Lyanna Stark

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Lyanna Stark
Lyanna Stark, por Тхе Мичо
Pseudônimo(s) A Loba
Lealdade Casa Stark
Cultura Nortenha
Nascimento 267 AL
Morte 283, em Torre da Alegria
Livro(s) A Guerra dos Tronos (Mencionado)
A Fúria dos Reis (Mencionado)
A Tormenta de Espadas (Mencionado)
A Dança dos Dragões (Mencionado)

Lyanna Stark foi a irmã mais nova do Lorde Eddard Stark, e foi noiva do amigo de infância de Ned, Lorde Robert Baratheon, de Ponta Tempestade. Seu sequestro pelo Príncipe Rhaegar Targaryen foi o estopim da Rebelião de Robert, que levou ao fim da dinastia Targaryen.

Aparência e personalidade

Lyanna é descrita como bela por todos que a conheceram, de cabelos negros, olhos cinzentos e o rosto longo que caracteriza os Starks.[1] Ned refere-se a ela, como a seu irmão Brandon, como tendo "sangue de lobo" - headstrong, wilful, corajosa e temperamental. Ele a compara com sua filha He goes on to compare her to his tomboyish daughter Arya in both appearance and personality, adding that Lyanna probably would have carried a sword if their father had allowed it. She is noted to have been an extremely skilled rider.[2] Lyanna was very fond of the blue winter roses that grew at Winterfell.[3]

Lyanna cavalgava como um nortenho. Harwin compara suas habilidades equestres às de Arya Stark.[4] Barbrey Ryswell conta que Brandon e Lyanna amavam cavalgar, comparando-os a um "par de centauros".[5] Roose Bolton afirma que claims that Lyanna was "half a horse herself", probably meaning a centaur. He also claims that Domeric Bolton could out-race her. [6]

Robert Baratheon era profundamente apaixonado por Lyanna - e continuou sendo, mesmo uma década após sua morte, ao ponto de causar tensão em seu casamento com Cersei Lannister.[7] [8] Ned, entretato, aponta que Robert nunca realmente conheceu Lyanna muito bem, e sugere que eles poderiam não se dar tão bem quanto Robert imagina; enquanto Robert acredita que Lyanna nunca se oporia a ele publicamente como Cersei, Ned diz que Robert apenas viu a beleza de Lyanna, e nunca reconheceu sua ousadia e força de vontade.[9] Lyanna may have been considerably less enthusiastic about the marriage than Robert was, as she confessed to Ned at one point that she was concerned by Robert's habitual promiscuity, feeling that his love for her would not prevent him from being sexually unfaithful after their marriage.[10]

Arya Stark lembra Lyanna em aparência, segundo Ned. [2] Também é dito que Margaery Tyrell lembrava Lyanna. Quando em Porto Real, Renly Baratheon pede que Ned examine um retrato em miniatura de Margaery, pintado no estilo de Myr; ele queria que a semelhança fosse confirmada, mas Ned não vê nenhuma entre ambas.[11] Kevan Lannister lembra-se de uma "beleza selvagem" de Lyanna, mas sua aparência palidecia em comparação à jovem [[Cersei Lannister: "however bright a torch might burn it could never match the rising sun." [12]


Começo da vida

Quando Bran Stark tem visões através da árvore-coração de Winterfell, uma cena parece envolver uma garota parecida com Arya (e Lyanna). Duas crianças estão duelando com galhos quebrandos, usando-os como espadas. A garota é mais velha e mais alta que o menino; ela o derrota, acertando-o na coxa. O garoto perde o equilíbrio e cai na piscina, gritando e espirrando água. A menina o alerta para que fique quieto, ou a Velha Ama iria ouvi-los e contar ao seu pai. Ela então ajoelha-se e puxa seu irmão mais novo da piscina. A cena se transforma em outra visão antes que Bran pudesse ver mais das duas crianças. [13] Fica implícito que a garota era Lyanna e que o garoto era seu irmão mais novo, Benjen, mostrando que ela era habilidosa com espadas.

Lyanna was at Winterfell when her father promised her hand to Robert Baratheon. That same night she confided to Eddard concerning her opinion of Robert: that the man will never keep to one bed. [10] She had heard that Robert had an illegitimate daughter in the Vale of Arryn, apparently Mya Stone. [10] Eddard attempted to convince her that what Robert did before the betrothal was insignificant and that Robert would change. She was not convinced. [10]


Lyanna estava presente no Torneio em Harrenhal. There she found Howland Reed being bullied by three young squires, none older that fifteen-years-old. She roared "That's my father's man you're kicking" and attacked them with a tourney sword. The bullies scattered and Lyanna "the she-wolf" took the injured man back to her "lair," probably a tent. She cleaned his wounds and bound them with linen. Then she introduced the guest to her brothers Brandon Stark ("the wild wolf"), Eddard Stark ("the quiet wolf"), and Benjen Stark ("the pup"). [14]

That evening, Lyanna persuaded Reed to attend the feast marking the start of the tournament. She insisted that he was highborn and had as much right to attend as anyone. The "wolf maid" was not easy to refuse. Benjen found a suitable garb for Reed. Within Harrenhal, Reed ate and drank with the Starks. During the feast, o Príncipe Rhaegar Targaryen, um notável músico, performed a sad and beautiful song that made Lyanna weep; when Benjen teased her for crying, she poured wine over his head. [14]

During the feast, Lyanna recognized the three bullying squires. One serving a pitchfork knight (House Haigh), one serving a porcupine (Casa Blount), and the last boy serving a knight of two towers (Casa Frey). She pointed them out to her brothers. Benjen volunteered to find armor for Reed, in case the crannogman wished to challenge them. Reed slept in the tent of Eddard that night. During the first two days of the tournament, the porcupine knight, pitchfork knight, and the knight of the two towers each won a place among the the champions. But then the Cavaleiro Da Árvore Que Ri challenged and defeated all three of them, winning custody over their horses and armor. When the defeated trio sought to ransom back their former property, the Knight declared his terms: that they ought to teach their squires honor. The trio proceeded to chastise their squires sharply. [14] It is uncertain whether Reed, Lyanna, or one of the other Starks hid behind the mask of the Knight.

The Knight attracted unwanted attention. Robert Baratheon and Richard Lonmouth were determined to unmask him, while Aerys II Targaryen was certain that the man was his enemy. By the next morning, the Knight disappeared. An angry Aerys sent Rhaegar to search for the vanished Knight, but only the shield of the Knight could be found. [14] Rhaegar went on to win the tournament and shocked all present by passing over his wife to crown Lyanna, then already betrothed to Robert Baratheon, as Queen of Love and Beauty. [14] [15] According to the recollections of Eddard Stark, that day Rhaegar managed to unseat Brandon Stark, Yohn Royce, Arthur Dayne, and Barristan Selmy. Robert Baratheon was among the spectators, jesting with Jon Arryn and Eon Hunter. Then the victorious Rhaegar urged his horse past Elia Martell, laying the laurel of the queen of beauty in Lyanna's lap. A laurel consisting of blue winter roses. At that moment "all the smiles died". [3] Selmy blames himself for failing to defeat Rhaegar that day, for then he would have had a chance to crown his own lady love: Ashara Dayne. [16]

Desaparecimento e consequências

Shortly after the tournament, Lyanna was apparently kidnapped by Rhaegar. The story (as told by Robert Baratheon) goes that Rhaegar carried her off and raped her. [17] But Barristan Selmy is instead convinced that "Prince Rhaegar loved his Lady Lyanna," though that love sent thousands to their respective deaths. [16] According to Viserys Targaryen, Rhaegar was simply not happy with his marriage. If Rhaegar was happy with Elia, he would not have needed Lyanna. He once blamed their sister Daenerys Targaryen for being born too late to marry Rhaegar. A happily married Rhaegar would need neither Elia nor Lyanna. Daenerys, countered that, by the same logic, it was the fault of Viserys that he was not a girl. Because then he would be the sister destined for Rhaegar. Viserys beat her cruelly for her insolence. [15]

Her oldest brother Brandon Stark was on his way to Correrrio when the news reached him. He rode straight to Porto Real. Entering the Fortaleza Vermelha with a few companions (Ethan Glover, Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce, Elbert Arryn), he roared for Rhaegar "to come out and die." But Rhaegar wasn't there. King Aerys had Brandon and his companions arrested, accusing them of plotting murder and charged them with treason. Aerys summoned their fathers to court, supposedly to answer the charge against their sons. When they presented themselves, Aerys decided to kill them all, fathers and sons together. Brandon and Lyanna's father, Lord Rickard Stark, demanded a trial by combat, and the king granted him the request. Lord Stark was allowed to armor himself for battle but was then suspended from the rafters over a blazing fire, Aerys choosing "fire" as his champion. He had Brandon watch as Rickard slowly roasted, the young son attached to a device which tightened a cord around his neck whenever he moved. Trying to reach for his longsword and rescue his father, Brandon strangled himself. They died with no real trial. [18] This was a primary impetus for Rebelião de Robert. Aerys next demanded the heads of Robert and Eddard. They were both wards of Jon Arryn, the Lord of the Eyrie having pledged to protect them. Arryn responded to Aerys by raising his banners in revolt. [19]

During the war, Lyanna's fiancé Robert and brother Eddard were important leaders, together with Jon Arryn, who had been their foster father. The decisive battle of the war came at Tridente, where Robert slew Rhaegar in single combat and the rebels defeated the royal army.[7] According to the stories of Viserys Targaryen, Rhaegar had fought and died for "the woman he loved." [20] Daenerys Targaryen believes in that version of the story. [21] One of the visions Daenerys sees in the House of the Undying, seems to depict the last moments of Rhaegar. Rubies are flying from his chest like drops of blood. then his knees sink in the water. He whispers the name of a woman with his last breath. [22]

Following the Battle of the Trident, the remnants of Rhaegar's army retreated towards the capital. Robert was wounded and unable to pursue them, but he entrusted Eddard with the pursuit. Eddard expected to find the city gates closed, with Aerys II and several thousand Targaryen loyalists leading the defense. He reached the city just after the Saque de Porto Real by the forces of Casa Lannister. For most of the rebellion, the Lannisters had remained neutral, ignoring calls to arms by both the rebels and the loyalists. Then Tywin Lannister and 12 mil of his soldiers reached the capital. Aerys opened the gates to them, mistaking them for allied reinforcements. Instead they were there to sack the city and join the rebels. [1] Pycelle had managed to convince Aerys II to open the gates. The King did so, unaware that Pycelle himself was only loyal to Tywin. [23] Aerys ignored the warnings of Varys to not trust Tywin. [24]

Aerys II had one last plan: the Wildfire Plot, a way to burn the capital, leaving for Robert only ashes, charred bones, and cooked meat. He commanded Rossart, the Hand of the King, to activate the plan, making certain to take the Lannister forces with him to his funeral pyre. Meanwhile, he gave Jaime Lannister orders to decapitate Tywin and bring the head to him. Jaime instead killed Rossart and then attacked Aerys himself, killing him. Elys Westerling and Roland Crakehall then entered the throne room, finding Jaime with the corpse. At about the same time, Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch were scaling the walls of the Fortaleza de Maegor as Eddard Stark was leading his own forces through the city gates. When Eddard entered the throne room, he found o Regicida seated on the Trono de Ferro. [25] [24]

Death and burial

After these events, Ned rode to the Tower of Joy in the mountains of Dorne with six companions (Martyn Cassel, Theo Wull, Ethan Glover, Mark Ryswell, Howland Reed, Willam Dustin), and found the three remaining loyalist members of the Kingsguard - Ser Arthur Dayne, Ser Oswell Whent, and Ser Gerold Hightower - guarding it. Only Ned and his bannerman Howland Reed survived the ensuing battle. Ned found Lyanna inside the tower in a "bed of blood", dying.[7] [26] When Eddard recalls the conflict in a dream, there is an additional detail. While the combatants clash, Lyanna screams. The dream then switches a storm of blue rose petals, blowing across a blood-streaked sky. It is uncertain if these details are accurate memories. [26]

Lyanna died in a room that smelled of "blood and roses". A fever had taken her strength. Her voice had been faint as a whisper. There was fear in her eyes, while she called for "Ned" to promise her something. When her brother gave his word, the fear went out of her eyes. She smiled, and her fingers clutched his own in a tight grip. They were still holding each other as she "gave up her hold on life". Rose petals slipped from her palm, dead and black. Later, Howland Reed found Eddard still holding the corpse. Howland managed to separate the hands of the living man and the dying girl, though Eddard had no recollection of what happened after Lyanna died. [7] Shortly before her death, Lyanna extracted a promise from Ned.[10] Neither the content of the promise nor the cause of her death are currently known. Her final words were a phrase that haunts her brother for the rest of his life:[7]

Prometa-me, Ned.[7]

Lyanna tinha apenas 16 anos de idade quando morreu.[7] [8] Sua tumba fica nas criptas de Winterfell, ao lado de Rickard Stark; do outro lado de seu pai, fica a tumba de seu irmão Brandon. Uma estátua de Lyanna foi esculpida na pedra de sua lápide, though Robert Baratheon claimed that the stonemason failed to capture her beauty.[7] Eddard claims that Lyanna herself asked him to return her to Winterfell. [7] He reports bringing flowers to her tomb whenever he can, as his sister was fond of flowers. [7] Bran Stark nota que apenas os Reis e Lordes de Winterfell deveriam ter estátuas com suas feições, não os membros de sua família, mas Eddard desejava honrar seus amados irmãos.[17] Barbrey Ryswell conta a Theon Greyjoy que a tumba de Lyanna não está vazia: Ned transportou os ossos de sua irmã desde o longínquo Dorne.[5]

Nomeadas como Lyanna

A galé de guerra Senhora Lyanna foi nomeada pelo Rei Robert Baratheon em homenagem à donzela que amou e perdeu. Davos Seaworth considera este um belo navio, com provavelmente sua "beleza" inspirando o nome.[27] [28]

Lyanna Mormont, filha caçula de Maege Mormont, é nomeada em homenagem à Lyanna. Stannis Baratheon sente que foi uma tentativa de ganhar estima com Ned Stark.[29]

Representações em pesadelos

Ned tem um pesadelo envolvendo Lyanna e sua estátua. No sonho, Ned caminha pelas criptas de Winterfell, quando escuta a estátua de Lyanna murmurando: "Prometa-me, Ned". Ele nota que a estátua está usando uma grinalda de pálidas rosas azuis, enquanto seus olhos choram sangue. Ned acorda imediatamente, com o coração acelerado.[30]

Theon Greyjoy teve um pesadelo envolvendo um banquete de mortos em Winterfell. Muitos dos homens e mulheres mortos presentes eram pessoas que Theon havia conhecido, matado ou ordenado a morte, mas ele também nota rostos que nunca havia visto na vida. Entre eles está Lyanna: uma garota esbelta e triste, com uma coroa de pálidas rosas azuis e um vestido branco salpicado de sangue. Brandon Stark estava ao lado dela, e seu pai Lorde Rickard atrás deles. Theon acorda gritando quando Robb Stark e Vento Cinzento juntam-se ao banquete.[31]

Citações de Lyanna

Love is sweet, dearest Ned, but it cannot change a man's nature.[10]

Citações sobre Lyanna

You never knew Lyanna as I did, Robert. You saw her beauty, but not the iron underneath. [9]
Eddard Stark

You ride like a northman, milady. Your aunt was the same. Lady Lyanna. [4]
Harwin a Arya Stark, após uma perseguição em que ambos usaram suas habilidades equestres.

The boy was mad for horses, Lady Dustin will tell you. Not even Lord Rickard's daughter could outrace him, and that one was half a horse herself. [6]
Roose Bolton, comparando Domeric Bolton a Lyanna.


Torrhen Stark
Brandon Snow
Ronnel Arryn
Casa Arryn
Senhora Stark
Ellard Stark
Lysa Locke
Gilliane Glover
Margaret Karstark
Arra Norrey
Alysanne Blackwood
Lynara Stark
Jeyne Manderly
Robyn Ryswell
Edric Stark
Alys Karstark
Wylla Fenn
Jon Umber
Osric Umber
Robard Cerwyn
Myriame Manderly
Lorra Royce
Lonnel Snow
Lyanne Glover
Melantha Blackwood
Lysara Karstark
Arya Flint
Benedict Royce
Marna Locke
Harrold Rogers
Rickard Stark
Catelyn Tully
Jeyne Westerling
Tyrion Lannister
Jon Snow


  1. 1,0 1,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 12, Eddard.
  2. 2,0 2,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 22, Arya.
  3. 3,0 3,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 58, Eddard.
  4. 4,0 4,1 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 17, Arya.
  5. 5,0 5,1 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 41, O Vira-casaca.
  6. 6,0 6,1 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 32, Fedor.
  7. 7,0 7,1 7,2 7,3 7,4 7,5 7,6 7,7 7,8 7,9 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 4, Eddard.
  8. 8,0 8,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 8, Bran.
  9. 9,0 9,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 30, Eddard.
  10. 10,0 10,1 10,2 10,3 10,4 10,5 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 35, Eddard.
  11. A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 27, Eddard.
  12. A Dança dos Dragões, Epílogo.
  13. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 34, Bran.
  14. 14,0 14,1 14,2 14,3 14,4 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 24, Bran.
  15. 15,0 15,1 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 42, Daenerys.
  16. 16,0 16,1 A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 67, O Derrubador de Reis.
  17. 17,0 17,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 66, Bran.
  18. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 55, Catelyn.
  19. A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 2, Catelyn.
  20. A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 3, Daenerys.
  21. A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 64, Daenerys.
  22. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 48, Daenerys.
  23. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 25, Tyrion.
  24. 24,0 24,1 A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 37, Jaime.
  25. A Tormenta de Espadas, Capítulo 11, Jaime.
  26. 26,0 26,1 A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 39, Eddard.
  27. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 41, Tyrion.
  28. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 58, Davos.
  29. A Dança dos Dragões, Capítulo 3, Jon.
  30. A Guerra dos Tronos, Capítulo 47, Eddard.
  31. A Fúria dos Reis, Capítulo 56, Theon.

Nota: Esta página utiliza conteúdo da A Wiki Of Ice And Fire. O conteúdo original está aqui em Lyanna Stark. A lista de autores pode ser vista no histórico da página.