengala pra mantê-lo em pé". Missandei tomou a piada literalmente, mas Kraznys a impedira de traduzir seus insultos. Ele fez ela afirmar que havia um comprador rival, um "rei corsário", mas Missandei o lembrou de que o corsário só estava interessado em cem. [5] Quando Kraznys terminou sua venda, e se ofereceu para mostrar Astapor a Daenerys, Missandei editou suas palavras, para que soassem mais agradáveis, eliminando todas as propostas sexuais de Kaznys. [5]

Após Daenerys acertar a barganha com os Bons Mestres de Astapor, a respeito do pagamento pelos Imaculados, Kraznys deu Missandei a Daenerys como uma intérprete, para comandar os Imaculados até que eles aprendessem o idioma de Daenerys. Missandei não revelou nenhum sentimento em relação à decisão. [2] Ambos os Bons Mestres e Missandei achavam que Daenerys só era capaz de conversar na Língua Comum. Daenerys, na verdade, não precisou de um intérprete, e entendia o que os representantes de Astapor diziam em seu próprio idioma, ouvindo as partes que Missandei não traduzira. Logo após o encontro inicial entre as duas, Missandei ficou surpresa quando Daenerys fez uma pergunta a ela em Alto Valiriano, descobrindo o esquema de sua nova dona. Daenerys perguntou qual era o nome dela, para que proclamasse Missandei uma liberta. [2]

Como uma liberta, Missandei recebeu uma oferta de emprego por Daenerys, e ouviu seus termos. Ela serviria como uma aia para Dany, mantida ao seu lado para também servir como intérprete. Ela teria sua liberdade, mas não sua segurança; seguindo Dany em jornadas perigosas e guerras, ela poderia passar fome, adoecer ou morrer. Missandei, mesmo assim, aceitou, mas mostrou seus motivos: ela não tinha para onde ir. Sobre o medo de morrer, Missandei respondeu com a frase:

Valar Morghulis. [2]

Missandei explicou a Daenerys informações básicas sobre os Imaculados. Ela também discutiu sobre o que fazeer com os Imaculados depois das batalhas acabarem. Ela sugeriu usá-los como guardas e vigias durante o resto de suas vidas, ou encontrar compradores para eles, embora Dany tivesse apontado que, assim, os Imaculados poderiam ser usados contra ela. Missandei ofereceu uma terceira solução, mas pareceu perturbada. Daenerys poderia ordenar-lhes a cometer suicídio, impedindo qualquer ameaça futura. Dany notou que Missandei parecia não gostar desta opção, e fez uma simples pergunta para sua nova aia:

Por que se preocupa?

Missandei foi forçada a admitir que, entre as tropas dos Imaculados, existiam três que foram seus irmãos. [2]

Quando Daenerys entrou em Astapor para completar o acordo, Missandei caminhou à esquerda da Prata. Ela apontou para a Praça da Punição, e explicou porque ela ficava à frente do portão principal; para que novos escravos vejam, de primeira mão, o destino dos escravos rebeldes. [2] No encontro, Kraznys ainda deu ordens a Missandei, apesar de não mais possui-la, e comandou-a a traduzir a conversa. Missandei presenciou o Saque de Astapor, embora suas atividades durante ele não foram relatadas. [2]

Durante o conflito inicial com Yunkai, Missandei explicou para Daenerys que os Yunkaítas falavam um dialeto Valiriano; um dialeto diferente do de Astapor, mas suficiente próximo para ser entendido. Ela também disse que os senhores de escravos chamam a si próprios de Sábios Mestres. [8] The night before a battle, Dany was too restless to sleep. Missandei offered to sing her a lullaby of the Peaceful People, but was turned down. Dany has her summon "Arstan Barba-Branca". [8] After a three-day siege of Yunkai, the Sábios Mestres released a large number of slaves to Daenerys. Missandei explained to them that they owed their freedom to Daenerys. She then had to translate their new term for Daenerys: "Mhysa", Ghiscari for "Mãe". [8]

During the Cerco de Meereen, Belwas won a duel against Oznak zo Pahl. But survived the fight with a bleeding wound. Daenerys was worried about the wound getting infected, so she send Missandei to locate a healer. The man, unnamed in the text, was a Yunkaíta freedman "renowned for his skill in the healing arts". [9] Dany later called for Missandei to have a Prata and the girl's own cavalo selado, in preparation for a visit to the camps. Missandei offered to call the companheiros de sangue to serve as guards, but Daenerys chose "Arstan" instead. When Mero attempted to assassinate Daenerys, Missandei called for help. "Arstan" was able to wound Mero, preventing him from completing the murder. Meanwhile Missandei pulled Dany back on her feet. A number of libertos, likely responding to Missandei's calls, then attacked Mero. He was torn apart. [9]

While contemplating gods, Daenerys recalled Missandei's narrative concerning the Senhor da Harmonia. Later recalling other details concerning Naath, all deriving from Missandei. She noted growing very fond of the girl. [6] With Meereen fallen, Daenerys chose a Grande Pirâmide as her new seat. Missandei, Irri, and Jhiqui moved to the royal apartments with her. Missandei slept in her own bed. [6] When Missandei served her breakfast, Dany asked her a question concerning the flies of Naath. Missandei responded that Naath has butterflies. Daenerys promised Missandei to take her "home" to Naath one day. Though Missandei replies that she was content to stay with the Targaryen. [6] While contemplated her various allies and supporters in terms of reliability, Daenerys noted fearing betrayal by all of them. Missandei, Jhiqui, Irri, Verme Cinzento, Ben Plumm, e Daario Naharis all looked suspect in her eyes. [6]

When Daenerys decided to bury the unburied corpses of Meereen, Missandei offered her advice on the subject. Pointing that the Ghiscari have their honored dead interred in crypts, located directly below their manses. She suggested boiling the bones clean, and returning them to their kin for burial. An actof kindness. [6] Missandei attended the initial meeting of Daenerys with Ghael, the envoy of Rei Cleon de Astapor. She made sure that this was Cleon, the former slave of Grazdan mo Ullhor. Then whispered to Daenerys information on the background of Cleon. When Ghael detailed the marriage proposal of Cleon to Daenerys and his promise to give her many strong sons, Missandei asked the obvious question. On whether Cleon ever had sons and, by implication, whether he could father more of them. Ghael was forced to admit that Cleon had only fathered daughters in his previous wedding. [6]

Daenerys was surprised to find that several men of Meereen volunteered to become slaves, in exchange for transport to Qarth. She decided to allow for any man or woman to sell himself/herself. But forbid anyone to sell their children, or wives. She was initially content to have no profit from the sales. But Missandei pointed that in Astapor the sales were taxed. The city took o dízimo of the money earned in a slave sale. Daenerys decided to adopt the same measure for Meereen. Adding some much needed gold to the royal coffers. [6]

At night, Daenerys suffered from nightmares. She rose from her bed, leaving her lover Irri asleep. She noted Missandei and Irri sleeping in their own beds. Missandei soon woke up and discovered Dany missing. She went in search of her queen, finding her in the terrace garden. She was puzzled to hear Daenerys mention looking for "uma casa com uma porta vermelha". Dany then had the girl promise to never lie to her, to never betray her. The two watched the sunrise together, holding hands. [6]

When Daenerys berated herself for bringing "morte e ruína" to Baía dos Escravos, Missandei reminded her that she had brought freedom as well. [6]

A Dança dos Dragões

Missandei took on the role of herald for Daenerys Targaryen. [4][10] Ar night, Missandei woke up Daenerys to inform her that Escudo Robusto was murdered. Daenerys moved to the hall, waiting for the corpse to be transfered for examination. [4] During the day, Missandei announced the entry of Daenerys to the hall, signaling the beginning of the daily audience with envoys and petitioners. Missandei used the same opening line every day:

Todos de joelhos para Daenerys Stormborn, a Não Queimada, Rainha de Meereen, Rainha dos Ândalos, dos Roinares e dos Primeiros Homens, Khaleesi do Grande Mar de Grama, Rompedora de Algemas e Mãe de Dragões. [4]

She was distraught when Mossador, one of her brothers, was killed by the Filhos da Harpia. In the night, Daenerys was roused by Irri to be informed about the latest series of murders. Dany could hear someone weeping, but could not place the voice. Irri had to point out that Missandei wept for her brother. [3] After meeting with Skahaz mo Kandaq and deciding on a new strategy against the Filhos da Harpia, Daenerys returned to the royal apartments. Finding Missandei still crying. She invited the girl to sleep with her, with Missandei accepting the offered consolation. The two women had a brief conversation before Missandei fell asleep. She shared some of her memories of Mossador with Dany, before falling asleep. Dany, once again, offered Missandei a chance to return to Naath. Missandei pointed that at Naath she would be afraid, easy prey for slavers. She felt safe with the Targaryen, calling her "mãe" in a whisper and hugging her tight. Dany kissed her goodnight. [3]

Dany herself was unable to sleep that night. Leaving the bed and heading to the terrace pool for a swim. There she had a vision of Quaithe. Missandei woke up and went in search for her. She discovered Dany still at the pool, apparently talking to nobody at all. Making Dany wonder whether Quaithe was but a shadow, a memory. Never physically there. Just before the dawn, Missandei served breakfast to Dany, still at the garden. [3]

In the day, Daenerys had a meeting with Hizdahr zo Loraq, concerning his petition to re-open the arenas de luta. While Daenerys wanted them closed for good, she mentally noted that Missandei was seemingly sharing her opinion on the subject. Reznak mo Reznak, Galazza Galare, Skahaz, e Belwas were all in favor of the petition, though each for his own reasons. Barristan Selmy wanted to introduce torneios to Meereen, using the arenas de luta as tourney grounds. [3]

Galazza Galare, the Graça Verde, arrived at the Grande Pirâmide. She was escorted by a dozen Graças Brancas. Daenerys tasked Missandei with having the girls fed and entertained. [11] About 25 days later, Missandei interrupted a conversation between Daenerys and Selmy to announce that Skahaz had requested an audience. He wanted to give her the latest reports of the surveillance team which followed Hizdahr. The would-be-king had visited 11 pirâmides. [12]

Following a visit to the camps of refugees outside Meereen, Daenerys returned to the royal apartments. Finding Irri e Jhiqui arguing over Rakharo, while Missandei studied an old scroll. She stopped the argument and headed for the terrace pool, inviting Missandei to join her in the water. While swimming, the girl claimed to have heard strange sounds in the night. Someone scratching at the walls. Scratching with their hands at the old, crumbling bricks. She believed the Astapori were trying to enter. Irri and Jhiqui claimed to have heard nothing that night. Daenerys dismissed the sounds as mere dreams. [13] Viserion was later discovered to have used his flame and claws to carve a hole in the walls. Missandei could be listening to the dragon scratching at the walls, not the Astapori. [14]

Missandei reminded Daenerys of her arranged meeting with Reznak and Galazza. Called to discuss wedding preparations. [13] When Daario Naharis brought news that Ben Plumm and the Segundos Filhos had defected to the enemy, there were varying reactions in the court of Meereen. Surrounded by the voices of her advisors, Daenerys asked them to be quiet. She noted that only Missandei heard her the first time. Dany had to raise her voice and repeat the order to silence them. [13] Two night prior to her wedding, Daenerys had a sexual encounter with Daario. In the morning, Missandei asked about her health. Having overheard the sounds of the lovemaking, but having misunderstood their meaning:

In the black of night this one heard you scream. [7]

At dawn in Daenerys' wedding day, Missandei insisted that the queen should have a simple, full breakfast. Consisting of goat cheese, olives, and raisins. She pointed that Daenerys needed her strength, and mere vinho was not enough. She also pointed out that Dany was "such a tiny thing". She understood that Dany was having second thought about the wedding. Suggesting that it was not too late to cancel the wedding. Dany instead thought that it was too late for such a decision. Missandei insisted that Dany does not love Hizdahr, and could choose another husband. But Dany pointed that a queen marries for duty, not love. [7]

Missandei reported that both Reznak and Skahaz wished to escort the queen to the Templo das Graças, as part of her marriage procession. Dany insisted in riding a Prata to the Templo, until Missandei reminded her that "you cannot ride in a tokar". Daenerys still felt that the palanquin, which Reznak had suggested, was a poor choice for a hot day. She had Missandei arrange a sedan chair for her. [7] Following the wedding, Daenerys had a disappointing sexual night with Hizdahr, who was drunk and did not last long. Daenerys herself was unable to sleep. Missandei listened to her crying, and approached the bed. Daenerys asked the girl to keep her company, unwilling to be alone. Not counting the dreaming Hizhar as company. Missandei did her best to comfort Daenerys, sharing her memories with Dany. She was still talking when the Targaryen fell asleep. [15]

Missandei washed Daenerys' hair prior to visiting arenas de luta, their long awaited re-opening. Missandei accepted that the pits would open, but suggested that Daenerys herself did not have to attend the opening. When Daenerys claimed that half of Meereen would be there to see her, Missandei instisted that the spectators only wanted to in see men bleeding and dying. Not caring to see the queen. [16] Missandei later reported that Quentyn Martell and his "Dornish Men" were expecting an audience. [16]

When Daenerys disappeared on Drogon's back, her consort Hizhahr took full control of Meereen. He had Missandei dismissed from her duties as herald and replaced. Citing that it was undignified for a king to use a child as a herald. He also thought it undignified to use a former slave for the position. Pointing at the low social status of Missandei as a freedwoman. [16][10] Irri and Jhiqui moved out of the royal apartments, leaving Meereen with most of Daenerys's Dothraki khalasar. The khalasar has set out to search the Mar Dothraki for their missing queen. Hizhar had chosen to establish his own suite of rooms, and the copeiros de Daenerys moved with him. Leaving Missandei the only occupant of the royal apartments, described by Selmy as a "forlorn little ghost". [10]

Barristan Selmy continued sharing the apex of the Grande Pirâmide with Missandei, having his own cell by the royal apartments. [10][17] Missandei approached him in the terrace, overhearing the knight voicing his thoughts. He wondered whether Daeneys was flying home to Westeros. The soft voice of Missandei replied from behind him, startling Selmy. He had not heard her approach, nor felt her standing right behind him. She assured him that Daenerys would not leave without them. But then switched topics to the real reason she approached him, transferring a message from Skahaz. She explained that the former leader of the Bestas de Bronze still entered and exited the Pirâmide at will. He asked for a secret meeting with Selmy. Selmy send his own reply through the former herald. [10]

Before his coup d'etat against Hizhahr, Selmy visited the royal apartments. Finding Missandei among her reading material, piles of scrolls and books. He warned her to not leave the queen's chambers for no reason during that night. [18] Selmy deposed Hizdahr in a coup d'etat and was proclaimed Mão da Rainha, ruling in the name of the missing Daenerys. He arranged for the mortally wounded Quentyn Martell, burned by Rhaegal, to be transferred to the bed of Daenerys. Missandei took care of the wounded man for three days, sitting at his bedside night and day. Offering him water and leite de papoula. Barristan tried to arrange some assistance for her efforts. But the copeiros feared the sight of the burned Dornês, and the Graças Azuis did not reply to his summons. Missandei reported the death of Quentyn just before the dawn. She was certain that the "deuses Dorneses" took him home and that Quentyn smiled at death, finally beyond pain. Barristan kepts his thoughts on the matter to himself, that Quentyn had no lips to smile. [14][19]

Missandei was interested in the fate of Quentyn's corpse. But Selmy reminded her to get some proper sleep, in her own bed instead of a chair. She offered the same advise to him, having noted that Selmy gets little sleep at night. [19] Missandei aids Sor Barristan in taking control of the court of Meereen. He used one of her ideas in negotiations with the enemy. He offered ransom for the release of the hostages (Daario Naharis, Herói, Jhogo), each man's weight in gold. While the Sábios Mestres neither want nor need the gold, their mercenaries are likely to support the deal. Creating division in the enemy ranks. Selmy finds Missandei's strategy reminiscent of both Petyr Baelish (whose plans included bribes) and Varys (whose plans included fostering division in the enemy ranks). [19]

Citações sobre Missandei

A pequena escriba com os grandes olhos dourados era possuidora de uma sabedoria bem para lá da idade. E também é corajosa. Teve de ser, para sobreviver à vida que teve. [6]

Daenerys Targaryen.

Ela se apoiava tanto na pequena escriba que frequentemente se esquecia de que Missandei completara apenas onze anos. [7]

Daenerys Targaryen.

Onze anos de idade, mesmo assim Missandei é mais esperta do que metade dos homens nesta mesa, e mais sábia do que todos eles. [19]

Barristan Selmy, comparando Missandei ao Conselho governante de Meereen.

Referências e Notas

  1. Missandei aparenta ter "não mais de dez anos" durante os eventos do ano 299, e é mencionada como tendo "onze anos" durante os eventos do ano 300.
  2. 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 27, Daenerys.
  3. 3,0 3,1 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,5 3,6 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 11, Daenerys.
  4. 4,0 4,1 4,2 4,3 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 2, Daenerys.
  5. 5,0 5,1 5,2 5,3 5,4 5,5 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 23, Daenerys.
  6. 6,00 6,01 6,02 6,03 6,04 6,05 6,06 6,07 6,08 6,09 6,10 6,11 6,12 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 71, Daenerys.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 43, Daenerys.
  8. 8,0 8,1 8,2 8,3 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 42, Daenerys.
  9. 9,0 9,1 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 57, Daenerys.
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 55, O Guarda da Rainha.
  11. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 23, Daenerys.
  12. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 30, Daenerys.
  13. 13,0 13,1 13,2 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 36, Daenerys.
  14. 14,0 14,1 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 68, O Domador de Dragões.
  15. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 50, Daenerys.
  16. 16,0 16,1 16,2 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 52, Daenerys.
  17. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 59, O Cavaleiro Descartado.
  18. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 67, O Derrubador de Reis.
  19. 19,0 19,1 19,2 19,3 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 70, A Mão da Rainha.

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